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This is a simple problems. It is not because of upgrade or anything else. When you implement the Better WP security, there is a button to Hide Backend Options. The Security tool changed fro, wp-admin, wp-login etc to just admin, without the wp. So you can either log in by entering your domain followed by admin or login eg. or you can use the where XXXX is the secret code you were provided when you enabled the Hide Backend options: If this helped leave me a commment here on our blog. https://www.sleekwarehouse.comsorry for my out burst which could have been a tranferred agression. I guess I still have a lot to learn around the wordpress. Is it not possible to get a widget that will be for me and me alone. Could I not modify the one you have so I get all the clicks directed to my hop??? he he he he.. Sorry once again..
What would I need to modify here if possible? Hope you are not too angry to reply?
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Beware, this smells scam all over!!!! Owagu you are a skillful person both in telling lies and in programming. you did the widget so it shows the installers hop id only the first 2 times (just enough for a quick test) and thereafter it’s all Owagu owagu owagu ….bravo!!!. This is fraud “419”. your name certainly sounds like one from the 419 country….ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!