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  • Thread Starter doukeshi



    I tried the If You Want Your Old Blog To Still Work part, which is my case: I want my new blog to work (obviously) and I’ll want my old one to be still available.

    If I undestood right, I have to backup everything, change the url and homepage (which would make the blog unusable in the old machine) and upload/export to the new location. There it should work and then restore things in the old place.

    This is what I did and the result is the same. To make sure, I stopped apache&mysqld in my machine and I have no images.

    I also tried to replace https://cacharrito (my testing machine) with (my domain) in the exported db (the sql file). Now I get no image but also a weird layout. The main menu is not the one I was expecting (maybe an old version), the header image is the default one, and still no uploaded images. Actually, the images might work or might not, I don’t know, because the image widget settings are gone.

    so messed up…


    Problem solved. You are right it was the same problem, but I didn’t have to change the #105 line, but the same you said in the previous posts.

    Just in case somebody asks in the future, I paste here that piece of code:

    <?php } else {
    /”><?php bloginfo( ‘name’ ); ?>
    if ( is_single() || is_page() || ($post_type == ‘forum’ || $post_type == ‘topic’ || $post_type == ‘reply’) ) {
    echo “</span>”;
    } else {
    echo “</h1>”;
    if ( is_single() & of_get_option( ‘blog_title_text’, ‘single’ ) == “single” ) {
    $description = “” . get_bloginfo( ‘name’, ‘display’ ) . ““;
    } else {
    $description = get_bloginfo( ‘description’, ‘display’ );
    if ( !empty( $description ) ) {
    <span class=”description”><?php echo $description; ?></span>
    <?php }
    </div><!–end headerimg–>
    </div><!–end headerimgwrap–>

    Thanks for your help. Your work is awesome.


    It’s Techozoid Fluid


    I have a problem with the translation of the site description, but I’m not sure the problem is the same. I can see the option in the plugin settings, and I change the text. Seems to be fine, no error. But if I go back to the same settings, I find that the short description is the same as the original version, ie, the one in the main language.
    If I translate the name of the site, I can see it properly.

    My site is


    Thread Starter doukeshi



    I don’t have the option to disable the comments. So I found a plug-in to disable all coments. That’s ok for now, maybe in the future I’ll want to change that.

    About the sidebar menu, yes, there is an option to switch them on or off. But even setting that to “on”, the behaviour changes with the page style, theme… I think it must be related to CSS, which I’m no expert at. Just in case somebody has the same problem, I used the Display Widgets plug-in. I can add menus as widgets, and select at which page I want to see them. The result is that the sidebar menu changes at my convenience. The drawback is that it’s not too comfortable to configure. But for a not very big web like mine, it’s ok.


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