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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields: Validated Field] No validation message returned@aboother Version should fix this issue for you, thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields: Validated Field] No validation message returnedIt is indeed the issue – I don’t have
enabled on my laptop so I wasn’t getting that notice. Everything is evaluating correctly (which is why the proper message is present) but I am appending to a variable called$php
before creating it which is breaking the JavaScript since it’s not valid JSON.I’ll push out an update with this fixed this afternoon, thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields: Validated Field] No validation message returnedAre you creating a Post, Custom Post, or Page? Your sample code works fine for me using a CPT with a text field.
If you have the developer tools open in Chrome on the Network tab when you click the Publish/Update button you should see a request to
– can you copy the “Form Data” section as well as the JSON Response?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields: Validated Field] No validation message returned@aboother – It sounds like you are running into a JavaScript error. Can you let me know what OS/browser you are using, and also check to see if there is anything in the JavaScript console that may be relevant?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields: Validated Field] Repeater Field errorHi @jacobdubail – Unfortunately the plugin doesn’t work with the repeater field… yet(?) My plugin effectively wraps other fields, but this falls apart when the field is actually an array of fields, which is why you are seeing the error about the undefined index.
I am primarily building this for use with another project I am working on and thus far there has been no need for using a Repeater, but I do hope to add support for them sometime soon.
That’s not Wordfence, it’s built into WordPress –, options for configuring/disabling can be found here –
@ikivanov please update to v1.0.6, you should not be able to select the post statuses that apply for each uniqueness query.
@ikivanov Update coming soon with checkboxes for each of the status types you want to check. A few major bug fixes as well, just finishing up the testing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields: Validated Field] Does it works with buddypress?It should, I use it on a site with Buddypress.
To provide backwards compatibility I implemented this in a slightly different way. When you choose a unique type you can now select if you want it to apply to all or just published posts. The default is “No” for just published posts, if you select “Yes” it will query across posts types by omitting this field from the SQL query.
Please update to version 1.0.5, thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields: Validated Field] Loading iconUpdated to hide spinner on validation error in version 1.0.5. Thanks!
I did a bit of testing and the validation/uniqueness isn’t working for Repeater fields because of the way the data is structured internally (my plugin is grabbing the Repeater sub fields for validation (the Validated Field) instead of the Validated Field sub fields (the actual data) as there are 3 levels rather than 2. The way that the metadata key is structured is also “different” being the in the format repeater_N_field (with N being 1, 2, 3…). I assume that you want to make sure that a user can only be saved to a list of users once? Or that the list of users is unique? Or that the list and order of users is unique?
Not sure how much work it will be to implement this but it will go on the list as soon as you give me more details on how you would use it. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields: Validated Field] JS error@nikademo this issue should now be resolved, please update to version 1.0.4 – thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields: Validated Field] Can not pass any validationI just pushed version 1.0.4 which includes a fix for the PHP notices as well as a Javascript error.
The plugin does exclude the current post from the check. Once you upgrade to the latest version if you are still having an issue please open a new thread with the details so I can follow up (the issue on this should now be resolved). If you want to check out the source code, the unique checks begin here and the SQL for the post_type check is here
SQL prefix
$sql_prefix = "select meta_id, post_id, p.post_title from {$wpdb->postmeta} pm join {$wpdb->posts} p on p.ID = pm.post_id and p.post_status = 'publish'";
post_type SQL
case 'post_type': // check to see if this value exists in the postmeta table with this $post_id $sql = $wpdb->prepare("{$sql_prefix} and p.post_type = %s where post_id != %d and meta_value = %s", $post_type, $post_id, $val); break;
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields: Validated Field] JS error@nikademo I am able to reproduce this error as well, but only in a theme that also includes ace.js ( in this case). Can you let me know what theme/plugins you are using, or check to see if ace.js is being included by another plugin?