8 years, 6 months ago
Ok thanks
Ok thank you
8 years, 8 months ago
Is there something wrong in the settings or something?
Never mind I found it. But I have another question. I am not using the WooCommerce login/registration process but I am using something else for login/registration. Is there any way to put the login/registration I have to the WooCommerce process?
where would I find disable guest checkout in settings?
I have bought Profile Pro. Can I have the code for the popup login form window feature?
For when I view my profile, I see this:
Display name:Dragon123361. Is it possible to put it like this: Display name: Dragon123361 (This also goes for Name,Email and Username.
I Would really appreciate it if you reply as soon as possible.
Instead of directing it to another page, is it possible to when you click on the link, a drop box appears below it?
Thank you for your answer. I also have another question. Is it possible to put a login/register link on the header side of the website?