Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] überschrift & WPMLVielen Dank, bei mir funktioniert es jetzt auch.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] überschrift & WPMLIch kann es bei mir mit einer Suche nach dem Text leider nicht finden:
und es taucht auch anders herum die entsprechende Domain (shariff3uu_design) gar nicht auf:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] überschrift & WPMLHallo Jan-Peter,
ja, ich habe das entsprechende Paket und nutze ansonsten auch die String-übersetzung. Für Shariff werden mir dort aktuell (Version 4.6) 263 übersetzbare Strings angezeigt und die die Texte für die überschriften sind nicht mit dabei.
Die wpml-config.xml-Datei finde ich nach dem Update bei mir im Plugin-Verzeichnis und sie hat den folgenden Inhalt:
<key name=”shariff3uu_design”>
<key name=”headline”/>
<key name=”headline_zero”/>
<key name=”shariff3uu_advanced”>
<key name=”info_url”/>
<key name=”info_text”/>
</wpml-config>Auf der genannten Seite sehe ich in der englischen Variante über den Buttons “Share this post” und auf der deutschen nichts weiter.
Noch zur Information: Ich habe die überschrift in der Konfiguration als plain text hinterlegt und keine weiteren HTML/CSS Attribute verwendet.
Viele Grü?e
MarkusForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] überschrift & WPMLHallo Jan-Peter,
danke für die Anpassung. Leider habe ich das bei mir nicht so zum Laufen bekommen bzw. den eingegebenen String (beide Felder für die überschriften getestet) nicht im der String-übersetzung von WPML gefunden.
Viele Grü?e
MarkusForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] überschrift & WPMLHallo zusammen,
das gleiche Thema interessiert mich auch sehr und leider habe auch ich trotz intensiver Suche bisher keine L?sung dafür gefunden.
In der Shariff Konfiguration befindet sich der genannte String unter “Design” –> “überschrift über allen Shariff-Buttons:”.
Die Vorbelegung des Feldes an sich “Share this post” <-> “Teile diesen Beitrag” kann problemlos übersetzt werden. ?ndert aber in dem Fall natürlich nichts an der Anzeige auf der Webseite, sondern nur an dem Info-Text der im Feld steht, wenn es leer ist.
Aktuell bei mir im Einsatz: Shariff 4.5.1 / WPML Multilingual CMS 4.0.8 / WPML String Translation 2.8.8
Viele Grü?e
Markusreally wired… somehow sometimes backups start and there might be an hint why backups most of the time end with the error JOB HAS STARTED, BUT NOT RESPONDED FOR 10 SECONDS. May it be related to already running (very long running) tasks in the background?
Here is a recent log:
[INFO] BackWPup 3.4.4; A project of Inpsyde GmbH [INFO] WordPress 4.9.4 on [INFO] Log Level: Debug [INFO] BackWPup job: Daily Backup; DBDUMP+FILE+WPPLUGIN [INFO] Runs with user: (0) [INFO] Cron: 0 20 * * *; Next: Wed, 14 Mar 2018 @ 20:00 [INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron [INFO] PHP ver.: 7.0.25-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (64bit); apache2handler; Linux [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 300 seconds [INFO] Script restart time is configured to 30 seconds [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.7.21-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [INFO] Web Server: Apache [INFO] Temp folder is: /var/www/mysitewebsite/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-57f065-temp/ [INFO] Logfile is: /var/www/mysite/website/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-57f065-logs/backwpup_log_57f065_2018-03-14_07-56-48.html [INFO] Backup file is: /var/www/mysite/website/wp-content/backup/mysite-daily_20180314_075648_7JL7AZPC01.tar.gz [14-Mar-2018 07:56:48] 1. Try to backup database … [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Connected to database wp_dv on localhost [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Backup database table "dv_commentmeta" with "0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Backup database table "dv_comments" with "0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Backup database table "dv_duplicator_pro_entities" with "~5" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Backup database table "dv_duplicator_pro_packages" with "~0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Backup database table "dv_icl_content_status" with "~0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Backup database table "dv_icl_core_status" with "~0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Backup database table "dv_icl_flags" with "~63" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Backup database table "dv_icl_languages" with "~63" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Backup database table "dv_icl_languages_translations" with "~3969" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Backup database table "dv_icl_locale_map" with "~2" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Backup database table "dv_icl_message_status" with "~0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Backup database table "dv_icl_mo_files_domains" with "~16" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:49] Backup database table "dv_icl_node" with "~0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:50] Backup database table "dv_icl_reminders" with "~0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:50] Backup database table "dv_icl_string_packages" with "~0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:50] Backup database table "dv_icl_string_pages" with "~10567" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:50] Backup database table "dv_icl_string_positions" with "~3599" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:50] Backup database table "dv_icl_string_status" with "~0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:50] Backup database table "dv_icl_string_translations" with "~11877" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:50] Backup database table "dv_icl_string_urls" with "~50" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:50] Backup database table "dv_icl_strings" with "~13654" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:50] Backup database table "dv_icl_translate" with "~598" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:50] Backup database table "dv_icl_translate_job" with "~51" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:50] Backup database table "dv_icl_translation_batches" with "~15" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:51] Backup database table "dv_icl_translation_status" with "~429" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:51] Backup database table "dv_icl_translations" with "~1419" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:51] Backup database table "dv_links" with "0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:51] Backup database table "dv_options" with "1192" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:51] Backup database table "dv_postmeta" with "21192" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:51] Backup database table "dv_posts" with "2852" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:51] Backup database table "dv_responsive_menu" with "~224" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:51] Backup database table "dv_revslider_css" with "50" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:51] Backup database table "dv_revslider_layer_animations" with "0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:51] Backup database table "dv_revslider_settings" with "1" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:51] Backup database table "dv_revslider_sliders" with "1" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:51] Backup database table "dv_revslider_slides" with "10" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:52] Backup database table "dv_revslider_static_slides" with "0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:52] Backup database table "dv_term_relationships" with "404" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:52] Backup database table "dv_term_taxonomy" with "62" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:52] Backup database table "dv_termmeta" with "~0" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:52] Backup database table "dv_terms" with "62" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:52] Backup database table "dv_usermeta" with "220" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:52] Backup database table "dv_users" with "6" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:52] Backup database table "dv_yoast_seo_links" with "~439" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:52] Backup database table "dv_yoast_seo_meta" with "~248" records [14-Mar-2018 07:56:52] Added database dump "wp_dv.sql" with 13.51 MB to backup file list [14-Mar-2018 07:56:52] Database backup done! [14-Mar-2018 07:56:52] Restart after 4 seconds. [21-Mar-2018 00:44:16] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up … [21-Mar-2018 00:44:19] Added "wp-config.php" to backup file list [21-Mar-2018 00:44:19] 1721 folders to backup. [21-Mar-2018 00:44:19] Restart after 4 seconds. [24-Mar-2018 05:41:32] ERROR: Aborted, because no progress for one hour!
See what happens especially here:
[14-Mar-2018 07:56:52] Restart after 4 seconds. [21-Mar-2018 00:44:16] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
Anotherone is still running:
[24-Mar-2018 05:41:37] Database backup done! [24-Mar-2018 05:41:37] Restart after 4 seconds.
Here’s a screenshot of the job monitor right now (27-Mar-2018 11:22:37):
I have three seperate instances of wordpress running on this server. Is it possible that these longrunning jobs interfere with other? I absolutely cant’t find out why these jobs are running that long.
Once again nothing there. I absolutely dont’get it…
The rights must be ok, otherwise the folder would not have been created. But logs aren’t there. I must be missing something.Is it possible that you have a look at my installation?
I didn’t change anything and I just found out that there is a new backup from march 7th from my planned backup. But since then there is no new backup. There is no log for march 7th. Pretty strange…
And there is a log from march 9th (manual backup – with errors) but no backup at all.
I just un- an reinstalled the plugin and folders backwpup-57f065-temp and backwpup-57f065-logs where created in my uploads (new ids parallel to the old ones) folder but backup still stops with “job has started, but not responded for 10 seconds”.
I could but there is absolutely nothing in there at the time I try to make a backup…
Here is the latest log:<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="de-DE"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>BackWPup-Protokoll für Daily Backup von 22. Dezember 2017 am 3:18</title> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" /> <meta name="copyright" content="Copyright © 2012 - 2017 Inpsyde GmbH" /> <meta name="author" content="Inpsyde GmbH" /> <meta name="generator" content="BackWPup 3.4.4" /> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta name="date" content="2017-12-22T02:18:46+00:00" /> <meta name="backwpup_errors" content="0" /> <meta name="backwpup_warnings" content="0" /> <meta name="backwpup_jobid" content="1" /> <meta name="backwpup_jobname" content="Daily Backup" /> <meta name="backwpup_jobtype" content="DBCHECK+DBDUMP+FILE+WPPLUGIN" /> <meta name="backwpup_backupfilesize" content="161733165" /> <meta name="backwpup_jobruntime" content="44" /> </head> <body style="margin:0;padding:3px;font-family:monospace;font-size:12px;line-height:15px;background-color:black;color:#c0c0c0;white-space:nowrap;"> [INFO] BackWPup 3.4.4; Ein Projekt der Inpsyde GmbH<br /> [INFO] WordPress 4.8.4 auf<br /> [INFO] Log-Level: Normal <br /> [INFO] BackWPup-Auftrag: Daily Backup<br /> [INFO] Logfile ist: backwpup_log_b2ca4a_2017-12-22_03-18-46.html<br /> [INFO] Backup-Datei ist: mysite_daily_2017-12-22_03-18-46_GOZMUSTD01.tar.gz<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:18:46+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:18:46]</span> 1. Versuche, die Datenbank zu sichern …<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:18:46+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:18:46]</span> Mit Datenbank wp_dv auf localhost verbunden<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:18:47+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:18:47]</span> Datenbank-Backup ?wp_dv.sql.gz“ mit 2,64 MB zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:18:47+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:18:47]</span> Datenbank-Backup fertig!<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:18:47+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:18:47]</span> 1. Versuche, eine Liste der Verzeichnisse für das Backup zu erstellen …<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:18:48+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:18:48]</span> ?wp-config.php“ zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:18:48+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:18:48]</span> 1563 Verzeichnisse zu sichern.<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:18:48+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:18:48]</span> 1. Versuche, eine Liste der installierten Plugins zu erstellen …<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:18:48+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:18:48]</span> Die Datei mit der Plugin-Liste ?mysite.pluginlist.2017-12-22.txt“ mit 2,79 KB zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:18:48+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:18:48]</span> 1. Versuche, eine Manifest-Datei zu generieren …<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:18:48+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:18:48]</span> Die Datei manifest.json mit 5,96 KB wurde zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:18:48+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:18:48]</span> 1. Versuche, Backup zu erstellen …<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:18:48+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:18:48]</span> Komprimiere Dateien als TarGz. Bitte habe einen Moment Geduld.<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:19:29+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:19:29]</span> Backup wurde erstellt.<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:19:29+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:19:29]</span> Archivgr??e ist 154,24 MB<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:19:29+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:19:29]</span> 9811 Dateien mit 230,15 MB im Archiv.<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:19:30+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:19:30]</span> Eine Sicherungsdatei gel?scht<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:19:30+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:19:30]</span> 1. Versuche, die Datenbank zu prüfen …<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:19:30+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:19:30]</span> Datenbank-Check fertig!<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:19:30+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:19:30]</span> Eine alte Log-Datei gel?scht<br /> <span datetime="2017-12-22T02:19:30+00:00" >[22-Dec-2017 03:19:30]</span> Auftrag erledigt in 44 Sekunden.<br /> </body> </html>
No, nothing newer than 22 december 2017.
Hi @duongcuong96),
just tried:
find /var/www/mysite/website/wp-content/ -type d -exec chmod 775 {} +and after that also:
find /var/www/mysite/website/wp-content/ -type d -exec chmod 777 {} +chmod worked as expected and set the correct rights to folders.
-> No change, same error messages, no logs, no changes in debug information and no new folders.
I just found out that the one-click-backup of the database one the dasboard works as expected. But probably there is no local storage involved.
I also checked again an the backup worked till december 22. I cant’t remember any changes with regards to backwup and accessrights. Plugins can be Updated via the worpress frontend without problems so access rights must be (partly) correct. Does the plugin internally use full paths or relational ones from the wordpress basfolder?
Kind regards,
Screenhost 1
Screenshot 2It also happens with an new backup with only database backup and mail as the target. Same message and no log to start an investigation.
Kind regards,
Markus- This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by docu.
Thanks for takinging the time @duongcuong96
I set the Maximum Script Execution Time setting to 25 seconds -> no change.
This is my /var/www/mysite/website/wp-content/uploads/ folder:
drwxrwxr-x 10 mysite www-data 4096 Dez 1 2015 2015 drwxrwxr-x 14 mysite www-data 4096 Dez 1 2016 2016 drwxrwxr-x 14 mysite www-data 4096 Dez 1 00:10 2017 drwxrwxr-x 4 mysite www-data 4096 Feb 1 00:03 2018 drwxrwxr-x 2 mysite www-data 4096 Dez 22 03:19 backwpup-b2ca4a-temp drwxrwxr-x 3 mysite www-data 4096 Nov 2 11:34 cache drwxr-xr-x 2 mysite www-data 4096 Nov 5 13:41 flags
There is only one folder starting with backwpup-b2ca4a-. Which names should the other two have? Permissions seem to be ok. They are the same starting from /website/wp-content/uploads/. Below that (/var/www/mysite) owner and group are root because mysite is the homefolder for the user mysite (ftp / chroot). Can that be the Problem? I thought it worked exactly that way in the past. And the full path is also shown in the debug info.