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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tools for Twitter] [Plugin: Twitter Tools] Social dependenceUPDATE. A little while after posting this, I went into my dashboard again. There was suddenly a new section called TWEETS under the options menu section that had not been there after the upgrade, until I’d closed down and reopened my site several times. I looked in there, and all my more recent tweets were present in that section, though they still were not showing in the widget on my blog.
So, I went to the widget section under Appearance, opened that widget, and, not changing anything, just clicked Save again.
All of my current Tweets then showed up in the footer when I reloaded the page.
Haven’t a clue why it fixed itself … but I thought I would post this update to what I wrote earlier (see below) in case it helps someone else, too.
===========I hate to just say “me too”, but “me too”….
I’ve done pretty much everything described above. Social is now installed, my Twitter account entered and activated, the tweets in the database updated, etc….
Twitter Tools is still only displaying my tweets up to Oct 11th, and will not pull in anything more recent than that into the widget display on my website (www.gazehound.com). It’s all I use it for — just displaying what I tweet elsewhere as I use that to keep up to the minute with my clients.
I’ve tried pretty much everything that everyone has suggested in the various threads complaining about the most recent update requiring Social. All I want is for current info to be displayed in that widget.
Has anyone actually gotten the most recent update of this plugin to actually pull in current tweets?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTML Code Reformatted by Visual EditorAnd the last update from me (with apologies for being a pest, LOL!): After emptying my browser cache for the second time and doing a complete reboot of the computer, it does appear that I now have normal visual editor function. However, I still cannot install any new plugins. I shall be opening a new help topic, however, as this one has veered too far off course.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTML Code Reformatted by Visual EditorLater That Day….
I may be starting a new thread for this problem, as it has obviously gone way beyond the issue in the topic heading.
I have spent all day doing a full backup (manual since my plugins are failing right and left) of my WordPress installation and my databases. (I did have a lot of trouble backing up the databases and am still not sure if the file I finally got to download is complete, to be honest). I then did a complete manual reinstall of WordPress, keeping only my Content subfolders intact.
The same issue with the html/visual editor still exists. If I write a post in Visual, it immediately switches back to html as soon as it is saved/published, and every post, however written, switches back to html when it’s reopened for editing.
I WAS able to install and activate Ultimate-TinyMCE but when I went to the settings page, just as with other plugins I’ve attempted to install, the settings page was messed up (one plugin programmer said that the .css files are not loading…?) and I was unable to change any settings.
I’m about ready to give up on WordPress at this point.
Again, I thank you all for your efforts to help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTML Code Reformatted by Visual EditorThanks everyone, for the suggestions. Unfortunately, nothing I have tried has worked and I seem to be the victim of some sort of cascading failure, as I now cannot install any plugins at all, and many of my WordPress features are failing. My backups no longer back up, and although I can post, and I can switch to the visual editor when I wish, no matter what editor I use (I was unable to install both of the plugins above, but thank you for trying to help), every post and page will always open in html mode. I’ve tried shutting down all plugins and switching to the default theme, to no avail. Same problems persisted.
I’m now even having trouble logging in to my Dashboard. It eventually gets there but takes forever for WordPress to respond to even the most innocuous click of the mouse.
My income is strongly dependent on my site being functional reliably, so I’ve been putting off and dreading the thought that I’m going to have to totally wipe WordPress and reinstall it from scratch. Especially since I’ve been unable to do a reliable backup!
“Don’t wait till you get home. Shoot me now.” LOL
I really do appreciate everyone’s efforts to help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Contact Form 7 insert code no longer appearsWell, I had begun to think there was something global on my site, and that I’d have to reinstall WordPress (which I still haven’t had time — or courage — to do) and start over from scratch. But with others appearing here with the identical problem, it seems like it’s actually a problem with the Contact Form 7 plugin itself?
I wish everyone luck! Sorry I have nothing constructive to add. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Contact Form 7 insert code no longer appearsUnfortunately, that did not work. I disabled all plugins and switched to the default theme.
I’m still unable to reinstall Contact Form 7 (still nothing in the Insert Code box but a blue blank area). I also tried installing a different contact form plugin, and that did not install properly, either. I also still have the same old problems with the visual editor that I’ve had in the past (though that’s another topic, of course).
I’ve gone back to my usual theme for now, until I can figure out what to try next, because my clients are used to finding things on the website in a certain way.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Contact Form 7 insert code no longer appearsThank you, I’ll give that a try.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin, and found the same problem. Then, on a whim, I tried installing a different contact form plugin…and it corrupted even worse, did not even install properly. I recently had tried installing an unrelated plugin to fix a different issue I’d been having for some time, and found that wouldn’t work properly, either, so there is definitely “something going on” on a base level with my site.
Much of my site’s operation depends on the theme I chose to design it (Atahualpa). I may have to rethink everything from the ground up.
I really appreciate the input. Thanks again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTML Code Reformatted by Visual EditorI really appreciate everyone’s responses. There must be something wrong with my main site’s WordPress installation then, because none of the above has worked for me (have been trying every suggestion, including the upgraded editor plugin listed above–which just disabled my visual editor completely when activated). Regardless of which editor I used last on an post, all posts automatically open to html when I log back into the site. The site is way too involved and complicated to do a complete wipe and reinstall. I guess I’ll just have to live with it. ??
Thanks, everyone.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTML Code Reformatted by Visual EditorThanks, AK_Jenny. ?? And I see SixWingedSeraph is now having the same issue.
What I wound up having to do with the pages/forms in question was set up a subdirectory, format form pages outside of WordPress, and post links to the pages. Nothing allowed the forms to stay formatted within the WP interface and I could not get that particular site to default to the html editor no matter what I did. By the time a suggestion came through about plugins (which didn’t feel like a logical workaround with these particular forms, which were quite extensive), I’d already just given up and decided to hand-code the separate web pages. It worked. Not as integrated, but it worked.
It is an issue that a simple search here will show has been cropping up again and again for years, though. The first step in tackling a problem, of course, is to admit there’s a problem to tackle.
Seraph, I really do hope you’re able to get your site to work. Best of luck!
(And PS, yes. She. The horse is a he, though. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTML Code Reformatted by Visual EditorIt makes no sense at all to see this as a “feature”, and if TinyMCE is the issue, which I’m sure it probably is, then the programmers of that interface have been ignoring a problem for years. A simple search in these forums will find quite a few complaints about the issue. I most certainly performed said search before I came here and posted, as pretty much every example I found of people complaining over the years had been “closed to comments” without the problem having been resolved.
I use WordPress on several different sites, on several different servers, and they all have the same issue, or variations on the theme, so it’s not a problem with the core installation. On some, the post will in fact open in the last mode it was saved in (but visual editor still trashes custom html code). On others, posts/pages will always open in the visual editor and immediately foul up the code regardless of how they were last saved, not even giving me an option to choose html first. It is not just one site/server, so again, it’s not the core installation.
Perhaps if I explain what led me to come here and ask about the problem, my initial post will make sense.
One of the sites I use WordPress for is a national organization. I work there with a team, some of whom do direct edits, others will email me and request that I make the changes. There is an event coming up, with four different entry categories. I therefore had to create four different pages, with four different entry forms, each linked to the organization’s paypal account. I spent several hours working on these forms, and had them all working just fine on the WordPress site.
This morning a minor edit was requested, just the need to change some of the initial wording and adding some links. The change on these four pages should have taken me a few minutes. It was a simple matter of editing text and inserting links.
I spent over two hours fixing the pages, having to completely recreate all four forms numerous times, because even though these posts were created and saved in html mode, WordPress (or TinyMCE as it were) opened each one in the visual editor and completely trashed the form code (I had even originally inserted the forms between ‘preformatted’ tags, knowing that this has been an issue for years, and hoping that would help, but WordPress/TinyMCE stripped those tags as well).
Perhaps now that the issue has been illustrated more clearly, it will make sense as to why I came asking if anyone has a workaround to the problem of the WordPress visual editor messing up the code. This is far from the first time this has happened, and some variation on the problem has occurred on every site I use WordPress with (on various different servers).
Thank you for your concern about my health, but I’m sure it would be much more beneficial to said health not to have to spend two hours rewriting code for every five minute text update I have to do. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTML Code Reformatted by Visual Editor1. I find your response to be incredibly rude and condescending. When someone comes seeking assistance, to insult them by calling their request a “rant” is totally inexcusable.
2. It is a problem, or there would not be many different threads here on www.remarpro.com complaining about it, dating back years. How could rewriting someone’s carefully formatted code be a “feature”? That makes no sense at all, especially when the rewrites make the page or post in question completely illegible.
If this so-called “feature” is really a “feature”, please tell me the purpose of the visual editor fouling up a person’s carefully formatted code and forcing them to totally rewrite it each time a page or post needs a minor edit?
3. If you actually read what I wrote, you would not have insulted me by telling me about “the little HTML tab”. My words made it very obvious that I use that tab, but when WordPress opens a post or page to edit, it automatically opens in Visual Editor mode, fouling up the html I’d carefully formatted when I initially wrote the post.
4. I haven’t contradicted myself at all. What I said was that I often work with teams, and those team members do not know html, so it is not practical to ONLY use html on each post, as often others will want to do a simple edit and they require the use of the visual editor.
It is not at all unreasonable to expect WordPress to respect the code entered by the person who has created the post, and not completely change everything each time a post or page needs editing.
One should not have to worry about a post being totally messed up just because one has to switch to a visual editor. Especially when recent versions of WordPress are not even allowing me the option of opening them in html mode to start with, and immediately foul up the code as soon as the posts opens for editing.
Now. I’d seriously like someone who’s polite and willing to listen to peoples’ concerns without insulting them to respond. Maybe even someone who’ll actually read my words and know what they’re talking about.
Yes, NOW I am ranting. I wasn’t before, however, I was just honestly seeking some friendly advice about something that is a legitimate and long-standing bug in the WordPress visual editor.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Missing Visual EditorI have tried everything suggested. I have attempted to install other gallery plugins only to be told by WordPress that (through various error messages) new galleries cannot be created (they usually go something like:
No input file specified.
Not FoundThe requested URL /index.php/404 was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
====That one was for 1 Flash Gallery. I’ve tried to contact the plugin developer, only to send the requested information and never hear from them again.
I’ve upgraded to 3.1.4 and 3.2 when available.
Nothing has helped.
If any of those listed plugins above are activated, the visual editor vanishes, to be replaced by a dumbed down version of the html editor.
Attempts to install the ‘hotfix’ suggested above fail.
I’m at a total loss and a good chunk of the functionality of my site is missing. My livelihood centers around my website.
Very discouraged.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Missing Visual EditorSorry to hear that, bconstant. It does sound like this is a widespread issue caused by the 3.1.3 upgrade. There are so many different “causes and fixes”, though, and nothing consistent.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Missing Visual Editorkmessinger, I attempted to install the hotfix, but it took me to a page where I had to type in my URL and click Install. After that, was a page asking if I wanted to install it on gazehound.com, but no way to say Yes or No — just text on a blank page.
I’d planned to go into my Dashboard and search for it in the plugins directory but haven’t gotten around to it yet.
I have to confess, I haven’t a clue what all of those errors on the validator mean. Nothing in my site was programmed by me, it’s all standard WordPress 3.1.3 installation plus plugins. If there are that many errors, I haven’t any idea why. I’m not a programmer, just an end user.
Thanks for trying to help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Missing Visual EditorPsyber, on searching forums, this seems to have been an issue that has baffled people intermittently for a while. Many reply that disabling certain plugins (all different ones) restores the editor, but others, like you, have the same issue without any plugins active at all.
Nothing I’ve done has fixed the problem (other than disabling those three plugins), and attempting to install a different plugin that does the same service (like a different photo gallery other than NGGallery) has been unsuccessful, I’ve been unable to get any of them to work, getting various different error messages when I attempt to use them.
Upgrading to 3.1.3 “did something” to the basic WordPress installation that it would take a rocket scientist to find and fix, it appears.
I do thank folks for the various suggestions, but to date, none of them have helped. My website is only about 80% functional, as many of my blog posts depend on photos.