11 years ago
Looks like it’s working again? How did you fix it?
Does this work?
on_sent_ok: “var email = $(‘.wpcf7 input[name=your-email]’).val();location.replace(‘’+email+”);”
If you change display_name to user_login does that work?
sitemap_index.xml is not created by default, so check the plugin that is creating this file and ask it to rebuild.
It could be that you don’t have the right permissions for the plugin to write to this file.
Access your site via FTP and rename plugin folder – that’ll deactivate the plugin
Untested, but this looks like it might work for you:
I think this might be a local caching issue.
Your site today looks like it did last week (according to Google’s cache).
Try clearing cache and cookies and trying again
That’s not a simple plugin ??
You’ll need a combination of Custom Post Types and front end submission forms.
Start with Custom Post Types and work your way up.
Add this to your CSS:
.x-slider-revolution-container.below { border-width: 0; }
If it’s only happening locally, I suspect it’ll be a caching/cookie issue.
Try clearing both
Yes indeed it has! Yeesh!
Check your htaccess to see if it’s pointing Google to a different URL.
Then check your Plugins as I suspect at least one of them will be creating all of these spam pages.
Oh, check functions.php too.
See here
Sounds like it’s showing the excerpt.
Try altering home.php and changing the_excerpt() to the_content()
You could use the Repeater Field and Location Field to do that.