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  • Problem solved:: well, I’ll be d@#%ed. The “.htaccess” file did the trick for Firefox 3. Moshu — can you explain why IE 7 does not need this file? I read the relevant post and it makes sense, but that doesn’t explain the IE 7 bit.

    my problem: can’t create a new Link Category in WP 2.7 using Firefox 3.0.4. the [Add Category] button appears to be inoperative. It works fine using IE7. Note that Add Category also works fine in Firefox for the free hosted site; my problem is with the WP 2.7 installed on my ISP account. Ideas?

    The problem is not POP3 … the post is getting through, it just contains extraneous information. I have the same problem posting from gmail. Could be something gmail sends that wp-mail doesn’t filter. Anyone know anyone who understands wp-mail?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Post via Email

    I’m VERY glad I found this entry. I had precisely the same problem and experience – very frustrating. After reading your solution I went back to the post-by-email entry in the codex [ ] and re-read the “Hack E-mail Format” at the bottom. It seems that wp-mail.php has been enhanced to only accept email from users that are known to it. The Admin user is known by default, and so email-post works for admin. If you want to use a different email account, you need to create a new user in your WordPress blog to match your email account, and wp-mail will add that user to the database. That’s the general solution, at least asof Jan 11 2009.

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