Forum Replies Created
Wow I didn’t notice that ’til I saw this thread, mine isn’t working either. I was about to post another problem. I’ll create a new thread.
Thanx for the fast reply. Seems that the user didn’t have galleries. I made a quick one and then I could upload pictures.
Big thanx. Have a good one.
Thanx for your response. I deleted, re-uploaded and then updated. Still no way to add images. I updated a different server and there were no problems.
This is sometime that’s bugged me for many years.
I’ve asked here in the forums and never receive an answer.
Would be nice if Alex made it so pictures aren’t displayed with a universal size. Better to get the file attributes and display the image with it’s own file size.
Anyone have an idea ?
I can here asking. I don’t want to speculate and send you in the wrong direction.
Hopefully some one will answers us. Good luck. Wish I could help.
You can select a template. I don’t see a way to edit the template from the add a page button.
OK thanx, I thought there might be tweak out there.
OK thank you.
So neither of these buttons can link to a page with information and download a zip file.
The Gallery will just open.
Any way you could make Albums or Galleries downloadable ?
Currently I have to make a page that displays the gallery and contains a downloadalbe zip link.
OK thank you.
Does the Create new page work similarly ?
I’m a little lost. I do have the gallery on it’s own page. I’ll have to check the permalinks.
When I do click the gallery from the links it don’t get the page with information, so I’m really confused.
Oops I missed that part, and your own .css.
Pasted your code and it didn’t work either =(.
I thought this one woulda been handled in the nggallery.css.
There wasn’t an existing PostCentent class.
I placed your code at the bottom of the Extend album and the problem remained.
Previously I tried playing with the padding and margin in the Extend album section and I couldn’t remove the sliver of space about the thumbnail.
Could not having a PostCentent be causing me problems ?
Thank you again for taking the time to try and help me out. Very much appreciated.
No. If you look at the url I provided. You’ll notice there’s more of a space above the picture than below. Seems like removing the title left a little space.
Not the end of the world, I just wanted it to look nice and neat.
You have no idea how much I’ve appreciated your help. Thank you. Hope I can return the favor one day.
One last question. I’ve tried on my own but I’m a n00b when it comes to altering .css files.
When I only have one gallery I use the extended album.
After making the following chnage :
.ngg-albumtitle { // sixx-- //text-align: left; //font-weight: bold; //margin:0px; //padding:0px; //font-size: 1.4em; //margin-bottom: 10px; display:none; // --sixx }
I ended up with a space where the title use to be displayed.
How can I remove the space ?
Here’s the example :
Thanx again I appreciate all your help.
OMG thanx so much. Your code worked ! I’ve never played around with .css files before.
I applied your code for extended albums too ! =)
I have one more question.
HiJack my own thread I guess. Do you know how to put albums inside of albums ?
I thought I had read that was a possibility.
Hope you have a great weekend. You helped save me from deleting titles to over 160 galleries =). Take care.