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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Edit Admin

    I was going to edit user name to include my email, but realized that looked dumb. So I did nothing on the Edit User name. Now I get no author name next to the post at all.

    I did exactly as openpundit said above: both my first name and nickname are the same. Updated. No name at all appears in my post next to the date.

    Thanks for giving me my name back.

    Thread Starter Drawer


    Thanks, Whooami. Fastest reply ever. I figured out that this happens when my name is there as author. Usually my name is not there, but it is on the About page. Thanks!

    I would like to be able to know how many people are getting my feeds. It would also be nice to know if it’s the same people each time, or different people, and IPs are nice but not necessary.

    Most of the plug-ins I saw today were brand new, within the last month, and I’d like to just have a stable counter somehow.

    What does everyone else use? Thanks!

    Moshu, thanks!

    It took me a couple of days to realize that WP was very efficient, and has a tab marked Subscriptions, under the Manage tab! And it also gives me all comments, under Comments! Things were happening that I didn’t know about!

    Never found out what the Sitemeter was talking about…

    One thing about Subscribe to Comments: When I look at the comment box, all I see is a box. No text that tells anyone they can subscribe. Even when I log out, and come back, the box does not say what it does. Is this a bug?

    4k, I completely disagree. Nothing would change if people didn’t complain or explain their problem! I think WordPress is one of the most confusing programs/projects I’ve ever seen. Everyone is VERY grateful for help from volunteers. But sometimes they don’t even understand that it IS help, since they can’t understand what has been said.

    And volunteers, or even moderators or senior helpers can be very annoying when they get snarky, sarcastic, or say “Didn’t you read Codex?” over and over.

    I was so afraid of being put down or belittled here that I would spend hours on my own before I gave up and asked a question. But even so, it was shocking when someone said something mean.

    I am quite sure that WP would have many many more bloggers and members if they only did something to help beginners more. Not everyone is as persistent and OC as me!

    I don’t think you have to know CSS completely. But you do have to know that editing the Stylesheet will help MOST of your changes, and that you can test out which paragraph there affects which part of the page you wish to change by trial and error. Also, you have to have the Firefox Web Developer on, to help you make trial changes quickly, and help you see what is what! (The element tag there is quite useful for outlining any little part of your blog and giving it a name and a size, so you can quickly find it in your stylesheet!)

    If this helps one person, I’ll be happy.

    I have Firefox, and the same problem. All I can see is a blank box. I logged out, to pretend I was a stranger, and I still can’t see the sentence saying to subscribe.

    Actually 3 people did subscribe, all without me knowing, like magic! since I didn’t know to check my Manage tab.

    But I don’t know how they saw the text, since it’s blank to me. Should I just make up stuff like sbgyn suggests, in the Options tab? I thought it would be automatic.

    This has been worrying me lately. I have one blog up, and am ready to start the second (and last!@!) one shortly.
    My url is . My second one will be .

    Will these web addresses be picked up by google? Or will it think that all 3 are the same as ?

    Is there a way, and SHOULD I change these blog urls now to https://www.my_blog_name/ ? Because if that’s what I should do, I want to do it before I start the second blog!

    Thanks, people smarter than I!

    DGold, thanks! I notice on my Sitemeter, on the Entry Page section, some visitors stats say: mysite/pagetitle/#comment-24, and go up each time it happens, like #comment-25, etc. Since I only have 17 comments, I think this may be a person/persons who subscribed to comments. I’m just wildly guessing.

    It gives me my own post titles when I click on it, but nothing about other people subscribing. I’ll look at the plugin, thanks.

    I also get confused with this and with the Subscribe to Comments plugin. I thought I would automatically get my comments mailed to me, but no. I have to visit my own page. But I don’t know why someone would sign up for Subscribe to Comments when they could get it from Rss. Is there a difference?

    I wonder about this, too! I don’t know where to go to find out.

    I don’t even know if I have a feed page! Should I fill out a form for one? I know I have rss symbols.

    Moshu: I guess I just like to make things better! I looked at EVERY 3 column theme in the themeviewer, but there was always something I wanted to tweak. And there is no little tweaks here, just big ones.

    btomo, thanks, I did study the sandbox and one other. Sometimes I got stuck on the tiniest thing that wasn’t spelled out in detail. But I didn’t want to design my own site. Just change a designer’s hard work a little. I’ve actually tried quite a few templates, and each one needed work, to my eyes.

    Whooami, Thanks, I’ve seen you help a lot of people. That is exactly what I discovered: I had to go to several spots to round up enough information to do anything at all. I think tamba is excellent. To me, some pages of Codex are unintelligible. I began to use Codex more as I understood what I needed, and where to begin at all. To many people, it’s a whole new vocabulary- it sure was to me.

    And yes, you’re right, I could add to it. I thought maybe I was, by my comments here! ??

    I still say that “If this file were writable you could edit it.” is the worst thing about WordPress. How about:
    “Feel free to change your permissions (defined in Codex) so that you can edit any or all of the files here. Make a copy of each file for backup. This is your blog! Make it look the way you want it to.”

    Of course it doesn’t have to be these words. But this lets a blogger know that things can be changed, and gives her a way to start that, if she wants to. Just my ideas!

    Thread Starter Drawer


    Ah, Root, thanks so much! I haven’t really “learned” it, I guess. I just kind of push and pull it, and try things out. And I’ve been very hard on myself, and impatient, and all sorts of bad things.
    I appreciate your kind comment.

    Now it’s even worse. WHY are my photos all clumping together here? It pushes all the captions to the right and up to the top.

    I aligned all 3 photos to the left. I can’t get any space between them to put in br or p, to leave spaces.

    You know, I’d just like to work on the blog as I AM GETTING SICK OF TRYING TO FIX THIS.

    Can someone please please help???

    Annaship, many thanks. I’ve tried your way several times, and have studied your page, thanks. (I like the color of your caption, too!)

    In MistyLook, something seems to be stopping the caption part from working correctly. There is no padding around the caption words no matter what. And although I can now limit the caption to the width of the photo (great idea! and I made up a new quicktag just for captions!), you will see in the post titled Apres Fire, today, that there is a big chunk of space on the right that I can’t get the regular text to fill in properly.
    (Whereas your pages wrap neatly around both the image and the caption.)

    I tried moving both image and caption and style over to the right, but that means that the caption jumps up to the left, on the same line as the top of the photo, opposite it.

    I notice in your stylesheet that you have Display:inline; for your images. I tried that out in the Firefox edit, but it didn’t seem to make a difference. I don’t know what to try next, because that huge whole on the left of the photo looks stupid.

    Does anyone have any ideas on this?

    Thread Starter Drawer


    Very helpful, Moshu, thanks. I’ve copied it down to add to my “Important CSS” file!

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