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  • Thread Starter dollium



    I did a lot of debugging on my local, and it turns out it is indeed a compatibility issue with another plugin. The plugin in question just happens to be WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency which is detrimental for our client, as they need to have multiple currencies enabled for their site, different for each language. I have no clue why KCO works the first time when accessing the checkout page though, and then seems to break when trying to re-access it after leaving the checkout.

    These are the parameters received when using only necessary plugins and the basic twenty-twentythree theme:


    Which doesn’t really, to me, explain the cause of it, but as said, the plugin seems to have a compatibility issue. Everything works fine if the mentioned WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency -plugin is disabled.

    Any chance that you would make KCO compatible with the mentioned plugin?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by dollium.
    Thread Starter dollium


    Additional information: this seems to happen only if you first go to cart, then back to the site (away from cart), and then try access the cart again. Tested on chrome and firefox. I’m unsure what could be the issue here.

    Thread Starter dollium



    I’m sorry for getting back to this so late. The problem still persists. And the error is CF7s own error, yellow/orange border, ‘Validation errors occurred’ -one. I do not get an error into the console, or a log.

    But as mentioned, this only happens with IE for some reason. :/

    Thread Starter dollium


    That was it! Thank you so very much for your help! It works great now. ??

    Thread Starter dollium



    I have only one rule set and haven’t changed it since first post.

    Show group-166 if Haluantarjouksen equals Puunkaato

    The rule seems to be fine as it is, but still for some reason the fields are not shown when ‘Puunkaato’ is selected.

    Thread Starter dollium


    Apologies for that mess:

    <p class="formotsikko">Tarjouspyynt?</p>
    <p>Nimi*<br />
        [text* your-name placeholder "Etunimi Sukunimi"] </p>
    <p>Yritys<br />
        [text your-yritys placeholder "Yrityksen nimi"] </p>
    <p>Osoite<br />
        [text your-address placeholder "Katuosoite, postinumero ja -toimipaikka"] </p>
    <p>S?hk?posti*<br />
        [email* your-email placeholder "S?hk?postiosoite"] </p>
    <p>Puhelin<br />
        [tel tel-260 placeholder "Puhelinnumero"]</p>
    <div class="formviiva"></div>
    <p class="formotsikko">Haluan tarjouksen</p>
    [radio Haluantarjouksen id:tarjousvalinta class:tarjous default:1 "J?tehuolto ja -kuljetus" "Ker?ysv?lineet ja vaihtolavat, myynti ja vuokraus" "Lokapalvelut" "Puunkaato" "Muut palvelut (j?teastioiden pesu, tietoturvapalvelut, Kotinouto-palvelu"]
    [group group-166]
      Omakotitalojen yleisin j?teastiakoko on 240l.
      Taloyhti?iden yleisin j?teastiakoko on 660l.</p>
      <p>Haluan tarjouksen<br /></p>
      <div class="tarjous">
        [checkbox checkbox-140 "sekaj?tteest?"]
        <p>J?tes?ili?n koko (litraa)<br />
        [radio radio-40 default:1 "140" "240" "660" "joku muu"]
        [text text-281 placeholder "Kappalem??r?"]</p>
        <p>Toivottu tyhjennysv?li (viikkoa)<br />
        [radio radio-41 default:1 "2" "4" "6" "8" "10" "12"]</p>
        <p>Lis?tietoa<br />
        [textarea textarea-281]</p>
      <div class="tarjous">
        <p>[checkbox checkbox-141 "energiaj?tteest?"]</p>
        <p>J?tes?ili?n koko (litraa)<br />
        [radio radio-42 default:1 "140" "240" "660" "joku muu"]
        [text text-282 placeholder "Kappalem??r?"]</p>
        <p>Toivottu tyhjennysv?li (viikkoa)<br />
        [radio radio-43 default:1 "2" "4" "6" "8" "10" "12"]</p>
        <p>Lis?tietoa<br />
        [textarea textarea-282]</p>
      <div class="tarjous">
        <p>[checkbox checkbox-142 "Muu j?te"]</p>
        <p>J?tes?ili?n koko (litraa)<br />
        [radio radio-44 default:1 "140" "240" "660" "joku muu"]
        [text text-283 placeholder "Kappalem??r?"]</p>
        <p>Toivottu tyhjennysv?li (viikkoa)<br />
        [radio radio-45 default:1 "2" "4" "6" "8" "10" "12"]</p>
        <p>Lis?tietoa<br />
        [textarea textarea-283]</p>
      <div class="formviiva"></div>
      <p class="formotsikko">Yhteydenottopyynt?</p>
    <p>[checkbox checkbox-129 "Haluan, ett? minuun otetaan yhteytt?"] </p>
    <p>Asia<br />
    [textarea textarea-282]</p>
    <p> Katso rekisteriseloste
      <a style="padding: initial;" target="_blank" href="//" title="Rekisteriseloste">t??lt?</a>
    <p>[submit class:btn class:btn-default class:formbtn "L?het?"]</p>

    I think I checked over the code now, and everything seems to be in order. The fields still do not show up.


    I am currently struggling with this same problem, with the same exact message. The app is not visible on Facebook in the Apps section for me, and removing it from Instagram and reconnecting afterwards has no effect. This has happened with 2 separate accounts.

    Do you have any tips on what to try next?

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