I’ll prove my ignorance with a couple of stupid questions.
I’m trying to setup websites for three new podcasts. So I’m looking for best practice before I dive in. I have some basic experience with WordPress, but not with podcasts.
All the reviews are very positive on this plug-in. So it does seem to be a preferred way to go:
So …here are the dumb questions:
1. Will with work with Spreaker as your media host and is there any downside to using Spreaker with this plug-in ….(since they’re a direct competitor with Blubrry)?
2. I know this is free vs. Pat Flynn’s Simple Podcast player, but how would the two compare?
3. How is secure is the player? I don’t want to use a player that’s full of holes a hacker can gain access through.
4. Are there any popular podcasters using the plug-in and could you share the links to some popular example sites?