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  • MrkingID, I cleared cookies and caches, and that didn’t fix anything that I could see. So I started poking around in the files themselves. I found the trouble, and it’s very serious; at least for me. My site, hosted by GoDaddy, was hacked. (I don’t believe GoDaddy is necessarily culpable; but I have 14 sites with them, and I know they have a LOT of WP sites hosted.)

    All the .php files had a line of code added at the top. This line is way too long to reproduce here. That line, which contained ‘decode=” and a bunch of stuff, was invoking some hacker’s site, blocking everything I tried to do.

    Fortunately, I had a clean backup at the WP 2.8.5 stage. So I wiped out the files (not the database or graphics, stuff like that), and reloaded. THEN I got a new copy of 2.9.1 and checked all the .php files in there. They appeared fine, so I upgraded manually.

    So far, the site is behaving as I expect, and in all browsers.

    Watch your status bar at the bottom of the browser while you invoke the Dashboard. If it’s trying to load some unknown site, please make it stop and go fix your site. Or look in some .php files using FileZilla or similar and see if you’re infected.

    I don’t know if anything in my database is messed up. I’ve sequestered the current copy, and I’ve got a recent backup handy, just in case. More disturbing to me is the “coincidence” that my upgrading to 2.9.1 aligned perfectly with this problem.

    Now I gotta go check (and maybe rebuild) all the other WP 2.9 sites I have…

    Okay, I got Firefox 3.6 running, finally. I tried to go to the Dashboard, and got exactly the same response as with Firefox 3.5.7. That is:

      Screen shows the Dashboard for a split second.
      Screen goes white, status line (bottom left) shows Done.
      Tab shows the URL, with the “still downloading” flying circle active.

    Explorer 8 has no trouble showing the dashboard on any of my installations, whether WP 2.9.0 or 2.9.1.

    I’d prefer to be on Firefox. Should this be referred to Mozilla in some way?

    I am following this thread carefully. I have a dashboard issue, very similar, but not exactly the same. I don’t see the dashboard at all for my main site.

    I run 14 WordPress sites. All are on WP 2.9.0 at present, except the one giving me trouble. That one is “upgraded” to WP 2.9.1. I completed the upgrade (using automatic method, after backups), then went into the dashboard to do maintenance.

    No dice.

    I’m using Firefox, latest version I know of (3.5.7; automatically updated).

    First, I logged into my site. That worked well, and recognized me properly. Then I clicked on the Dashboard link in my sidebar login space.

    I saw the dashboard start up, but in less than a second it disappeared. The tab went from showing “Dashboard” to showing the raw URL. That tab continued to show the action as incomplete, even after the bottom notification banner said it was Done. The displayed URL is correct.

    I tried both the admin user, and my own user w/ admin status. Again, no dice. I hit the back button on the browser, and it appears to be stuck on the blank page. If I hit the back button twice quickly, it goes all the way back to my blog site. (

    I downloaded a new package of WP 2.9.1, latest stable code. I replaced the wp-admin files and folder, leaving the rest of the install intact. I didn’t attempt any edits of the database.

    I next tried Internet Explorer 8, and everything is fine over there. Apparently, Firefox 3.5.7 and WP 2.9.1 don’t play together nicely. I’m trying to get Firefox 3.6, but it’s slow downloading; I’ll post on that experiment later.

    All my WP 2.9.0 installations are fine. I won’t update any of them until this issue is resolved.

    As further info: I found that my Google Analytics pane says “No Analytics account selected. Double check you are authenticated with Google on Google Analyticator’s settings page and make sure an account is selected.” and my Incoming Links pane has the RSS error posted previously.

    My Google Analytics has always worked just fine, and I use it extensively. Incoming Links was working yesterday; I upgraded this morning…

    Just wondering: what do those 4 panes have in common in the PHP code?


    phuffstatler and all,

    I also get this error after upgrading to WP 2.9 from WP 2.8.6. The Development Blog and the Other WordPress News autofeeds are showing “RSS Error: The data could not be converted to UTF-8” in their dashboard panes.

    My hoster is GoDaddy, MySQL is 5.x. I’ve been using WP on their hosting for 2.5 years, now, no problems on that side before. I suspect a small code snippet somewhere…


    Thread Starter docteerex


    Peppini, here’s some other stuff on this issue: For some reason, all my sites work well now. Can’t say how they all got fixed, I’ve done so much maintenance on them and all.

    I can say I didn’t attack the problem directly, it just seemed to go away over time. I haven’t upgraded past WP 2.6.0, btw…

    Here’s something interesting that may be related. I have 5 new WordPress sites up at GoDaddy. I’ve used GoDaddy for 2 years, no problems. These 5 sites are all hosted at different server IPs. They are also built in subdirectories of some of my other hosting on the main sites.

    I built all 5 the same: Same WordPress 2.6.0 files, same theme, same plugin loads. I plan to customize later. First, though, I’m troubleshooting a problem: One of the sites runs quite differently from the other four! Symptoms of the “bad” site:

    Loads much slower
    Admin can’t change page authors
    All user profiles; when loaded, the first password line is filled w/ a password

    There may be other differences as well, but these three are driving me crazy! I even tried disabling all plugins, the three symptoms are still there.

    I’m thinking, if I can find whatever is causing the two symptoms I can see when managing the site in Dashboard, then I’ll likely solve the speed problem for that site as well. It doesn’t load so slow it chokes; but clearly 4-6x slower than any of the other four (identical) sites…

    Any ideas on this? Maybe if we can find what’s up here, we can get insights into everybody’s slow site problems…

    Kizmetech (and all),

    I noted similar problems with all 8 of my sites when I moved to WP 2.6. I am worried it’s server-side as well, since I host all 8 sites with the same provider. Tiny worked well in WP 2.3 and WP 2.5.1 for me, though; I had WYSIWYG until the day I upgraded (all 8) sites to WP 2.6…


    Thread Starter docteerex


    I’m going to mark this one resolved, as there is a better thread elsewhere. The problem is not with the TinyMCE Advanced plugin; that seems to be working fine. My apologies to the Author of the plugin!


    Thread Starter docteerex


    Thanks for the thought, azaozz. Here’s an update. First, all 8 sites are working this way; it’s something common…

    Here’s what I’ve tried. I went into my main site and deactivated all the plugins. Then I cleared caches and closed the browser. Next I went into the site again. Because I had the plugins deactivated, very little worked; I went through the /wp-login script and got back to the console.

    I opened the editor. Still showing 2 tabs, with the HTML code showing on the Visual tab. The HTML tab was present but inactive. Attempting to click it did nothing.

    I moved to the admin user page and unchecked the “Use Visual Editor” box to deactivate. I moved back to the editor, and the tabs were gone, as expected. So I reactivated the Visual Editor, and again, the two tabs were showing but only the Visual part was active. And the editor shows only the HTML when I look at a page or post.

    Because I’ve got all the plugins deactivated, it can’t be any of those causing the problem. Sure enough, there’s no change in the editor behavior when I reactivate the plugins.

    I tried this on 4 of my 8 sites. All of them give the same behavior. All of them were fine before the upgrade to WP 2.6.

    I’m very confused. However, if I have to have only one view of the information, I’d prefer the HTML; I can hack my way through that okay.

    Anybody else seeing this in their upgrades? I’d hate to revert all 8 sites at this point, just to get a better editor. (In fact, I won’t; I use a separate blog editor for most of the work, only need the internal editor for touchups and such.)


    Thread Starter docteerex


    Okay, I just did the “obvious” thing (obvious after the fact), and deactivated the TinyMCE Advanced plugin and went to look at a static page. Only HTML showing, in the Visual pane, and the HTML tab isn’t clickable. Most likely the problem isn’t inside the plugin; could be something else that doesn’t play well w/ WP 2.6, and I just happened to see this first.

    I’ll leave this up for a while to see if any ideas come in from this direction. I’ll also post over in the WP 2.6 support area, see if something’s been seen by those folks.


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