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  • Thread Starter Dragonmoon


    I got a little bit further down the line and digged into the topic. In a research about different possibilities I found an intersting JS library that could be really benefitial to use to display the whole tree:
    JSPlumb avalable under The only thing is to convert the pedigree tree data to JSON Data, which should not be so difficult, but I don’t want to do it on my own, as you are still planning on updatig and if I would incorporate these changes in my own copy the plugin would not be compatible for updates any more. SO from my point currently just a suggestion to incorporate a new feature.

    Thread Starter Dragonmoon


    Hiho again,

    I ve build a site for the breeder of our deerhound in which I use the plugin quite heavily. It is working realy fine and everything looks great. What I found out in the backend as soon as you have several dogs included (in my case something about 50 dogs it gets a little bit difficult to find the dogs. Do you think there could be a way to build a complete tree af all dogs in the backend (or at least one or two levels more than the one on the frontend) so that you could navigate through them faster?

    Thread Starter Dragonmoon


    Another question: How difficult do you think it would be to show theme options in the plugin. I use a theme that shows theme options for postings as well as pages (both the same options). The reason is, that I don’t want to use the default layout for the Laika-Content but want to be able to choose the layout (in my case one without sidebar which is not the default one).

    Thread Starter Dragonmoon


    Seems that you solved the problem. For now it looks everything seems to work.

    Thread Starter Dragonmoon


    Ok I checked it and still there seems to be a major problem:

    no shortcode in the theme that I use is compiled any more as long as your plugin is activated. I evene installed a new plugin for testpurposes and it worked fine without Laika beeing activated but as sonn Laika was activated the shortcode was only shown as text and not beeing replace by the appropiate plugindata.

    It is the same in postings as in pages.

    Changing the theme back to one of the stanbdard themes does not solve the problem, as the same mistake also semas to appear there.

    Thread Starter Dragonmoon


    More or leess I am an Webmaster that is helping out a friend who is a breeder. Havening some own webprojects not related to breeding or pets and was asked by this freind if I could help him with setting up his webpage, so I began looking around to find an easy solution.

    As I also have some programming experience I can offer a little bit of help if required.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Dragonmoon.
    Thread Starter Dragonmoon


    As far as I have seen up to now I did not see an automatism on any webpage. What I have seen quite some times allready was an overview about the pets from the different litters. Having now the possibility to build this overview automatically would be quite an interesting feature. and the sorting that I have observed most times was the sorting according to the litter (e.g. 3 male and 4 female pet with these ancestors in the frist litter, 4 male and 2 female pets in the second litter where the Litter number (or Letter a-z) is the sorting method in the menu.

    I hope I described it in a way that makes sense somehow.

    Thread Starter Dragonmoon


    Book of Breed: What I mean is, that if you are breeding “proffessionally” that each born pet will be added to the current book of breed of the race. Verbally translated it should be “breed book”.

    In Germany for Deerhound e.g. D 2604 Band XLVI
    Whereas the D stand for Germany, than a four Digit Number and than he Word Band (meaning “Volume”) followed by a roman Number.

    Number of litter would be great as you could filter the entries in a menu: All pets from a Litter under a menu (e.g. first litter with all pets from first litter).

    Thread Starter Dragonmoon


    Thanks for the quick reply. I didn’t see the special configuration page for laika. After turning “Draw chart from laika_pt_theme.php” on it seems to work quite fine. Great Plugin. How diffivult do you think it would be to add some additional fields to the posts:

    Number of litter
    Date of litter
    Reference to book of breed

    Additionally an option to copy an Entry would be helpfull if you want deal with several litter

    Thanks for your great work


    Thread Starter Dragonmoon


    I think I have an general idea about this topic. I found this artivle that seems to deal with some kind of this funcionality:

    The example in there is even dealing with email functionality, but it does not refernce entries from an external plugin but I think as a starting point it could help out somehow.
    I have to find out now how to access the email-adress of the specific entry and insert it into the email function and of course the hook that is responsible for saving the entry in the pdb.

    Thread Starter Dragonmoon


    Ok, thats a piity but I would have a look if my PHP experince is sufficient to find a solution. What is he hook that could be used to trigger a callback function to achieve the desired functionality.

    Hiho mch0lic,

    I am not realy deep in the Class Reference of wpdb which seems to be used in the insert functions but for me it seems to be strange that the function can “guess” the value of the two fields that are not mentioned in the insert statement but who are defined in the SQL statement as:

    currency varchar(3) NOT NULL,
    user_id int(11) NOT NULL,

    As far as my SQL knowledge is not very good but it seems for me that you require a value for theses fields that may not be null and I am not sure if wpdb adds any value different from NULL if the field is not mentioned in the insert statement at all.

    But as allready mentioned I am not so experienced in wordpress coding that I could really judge this. Probably in the generation of the mysql generation a Default value different from null would be an option.


    Hiho again,

    after updateing to the newest version I had the problem again. A short look into the the table finance has shown that there are two field that seem not to be used by the wpf_default.php in the insert statement (currency and userid). At least in my enviroment this leads to the result that the message is shown that the entry was stored but it is not getting into the database. Deleting the two field from the database solved the issue for me and the plugin is working again. Do you intent to use theses fields in future?


    Ok I found the mistake. There seems to be an error in the plugin during its instalation, because it does not generate the field Invoice during the setup in the table finance. After generating that field as VarChar (50) manually with phpmyadmin, the plugin workes fine.

    I have exactly the same problem:

    It does not store any entries in the database (neither incomes nore expenses checked within the Database via phpmyadmin). I am using WP Version 3.4.1 (German) and have following plugins activated:

    Admin Menu Editor
    Advanced Custom Fields
    Cleverness To-Do List
    Dynamic Widgets
    Easy Spoiler
    Events Made Easy
    Google XML Sitemaps
    NextGEN Gallery
    Teamspeak 3 Widget for WordPress
    TinyMCE Advanced
    Visitor Maps and Who’s Online
    Wordpress Download Monitor
    WP Finance
    WP phpBB Bridge

    Can anybody give a hint how to solve that issue or how to recode the database entries to make this plugin working. Manual entries via phpmyadmin are shown in the reports and therefore it seems to be a problem with the call of the wpdb variable.

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