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  • Forum: Everything else WordPress
    In reply to: Blogroll

    I actually read more weblogs than there are on my blogroll – thanks to the great invention called RSS.. ?? And there I also see, which links are valid or not.
    And I don’t put all of them on my blogroll, since I already added some by hand and am now afraid, an OPML import would mess up with that. And for adding all of them by hand – well.. I’m too lazy to do that.. ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Missing Posts
    Thread Starter dominikschwind


    I just found the problem.. somehow the update-routine from 0.72 to 1.0 seems to have messed up with the
    post_status, comment_status, ping_status
    in the MySQL-database.. all three of them were not set at all. It only happened to that one post, which is kind of weird.
    Anyway, it should be working now, I’ll check my other wp-installations later on after I have done some “real” work.. ??
    Thanks anyway

    Thread Starter dominikschwind


    Try again after deleting all your cookies..

    Thread Starter dominikschwind


    Problem solved, even though, I have no clue, why.
    I just deleted all cookies for my domain and now it works nicely.
    It seems to be an issue with MovableType-login cookies on the same domain?!
    Quite weird.

    Thread Starter dominikschwind


    I just installed a WP from scratch ->
    Same Problem.
    Once again, that problem does not happen on my machine at home, even though PHP and MySQL have the same version number.

    Thread Starter dominikschwind


    Okay, here is the problem: (also appeared with the build from 2004-01-06)

    <b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/kunden/</b> on line <b>325</b>
    <b>Warning</b>: Bad arguments to implode() in <b>/kunden/</b> on line <b>328</b>
    <div id=’error’>
    SQL/DB Error:
    [<span style=’color: #007;’>You have an error in your SQL syntax near ‘)’ at line 4</span>]
    ID, category_id, cat_name, category_nicename, category_description
    FROM wp_categories, wp_post2cat, wp_posts
    WHERE category_id = cat_ID AND post_id = ID AND post_id IN ()

    <b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/kunden/</b> on line <b>335</b>
    Weirdly enough, the same upgrade went smoothly on my machine at home.

    Thread Starter dominikschwind


    Because stupid me uploaded the backup again without mentioning it here..
    I’ll try it again as soon as I’m free, then I can give more details.

    Boy, be careful.. I was wrestling mooses even before I had hair somewhere further south than my neck.. ??

    That’s sort of what I have been trying to say.. ??
    I just have some issues about CVS, since that’s obviously – sorry for saying it like that – a bit too geeky for some of us. I mean, I did get a CVS client only for the WP versions, I tried to get them to run and usually, when it didn’t work, I just thought.. “well, maybe they’re just working on that file” or whatever..
    That’s why I tried to propose those RC-versions just now – to provide some “that is a common base for bug fixing and testing” thing – in fact, just like this 1.0 version is now.
    And yes, I do respect the big heap of work, the developer gave themselves for the holidays – in fact, when they announced 1.0 for the end of 2003, I was already wondering, why they would give themselves such a tight schedule.
    Well, I don’t know, what’s their time now, but I hope, they’ll have a good night’s sleep, don’t have any heart attacks when they see all those posts here and listen to the sheep.. erp.. I mean, the community.

    I feel the big problem here was the pressure, the developers put upon themselves. I am quite sure, none of us WP-fans would have minded to get some “official” release candidate-versions, which would have to be somewhat stable, in some way, that is not CVS.
    1.0 seems to have some major problems on some versions of PHP and Apache (like on my systems) when it comes to the headers for the admin menu, on some it seems to work smoothly.
    Me for my part, I’ll have a look at those issues now and – if I can find some solution with my sub-par programming knowledge – will post my fixes to this forum.

    Meep, wrong.
    I installed WP 1.0 on a completely new domain and a completely new database and the problem is still the same.
    To me it sounds more like a problem PHP <-> Apache..

    Okay, I tried that again on another server and it still has the same errors.. ??
    The lines in the wp-login.php are those, that send cookies for the login and somehow, this seems to be a problem with the Apache..

    You look for
    Options -> RSS/RDF Feeds, Track/pingbacks -> use_weblogsping
    and set that to false.

    I hope, no-one minds this ‘ad’ here, but maybe you want to try my WAP-Logging tool?
    It can’t do many things right now, in fact, I just started developing it and it’s far from having any good features, but it can already post single posts to one weblog and it works quite well with wordpress.
    In case, you use it, I’d be very happy to get some feedback.

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