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  • Glad to hear it worked Kyle, any chance of a live url to see?

    (Mine will be up soon).

    I’d recommend creating the events folder within your theme and putting a copy of the edited/unedited 4 files in there too….

    The documentation states “Please do not edit the one’s in the plugin folder as that will cause conflicts when you update the plugin to the latest release.”

    So any changes you’ve made to the files will be overwritten when you update the plugin. Just warnin’ ya!


    This is happening because the plugin is injecting the calendar view and list view into a page but without including the default template’s usual content divs, so the following divs are missing:

    <div id="content-top"></div>
    <div id="content" class="clearfix">
    <div id="content-area">
    <div id="breadcrumbs"></div>
    <div id="content-bottom"></div>

    To rectify, you need to start with “>this

    So copy these 4 files:


    from wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/views

    and place them in a new folder called ‘events’ which you’ve created within the root of your theme folder, like this:


    Then edit each of the view files and add back in the missing divs, or the php that pulls them in. I’m still working on it, but have got the grid calendar view working almost:

    Original gridview.php

    global $spEvents;
    	<div id="tec-content" class="grid">
    		<div id='tec-events-calendar-header' class="clearfix">
    			<h2 class="tec-cal-title"><?php _e('Calendar of Events', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></h2>
    			<span class='tec-month-nav'>
    				<span class='tec-prev-month'>
    					<a href='<?php echo events_get_previous_month_link(); ?>'>
    					← <?php echo events_get_previous_month_text(); ?>
    				<?php get_jump_to_date_calendar( "tec-" ); ?>
    				<span class='tec-next-month'>
    					<a href='<?php echo events_get_next_month_link(); ?>'>
    					<?php echo events_get_next_month_text(); ?> →
    			<span class='tec-calendar-buttons'>
    				<a class='tec-button-off' href='<?php echo events_get_listview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Event List', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a>
    				<a class='tec-button-on' href='<?php echo events_get_gridview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Calendar', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a>
    		</div><!-- tec-events-calendar-header -->
    		global $wp_query;
    		$tecCatObject = get_category( $wp_query->query_vars['cat'])
    		<a class="ical" href="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>/?ical=<?php echo $tecCatObject->slug; ?>"><?php _e('iCal Import', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></a>
    		<?php event_grid_view(); // See the plugins/the-events-calendar/views/table.php template for customization ?>
    <?php /* For custom template builders...
    	   * The following init method should be called before any other loop happens.
    $wp_query->init(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    With added missing template code (this for full width page template)

    global $spEvents;
    <div id="content-top" class="top"></div>
    <div id="content" class="clearfix">
    	<div id="content-area">
    	<?php include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/breadcrumbs.php'); ?>
    	<div id="tec-content" class="grid">
    		<div id='tec-events-calendar-header' class="clearfix">
    			<h2 class="tec-cal-title"><?php _e('Calendar of Events', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></h2>
    			<span class='tec-month-nav'>
    				<span class='tec-prev-month'>
    					<a href='<?php echo events_get_previous_month_link(); ?>'>
    					← <?php echo events_get_previous_month_text(); ?>
    				<?php get_jump_to_date_calendar( "tec-" ); ?>
    				<span class='tec-next-month'>
    					<a href='<?php echo events_get_next_month_link(); ?>'>
    					<?php echo events_get_next_month_text(); ?> →
    			<span class='tec-calendar-buttons'>
    				<a class='tec-button-off' href='<?php echo events_get_listview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Event List', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a>
    				<a class='tec-button-on' href='<?php echo events_get_gridview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Calendar', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a>
    		</div><!-- tec-events-calendar-header -->
    		global $wp_query;
    		$tecCatObject = get_category( $wp_query->query_vars['cat'])
    		<a class="ical" href="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>/?ical=<?php echo $tecCatObject->slug; ?>"><?php _e('iCal Import', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></a>
    		<?php event_grid_view(); // See the plugins/the-events-calendar/views/table.php template for customization ?>
    <div id="content-bottom"></div>
    <?php /* For custom template builders...
    	   * The following init method should be called before any other loop happens.
    $wp_query->init(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    If you want the default template with sidebar, replace the first two lines:

    <div id="content-top" class="top"></div>
    <div id="content" class="clearfix">

    with this

    <div id="content-top" class="top-alt"></div>
    	<div id="content" class="clearfix content-alt">

    I have then tweaked the css by adding some margin left and right to


    #tec-content {font-size: 1.2em;
    	margin-left: 40px;
    	margin-right: 42px;

    Hope that helps. Let me know if you improve on this or spot any errors.

    How bizzarre!

    I have the same issue AND I’m using professional theme from ET!

    I’ll let you know if I find anything…

    Glad it worked out. I may need to use it myself soon so thanks for confirming.



    See here.

    There’s a plugin for this but I’ve not tried it yet. See

    Thread Starter dozza


    This problem was totally resolved by increasing the memory limit for php from the default (32M) to a higher value. I went for 128M as that was the max I was allowed.

    You can achieve this by adding the following line of code to a .htaccess file local to your wp installation

    php_value memory_limit 128M

    Hope this helps some others out there with the same problem.

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