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  • Thank you, Moshu.

    yes, I did look at what moshu linked to. And now that I’ve seen your post, I looked at your links. I hadn’t seen the aneko, and the cre8d one looks the best as far as how easy it is.

    But all of these suggestions- (and I think you have to assume that we all used google EXTENSIVELY to try to understand this on our own) are for designing a theme, as if we were coders. Or techies. Or just that smart. maybe adeking could understand these. But not the rest of us dummies.

    It has taken me an entire month – and I see that’s how long I’ve been a member – to begin to understand relationships, a little css, and how to just begin to make Firefox’s Web Developer help me out a little.

    I understand that volunteers here are trying to help. But I’ve seen a lot of sarcasm, smart aleck answers, and replies that say, “Just add sckwerhhw to clkihkjer and put in div tags.”

    Those of us who commented above humbly say we need dummie help. Codex is almost impossible to understand, the way it is written. I think most people who come here for help, who don’t understand css (and I know html pretty darn well, but that didn’t help me for css) give up.

    Here is what a Dummies page would say in Codex:
    How to change the colors
    How to change the fonts
    How to get Firefox Web Dev going to read the Style file, and practice making quick changes
    Why the Style file is so important (it gives the “clothes”, colors and the visual instructions for every other section)
    A mini dictionary of basic css ( a means…, p means…)

    Oh, and this one took me days to understand: All the files in the theme editor say “If this file were writable you could edit it.” What the h*ll is that supposed to mean??? Why not be clear and say you need to change permissions in your whatever, so you can edit this and change your theme? Tell people it’s easy, just make a backup, fool around with it, try things out?

    Okay, that’s it. Now I have to go look at my questions still up and hope that someone will give me an answer to any of them.

    Thread Starter Drawer


    PS, I wanted to add that there was NO alt class until I added in that one sentence.

    Thread Starter Drawer


    Jeremy, excellent, thanks!

    I see now that your last sentence after the php code mentioned the alt class, but I didn’t understand what that meant. In fact, I didn’t know that the paragraphs in css are called classes, until you just said it now. All it took was one sentence in css, for other people:
    .alt {background-color: #e6e3d7}


    So it turns out that I can’t do it in Write View mode, which is the obvious place, but I can do it in Code mode, where there is also a link button as the one in the reply box below. That’s simple. Now I have helped future readers.

    Thanks. But why the attitude, whooami? Everyone that comes to these boards is confused, unhappy, frustrated, sad, humble, and embarrassed that they couldn’t figure out a problem on their own. Many many members have searched for hours, days, or in my case, sometimes weeks, trying to learn, trying to figure out something without asking for help.

    Your sarcastic reply is unnecessary.

    Well, Riis never came back, but I appreciate your answers, doodlebee! I’ve found a couple of things you wrote about captions, and even though I never learned CSS, I’m trying to patch things together to finally get 2 blogs started.

    One is more photos, one is more cartoons, so you can see why captions are essential.

    The first time, you said to:
    “So, in your post:

    <div class=”caption”>
    <img src=”image.gif” />
    caption text here

    In your stylesheet:

    div.caption {

    That’s it. Now your image is floated left, with caption text.”

    I tried that, and it worked, although my code post immediately changed every div I put in it, to a p. Now I see that you changed it to a p, too.

    Do you know how to make longer captions fit the width of an image, or is that what the hr is for?

    I wish wish wish someone would design a plugin for captions. Another good way to stop photos, cartoons, etc, from being posted illegally and anonymously everywhere.

    I’m at: and, which I know looks odd, but I’m still working on it. But it will probably always look odd.

    Thread Starter Drawer


    Well, I never figured out how to do what you said, Root. But I did find a theme that had one background image in html, and one in body and that worked.

    Maybe this will help someone else.

    Can someone please tell me how to make an image link to another url?

    This topic IS a support question, and I can’t change the category.

    I have been trying to find an answer to this for days!

    I have looked through pages of the forum. I have studied that one page about 10 times. I asked at the MistyLook forums.

    Without a caption to a photograph or a drawing, the artist is not attributed, and there is no way to add any info about the image at all! It’s really terrible.

    If someone chooses to use the directions on the Codex page, it completely invalidates any image style such as shadow, etc, that was there before.

    Annaship11,I also have captions that will be longer than the photos. Can you give me a link, so I can see how you did it?

    I tried putting this in style, but it didn’t work for me:
    text-align: center;
    margin: 5px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: solid 1px #ffffff;
    background: #ffffff;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-style: italic;

    Can someone please please share the secret on how to add captions? My site, if you need it:

    This blogger may have been doing something similar to what I need to do. I have 2 book covers in my page, or a post. I need them to link to Amazon to buy my books. But when I change the image url, inside my post, the image itself disappears (since it was linked to mysite.wordpress, etc.)

    I bet there is a simple way to link an image to another place, but I haven’t found it. Also, if I could change the image url, wouldn’t that help for tags? Has anyone done this?
    Here is the page:

    Thread Starter Drawer


    Sorry, it just took 6 hours to show up.

    Thread Starter Drawer


    I’d like to put this button on a page. Is there no way to add html to a page?

    Thread Starter Drawer


    Hi, Mark, no, I’m not the author! What I did was try to take out some of the tab names such as register, etc, because I didn’t need them. Then the search box moved over. I can fix that in the css.
    But maybe you’re right, the nav area is butchered. Isn’t there something I can add to make it work? I’ve put a couple weeks into trying to make this theme look good.

    Thread Starter Drawer


    Okay, I made a mistake. An adsense ad showed up, not the Honor system button. Here is the link:
    Is there some way to insert the html better, does anyone know?
    Thanks, and sorry for the false joy.

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