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  • Oh, if you use Chrome, you can see the errors by right click on the front page and choosing “Inspect Element” they can be seen there. Or if you use Firefox, you can see them by using “Firebug”. If that helps.

    I do hope you get that theme fixed. I really like the way you had it set up. Very nice presentation (in my honest opinion). Good luck.

    Hi Again,

    We have had a good look at your site. Your theme has a number of js errors. With those errors happening, it is stopping Users Ultra from functioning. I would suggest that you find someone to help you clear up the errors in the theme and things should work.

    The problem is in your theme. You might have to go somewhere other than to get the help with the theme, I don’t know. But they usually recommend a couple sites that seem to be associated with somehow. And I can’t fault them for that because the people on these sites really know what they are doing.

    A few issues possibly from what I can see.

    You have multiple sliders trying to work on the My Account page. You have W3 Total Cache also active which can cause delay in anything new added, or the attempt to show anything new.

    I believe though that the main issue is you have some jQuery conflicts with the multple sliders and the drag n drop as well as the select images.

    Yes, I also noticed that no buttons work on the forms. And your image slider isn’t working on the My Profile Page.

    You will need to sort out what you want to work on those pages, because all of it isn’t going to work together at the same time the way you have it.

    WordPress does not allow me to go any further than offering my advice. I cannot ask for any more information where I could be of more help. So, what I would suggest is that you take a look around the forums here, or do some searching on the internet looking for how to resolve jQuery, Ajax, JavaScript conflicts.

    I do not know if the other plugins use WordPress libraries or if they follow WordPress best practices. But that could be a problem.

    Nice looking website though.

    Hi @safdarabbas ,

    I would like to help, but I am not fully understanding what you are trying to say. Would you mind explaining with a little more detail?

    If you go to our FAQ’s, we have a link there for our support forums or you can visit . We handle most of our support there.


    Hi @aboode114,

    Before responding to you here, I did a quick check with some websites that verify whether our website is a spamming website, as well as it being a safe website to use. I found nothing to indicate that any of the services identify us as spammers or unsafe to use. Please feel free to check for yourself.

    It is not uncommon that on first email from a website that the junk filters may place the registration email in a junk folder. That is why many times users will be advised to check their junk folders if they don’t see the email from registration. We will consider adding this warning to our site. If you add the email address to your contacts, that usually takes care of the junk mail issue. This is is not a problem we can solve for you.

    I see that you did register on the site. I see that you verified your account. And I will share with you that once you logged into the site, and went to My Account, clicked on Profile, you would have the option to change the password.

    The initial password is going to be random. That’s what WordPress does when it sends out a password. We do advise that after you receive your password that you change it. The changes you requested in this thread have been implemented.

    Our site functions pretty much as any other WordPress site does. Sorry you are having such difficulties.

    We have provided the changes you requested originally. This topic has been marked as resolved.

    If you have any further requests, please use your account on the support site. We will be happy to work with you there.

    I apologize, please help us help you. We would like to handle these issues, concerns and suggestions in our support forums. We have asked three times. We look forward to seeing you there. The support forums are free, not obligation and we aren’t looking to make you pay for a pro version to get what you are looking for. Though we are working on a pro version at this time. We aren’t asking for that. We are just asking that you take these things to the support forums so that we can better track them and work on these features. Thanks.

    You can accomplish this with placing the shortcode in a text widget. That will give you these functions.

    Please, if you have suggestions, we have a section in our support forums located at

    In the FAQ’s section of this plugin here on, we have links to the forums as well. That is where most of our support is being provided. We would really like to hear from you there. Thanks ??

    On second thought, I will repeat what I shared in our forums here. I think it is important that when considering purchasing a theme not offered here on that certain considerations be given to that purchase prior to making such a purchase.

    I have looked at the link to your theme. There seems to be a few issues with the theme with regard to WP 3.9 being reported about that theme. It hasn’t been updated since August 2013, though they are saying it is compatible with the current version of WP, WP made some significant changes to the way things are done and one of them is working with adding videos.

    It is quite possible that the CSS being used by that theme might be causing an issue with our CSS used for displaying videos. Would you mind contacting the theme author and asking them to look into the issue? It will be easier for them to look at this plugin (since it is free on than it will be for us to look at their theme, because we cannot access it without paying for it.

    The theme developers are doing something that WordPress advises themes not to do. They are employing things within the theme that should be done with plugins. Please see this link to the guidlines for creating themes put out by WordPress.

    Themes must not incorporate the following, Plugin-territory functionality. This list is not all-inclusive.

    Analytics scripts
    SEO options (meta tags, page title, post titles, robots.txt, etc.)
    Content Sharing buttons/links
    Custom post-content shortcodes
    Custom Post Types
    Custom Taxonomies
    Removing or modifying non-presentational core hooks
    Disabling the admin toolbar
    Resource compression/caching

    There are good reasons for WordPress suggesting that themes not do things that plugins should be doing. One BIG reason is possible conflicts with plugins. I must note that when there is a major conflict between a theme and plugins, there has be be decisions made. And most of the time, those decisions will involve deciding which of the two will be used. Plugins can be made to work together even when they clash many times, but when it comes to a theme and a plugin clashing many times, one of them cannot be used with the other.

    Your theme sets out to all of the following:

    Me Gusta! is a user-driven content sharing WordPress theme suitable literally for any type of posts:
    videos with automated thumbnails creation,
    classic blog,
    combination of all content types,
    metro style web-site

    You will notice that your theme is working with video presentation. And you will notice that the last update of that theme makes the theme compatible with WP 3.6.

    Significant and substantial changes have occurred with the releases of the latest versions of WP. And WP won’t allow a theme in their repository that is backward compatible beyond two back versions of WP. The reason is, there are such major changes. Please see this link.

    The text I refer to is this “Themes must not provide backward compatibility for out-of-date WordPress versions (more than two prior major WordPress versions e.g. if 3.9 is the current version then no version before 3.7)…” Your theme compatibility based on their own last update information “version 2.8 – August 7, 2013
    – WordPress 3.6 compatibility fixes;
    – hooked into the content to show attached images and videos.”

    I must tell you, according to what I understand, WordPress would not allow your theme in their repository as a new theme because it does not meet WordPress standards.

    I have provided this information because I think it is important that everyone understand that if you are going to choose a theme that sets out to do everything including what plugins are designed to do, and so seriously crosses the line between plugins and themes, then if that theme is that important, the theme “Only” should be used. Otherwise, you are going to have issues with plugins as they are added.

    I hope this helps.

    Hi @benoit99,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. And thanks for the complement. We will work with you on this in our forums where you also posted this topic and concern.

    I believe this topic is resolved.

    I don’t know how far we can take this particular discussion, but yes their license is confusing. I would feel more comfortable talking about it in our forums you can find the link to if you go to the sidebar of this page and click on Frequently Asked Questions. You will find our documentation and our support links there.

    We look forward to hearing back from you.

    Thanks again and thanks for the compliment.

    Hi @VegasKev88,

    We do plan to utilize GitHub soon.

    Thanks for your interest in the plugin.

    Hi @redhawkssupport,

    We have updated the Users Ultra and version update to 1.0.15 should clear up the delete process. Please let us know that the update resolves the issue you found. It is working on my end.

    Thanks again for reporting this.

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