I am like Westle69. I don’t understand all the programming talk and I’m getting very discouraged. All I want is a simple answer (if there is such a thing!). I need to figure out how to fix my top menu bar so that it isn’t half a page long. I want to be able to just have a few categories across the top (like – Cakes – Cookies – Pies….) and then people just hover or click those words to find sub-menu to the cakes listed under cakes, etc. I can’t go any further if my menu bar keeps growing like this. Can someone please have mercy and help me….. please. After all this, I will still have much to learn about advertising if this web site is going to ever go any where. I am getting very discouraged at this point. I am 67 years old and maybe I took on much more than I can handle. If you want to see what my problem is, my site is grandmasprivatecollection.com/