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  • Hi,

    You can remove the tools options you don’t want by commenting the corresponding lines in stable/web/viewer.html. This is the file used in the iframe displayed by the plugin. You can check this post for more information and an exemple :

    And here’s the result (with a few CSS hacks) :

    I hope this help.


    I found a hack to remove the buttons if you want. The plugin uses an iframe of the file stable/web/viewer.html to display the pdf. So you just have to comment the menus you don’t want in this file and they won’t appear in your viewer. Here’s the part I modified for reference :

    <div id="secondaryToolbar" class="secondaryToolbar hidden doorHangerRight">
              <div id="secondaryToolbarButtonContainer">
                <button id="secondaryPresentationMode" class="secondaryToolbarButton presentationMode visibleLargeView" title="Switch to Presentation Mode" tabindex="51" data-l10n-id="presentation_mode">
                  <span data-l10n-id="presentation_mode_label">Presentation Mode</span>
                <!--<button id="secondaryOpenFile" class="secondaryToolbarButton openFile visibleLargeView" title="Open File" tabindex="52" data-l10n-id="open_file">
                  <span data-l10n-id="open_file_label">Open</span>
                <button id="secondaryPrint" class="secondaryToolbarButton print visibleMediumView" title="Print" tabindex="53" data-l10n-id="print">
                  <span data-l10n-id="print_label">Print</span>
                <button id="secondaryDownload" class="secondaryToolbarButton download visibleMediumView" title="Download" tabindex="54" data-l10n-id="download">
                  <span data-l10n-id="download_label">Download</span>
                <a href="#" id="secondaryViewBookmark" class="secondaryToolbarButton bookmark visibleSmallView" title="Current view (copy or open in new window)" tabindex="55" data-l10n-id="bookmark">
                  <span data-l10n-id="bookmark_label">Current View</span>
                <div class="horizontalToolbarSeparator visibleLargeView"></div>-->
                <button id="firstPage" class="secondaryToolbarButton firstPage" title="Go to First Page" tabindex="56" data-l10n-id="first_page">
                  <span data-l10n-id="first_page_label">Go to First Page</span>
                <button id="lastPage" class="secondaryToolbarButton lastPage" title="Go to Last Page" tabindex="57" data-l10n-id="last_page">
                  <span data-l10n-id="last_page_label">Go to Last Page</span>
                <!--<div class="horizontalToolbarSeparator"></div>
                <button id="pageRotateCw" class="secondaryToolbarButton rotateCw" title="Rotate Clockwise" tabindex="58" data-l10n-id="page_rotate_cw">
                  <span data-l10n-id="page_rotate_cw_label">Rotate Clockwise</span>
                <button id="pageRotateCcw" class="secondaryToolbarButton rotateCcw" title="Rotate Counterclockwise" tabindex="59" data-l10n-id="page_rotate_ccw">
                  <span data-l10n-id="page_rotate_ccw_label">Rotate Counterclockwise</span>
                <div class="horizontalToolbarSeparator"></div>-->
                <button id="toggleHandTool" class="secondaryToolbarButton handTool" title="Enable hand tool" tabindex="60" data-l10n-id="hand_tool_enable">
                  <span data-l10n-id="hand_tool_enable_label">Enable hand tool</span>
                <!--<div class="horizontalToolbarSeparator"></div>
                <button id="documentProperties" class="secondaryToolbarButton documentProperties" title="Document Properties…" tabindex="61" data-l10n-id="document_properties">
                  <span data-l10n-id="document_properties_label">Document Properties…</span>
            </div>  <!-- secondaryToolbar -->

    That’s a bad way to solve this problem since it will disapear at next update, but it should do the trick until the devs add an option for this.


    You can replace the plugin’s beta or stable folder with the pre-built versions you linked to. I tried on a website I’m working on and it seems to work correctly, it allows you to use the latest version of PDF.js.

    That’s a hackish solution and I’m not sure it changes anything to this plugin, but I wanted to point it out.

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