Forum Replies Created
Hi Lizkarkoski,
Thanks for your response. I’m dying to get notifications working for my friends again. There were so many things going on with the change of era here in Japan, and the UNCC shooting incident, and so many of my friends missed my messages.
A contributor is someone actively involved and working on your site with you. A news site would have several authors as contributors, for example. Those different user roles are outlined on this page:
A follower is someone using their account to keep up to date with your site. They will follow through the Reader and get new post notifications there.
A subscription is someone who follows your site with their email address (instead of a account). So, with that option, you should have to add an email address to the invitation.
Does that help?
That’s what I would think as well, though the online documentation you mentioned above doesn’t describe the difference between followers and subscribers or even mention subscribers.
That’s why the first suggestion in this thread from support to try to select Followers didn’t make sense to me. What I would like to do is invite email subscribers – not invite people who necessarily have a WordPress account or people who have a certain app.
So when I sent the test invitations, I used email addresses and I selected subscribers.
But there doesn’t seem to be a way of inviting subscribers, even though that is one of the options. If I invite a subscriber they end up getting an invitation to be a contributor instead.
Here is as screenshot of a received invitation after inviting somebody to be a subscriber. Note that they receive an invitation to be a contributor, which involves signing up for a WordPress account, etc.
If I try, on the other hand, to invite a Follower, like the first person suggested, they get the badly formatted invite (same pasted text as above) and it’s not what I’m looking for anyway because I don’t want to require my readers to sign up or use a special app.
No matter what option I choose though, I can’t seem to just invite someone to be a Subscriber. I’ve tried the last three:
– Contributor: sends the contributor invite
– Subscriber: also sends the contributor invite
– Follower: sends the badly formatted follower inviteSigning up as a subscriber from the right-side widget works though, so I know it’s possible to become a jetpack email subscriber.
Do you see what I mean?
Hi. I’m not quite getting it. It’s all amazingly confusing!
What’s the difference, then, between “follower” and “subscriber” for invitations?
There are options to invite as a contributor, a subscriber, or as a follower.
I’m selecting subscriber. People end up being invited as a contributor. You are saying to invite them as a follower instead. That will invite them as a subscriber? The options are all misaligned by one?
The widget and subscribe block say subscribe, not follow.
I just tried selecting follower with a test email account. The invitation arrives saying I’ve been invited to “follow.” That’s different from the “subscribe confirmation” if I use the subscribe widget.
Also the message I type in with the invitation comes all as one line, stretching the invitation out, instead of in multiple lines as it does when I try selecting the subscriber option.
What is the subscriber option for then if it isn’t used to invite subscribers?
Also what you say doesn’t work. If I click on the link in the confirmation email, I’m asked to sign up to the site. And after clicking on the link it says, “Sign up to start following Doug Reports in the Reader.” Why am I asked to sign up? What is “Reader?”
And the confirmation message continues, “As a follower, you can read the latest posts from Doug Reports in the Reader.” The subscribe from the widget talks about subscriptions. This invitation to be a follower doesn’t mention that at all.
Isn’t there a way of getting people invited as an email subscriber just as if they entered their email address in the subscribe widget and have them just get a confirmation email for their subscription without them needing to sign up?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Best way to rescale default WP 2017 theme header image size?Will do. Thanks.
OK, thanks. I will contact your internal support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pricing Table by Supsystic] Text background often changes to whiteHi,
I did try that background color option in the toolbar.
I copied the text from the row in the first column to the other three columns. It’s fine in the first column.
I will try to contact your internal support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pricing Table by Supsystic] Is there a way to merge rows?Oh, sorry for the mistake in my subject. As in my message I meant is it possible to merge columns, not rows.
In the meantime I just removed that row and put the text for it above the table in the WP page I’m drafting.
It is I also used the support contact form. Sorry for the duplication.
I turned off the module for now though, since it wasn’t working. I have been using Subscribe2HTML, but it was failing some deliveries. So I was interested in trying the Jetpack module. But since I was getting that error I deactivate that and turnes Subscribe2HTML back on in the meantime.
But all you would have see was that error mentioned above appear when you enter your address and submit the form.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Auto-embedded YouTube videos not playing on iPadI’m sure Apple would just tell you to contact WordPress anyway.
It’s curious that my videos don’t work on your iPad 2. You mean they don’t play when you visit my site? Or they don’t play if you put them on your site?
My iPad is running iOS 6.1.2. Is that the same as yours?
I can’t imagine what else might be different on the iPad 2 other than version.
Sorry I’m not much help. All I seem to be able to say is, “Well, it’s working here” – but that’s all I know.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Auto-embedded YouTube videos not playing on iPadThe actual “code” I entered in my post was just the YouTube link:
It automatically embeds. The embed code that WP appears to be serving is:
span class='embed-youtube' style='text-align:center; display: block;'><iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='640' height='390' src='' frameborder='0'></iframe></span>
But WP automatically creates that. I didn’t enter that. All I entered was the YouTube link.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Auto-embedded YouTube videos not playing on iPadHi. I saw your post at Apple too. The thing is, mine is working now on my iPad 2 under the lastest iOS 6.
Since my original post I’ve gone through various upgrades of WP and iOS, so I don’t know what fixed it. But I just tried it and the link in my original post is working on my iPad 2.
Maybe you could compare the source and see if the embed code looks different?
I can do that. Would you mind emailing me to doug(at) so I don’t post the link here?
This is currently a non-exposed draft (until I get it right and until some announcements are made).If you don’t mind, can you email me to doug(at) and I can send you a link.
Currently datatables_fixed is de-activated, but I will activate it for you and add the parameter back in the shortcode if you would like to check it out.
Ah, never mind on that either. If I logged out once and logged in again it was fine at all levels.
Thanks for your help, everybody!
Actually, it turned out to be trivially easy, and no links needed to be modified. I followed the instructions here:
in the section “Using a pre-existing subdirectory install.”
Even hard-coded links in page content containing the /iriguchi/ sub-directory in the URL automatically get routed to a URL that doesn’t show the sub-directory.
So basically, “it just worked” and took less than 5 minutes to do.
One issue though – it doesn’t think I am logged in as admin unless I go to At the blog itself it looks like I am a regular member, which is sort of a nuisance when editing pages.
Any idea how to fix that?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Testimonials Widget] How do we actually enter testimonials?Sorry, I missed that. I went on to the Support page.
Thanks for sending me separate email though.