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  • @sebastian: thanks, you were right: “Any referer allowed” did it.

    First manual import did it fine.

    Can I donate somehow?



    Hey Jason,
    I got exactly the same problem you described with exactly the same Versions.

    I think the problem is the google API key. It seems much more difficulty as described in the short how-to.

    @sebastian, author of this Plugin:
    Dein Profil sagt, Du kommst aus Berlin, daher schreibe ich auf deutsch weiter, was hoffentlich okay ist.
    Dein Plugin klingt sehr vielversprechend und ich finde die Herangehensweise über einen api-key statt mit benutzername und passwort sehr elegant, bzw. genau richtig.
    Das Erstellen der Google-API erscheint mir aber wesentlich komplizierter, als Du es stichwortartig beschreibst.
    So sieht meine API-ACCESS-Seite aus:

    und so sieht menie übersichtsseite aus:

    W?re sch?n, wenn Du mir weiterhelfen kannst, ich vermute irgendwo habe ich einen kleinen Fehler drin, einen Haken vergessen oder so….

    Grü?e aus Rheinhessen



    I tested FTP with 1.9.3 and no other plugins but I get no files on my destination-FTP:

    [2010-05-26 4:48:19 pm] *** wpTimeMachine plugin loaded 1.9.3 ***
    [2010-05-26 4:48:19 pm] — Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5
    [2010-05-26 4:48:19 pm] — PHP: version 5.2.10
    [2010-05-26 4:48:19 pm] — cURL: version 7.15.3
    [2010-05-26 4:48:19 pm] — system() command: yes
    [2010-05-26 4:48:19 pm] — shell_exec() command: yes
    [2010-05-26 4:48:19 pm] — wp-content writable: yes
    [2010-05-26 4:48:19 pm] — provider: ftp
    [2010-05-26 4:48:19 pm] — generate archives request, for ftp
    [2010-05-26 4:48:19 pm] — generate archives as .tar.gz
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — generate text instructions
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — generate mysql dump
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — generate archive files complete.
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — initiate transfer to ftp
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — create ftp connection
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — login to ftp
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — transfer complete
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — clean up begine …
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — — remove file 1
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — — remove file 2
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — — remove file 3
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — — remove file 4
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — — remove “super” archive
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — cleanup complete
    [2010-05-26 4:48:21 pm] — 2 seconds to execute entire process



    Updated to version: 1.9.0
    I only tested FTP-Upload because I don′t have my s3- and dropbox-account here.
    My FTP-Server gets a new File called “” but it is 0 Byte ….

    Log says:
    [2010-05-24 9:20:52 am] *** wpTimeMachine plugin loaded 1.9.0 ***
    [2010-05-24 9:20:52 am] — Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5
    [2010-05-24 9:20:52 am] — PHP: version 5.2.10
    [2010-05-24 9:20:52 am] — cURL: version 7.15.3
    [2010-05-24 9:20:52 am] — system() command: yes
    [2010-05-24 9:20:52 am] — shell_exec() command: yes
    [2010-05-24 9:20:52 am] — wp-content writable: yes
    [2010-05-24 9:20:52 am] — provider: ftp
    [2010-05-24 9:20:52 am] — generate archives request, for ftp
    [2010-05-24 9:20:52 am] — generate text instructions
    [2010-05-24 9:20:52 am] — generate mysql dump
    [2010-05-24 9:20:52 am] — generate archives as .zip
    [2010-05-24 9:20:53 am] — generate archive files complete.
    [2010-05-24 9:20:53 am] — initiate transfer to ftp
    [2010-05-24 9:20:53 am] — create ftp connection
    [2010-05-24 9:20:53 am] — login to ftp
    [2010-05-24 9:20:53 am] — transfer “super” archive
    [2010-05-24 9:20:53 am] — archiving complete, start clean up:
    [2010-05-24 9:20:53 am] — — remove file 1
    [2010-05-24 9:20:53 am] — — remove file 2
    [2010-05-24 9:20:53 am] — — remove file 3
    [2010-05-24 9:20:53 am] — — remove file 4
    [2010-05-24 9:20:53 am] — — remove “super” archive
    [2010-05-24 9:20:53 am] — cleanup complete
    [2010-05-24 9:20:53 am] — 1 seconds to execute entire process



    cannot find any files, here is my log:
    [2010-05-09 12:25:51 pm] — provider: ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — provider: ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — generate archives request, for ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — generate text instructions
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — generate mysql dump
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — generate archives as .zip
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — … using system() command
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — generate archive files complete.
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — remove nested archive files
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — initiate transfer to ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — create ftp connection
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — login to ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — transfer file
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — remove archive
    [2010-05-09 12:26:00 pm] — archiving complete.
    [2010-05-09 12:29:45 pm] — provider: ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:29:49 pm] — provider: ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:30:13 pm] — provider: ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:30:13 pm] — generate archives request, for ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:30:15 pm] — provider: ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:30:15 pm] — generate archives request, for ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:30:17 pm] — provider: ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:30:17 pm] — generate archives request, for ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:30:20 pm] — provider: ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:30:20 pm] — generate archives request, for ftp
    [2010-05-09 12:31:24 pm] — provider: dropbox
    [2010-05-09 12:31:24 pm] — generate archives request, for dropbox
    [2010-05-09 12:31:24 pm] — generate text instructions
    [2010-05-09 12:31:24 pm] — generate mysql dump
    [2010-05-09 12:31:24 pm] — generate archives as .tar.gz
    [2010-05-09 12:31:24 pm] — … using system() command
    [2010-05-09 12:31:24 pm] — generate archive files complete.
    [2010-05-09 12:31:24 pm] — remove nested archive files
    [2010-05-09 12:31:24 pm] — initiate transfer to dropbox
    [2010-05-09 12:31:24 pm] — instantiate dropbox
    [2010-05-09 12:31:40 pm] — provider: dropbox
    [2010-05-09 12:35:16 pm] — provider: aws_s3
    [2010-05-09 12:35:16 pm] — generate archives request, for aws_s3
    [2010-05-09 12:35:16 pm] — generate text instructions
    [2010-05-09 12:35:16 pm] — generate mysql dump
    [2010-05-09 12:35:16 pm] — generate archives as .tar.gz
    [2010-05-09 12:35:16 pm] — … using system() command
    [2010-05-09 12:35:16 pm] — generate archive files complete.
    [2010-05-09 12:35:16 pm] — remove nested archive files
    [2010-05-09 12:35:16 pm] — initiate transfer to aws_s3
    [2010-05-09 12:35:16 pm] — instantiate aws_s3
    [2010-05-09 12:35:16 pm] — finish transfer
    [2010-05-09 12:35:16 pm] — remove archive
    [2010-05-09 12:35:16 pm] — archiving complete.



    Hello Paul,

    thsnk you for your recent upates. I updatet to 1.7.9 and testet dropbox but it didn′t work: no files in my dropbox-folder. So I tested FTP, because the user “spl” wrote, that this works for him. But on my installation FTP didn′t work.

    After pressing “Generate … archives” it tells me “please wait” and one or two seconds later, it shows me: “Your archives have been completed…”

    If I give the plugin totally wrong username or password for my FTP, the same green “completed”-message appears …. *mmpf*

    Maybe you can create a “developer-version” with some debug-infos, so we can find out, where the plugin stops working correctly.

    Thanks for your help



    Hello paulgpetty,
    thank you for your fast help, but… no… “wp Time Machine, version: 1.7.8” is not the solution for me.
    I can see an archive-file being created in “…/wp-content/” and one second later, it′s gone. But it is neither in my dropbox nor on my FTP-account.

    Do you need more information?
    PHP Version 5.2.10
    mysql 5.0.83

    Greetings from germany



    Your Plugin sounds very good, exactly what I was looking for.

    On my fresh wordpress-Installation without any plugins installed I tested it.

    My “wp-content”-folder shows up these files:
    – wpTimeMachine-data-files.sql.gz
    – wpTimeMachine-Instructions.txt

    But there is no “wpTimeMachine-content-files.tar.gz” and no upload.
    I tested My external FTP-Server and my dropbox-account for upload.

    I thpught there could be some problems with the defined variables “WP_CONTENT_DIR” or “ABSPATH” but couldn′t find anything…

    my hoster is – maybe you can give me a hint, how I can debug this problem.

    Thanks a lot so far



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