Douglas Ferraz
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Menu and search are not displayed in headerOlá @fellyph
Ent?o, agora o menu aparece no mobile, mas também aparece em dimens?es de tablet.
Na vers?o 2.2.1 do plugin AMP, o menu aparecia no desktop.
Estou usando AMP no modo Padr?o, tema Twenty Twenty.
Vai em menu.
Em configura??es do menu: Locais de exibi??o, seleciono Menu expandido para desktop (em português) ou Desktop Expanded Menu (em inglês).
Dessa forma vai conseguir replicar o “bug”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Menu and search are not displayed in header@fellyph , vi que é brasileiro, n?o sabia que o WordPress disponibilizou suporte em português para o plugin AMP.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Menu and search are not displayed in headerHi @fellyph
The problem also happens in version 2.2.3.
In version 2.2.1 the problem does not occur.
I’m testing on localhost.
However, I created a website on my server to show you the error and send you the UUID.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightweight Accordion] Conflict with Gutenberg EditorThis is happening on the server using Nginx.
And it also happens on localhost, using XAMPP, which uses apache.
This happens with any theme and without any other plugins. Therefore, there is no conflict.
What I can tell you is that I’ve already noticed this happening with some plugins that use blocks.
I tried to show on a clean install.
Hi @landwire
Block Logic plugin is loading too many unnecessary javascript files. I believe about 50 files.
All these files are from the WordPress core.
This happens because of this:
add_action( 'init', 'block_logic_enqueue_block_editor_assets', 9999 );
It’s loading everything in the frontend.
Another hook would prevent this:
enqueue_block_editor_assets – This hook can be used to enqueue block scripts and styles in the admin editor only.
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'block_logic_enqueue_block_editor_assets' );
I did a test here and it looks like everything works fine and has no conflicts with upgrading to work with ServerSideRender component.
Hi @tajam
The author of Block Logic fixed this, today.
The author of the Block Logic plugin has developed a workaround, it looks like the problem is in the WordPress core.
Hi @landwire
So, I read the topic on Github now.
I did the test here, everything is working fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flex Posts - Widget and Gutenberg Block] Problems with widgetsGreat.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flex Posts - Widget and Gutenberg Block] Minify CSSThanks.
Hi @landwire
I should have done more testing to be more accurate about the reported issue. I apologize.
The plugin works perfectly with paragraphs and other blocks I’ve tested.
The problem I reported to you also happens in the posts editor, that is, it doesn’t only happen in new widgets.
The plugin that has conflicts is Flex Posts – Widget and Gutenberg Block.
When I select some options for the block, like the number of posts or layout and insert the conditional tags, they are not saved and when I return to the editor, the Block logic space is empty.
Also, I visualized in the database and your plugin parameters are not inserted in the block. For example: “blockLogic”:”is_home()”, do not appear.
I tested this plugin: Block Visibility — Conditional Visibility Controls for all Blocks.
It had no conflicts and was able to insert parameters, thus:
<!– wp:flex-posts/list {“layout”:2,”number”:3,”className”:”home”,”blockVisibility”:{“controlSets “:[{“id”:0,”name”:”Control Set”,”enable”:true,”controls”:{“dateTime”:{“schedules”:[{“enable”:true,”start” :”2021-07-24T00:00:00″,”end”:”2021-07-25T00:00:00″}]},”screenSize”:{},”userRole”:{}}}]}} //->
Finally, I tried to manually enter into the database to do a test
it was like this:
<!– wp:flex-posts/list {“layout”:2,”number”:6,”show_categories”:true,”show_date”:false,”show_comments”:false,”show_excerpt”:true} /–>
And entering manually, like this:
<!– wp:flex-posts/list {“layout”:2,”number”:6,”show_categories”:true,”show_date”:false,”show_comments”:false,”show_excerpt”:true,”blockLogic”:”is_home()”} /–>
This way it managed to work correctly, that is, the conditional tags are not saved when I click on the update or publish button.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flex Posts - Widget and Gutenberg Block] Problems with widgetsHi @tajam
I read the documentation on how widgets work via blocks from version 5.8
So the plugin is working correctly, if you add a legacy block and choose Flex Posts everything works correctly.
Now, inserting Flex Posts via blocks also works, but it doesn’t load the CSS on the page in question. I think there is only this problem of not loading CSS, if the user decides to load Flex Posts via blocks in widgets.
In my case, I chose to load CSS on every page on the site.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flex Posts - Widget and Gutenberg Block] Open links in new tabsI managed to solve this by rewriting a function from template-tags.php
Inserted in my functions.php
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Click to Copy] Translation of the 2 stringsLet me give you feedback.
I translated the strings into Portuguese via, but they are not loaded.
I also generated a translation file manually and they were not loaded.
The plugin is very simple, I ended up translating directly into the plugin, in the variables $click_to_copy_str and $copied_str
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Click to Copy] Translation of the 2 stringsThanks.