Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [atec Cache Info] caching details on nginx+php-fpmplease update to atec Cache Info v1.7.7
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [atec Cache Info] caching details on nginx+php-fpmplease update to atec Cache Info v1.7.6
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [atec Cache Info] caching details on nginx+php-fpmI have uploaded a new version, that will show more details.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [atec Cache Info] caching details on nginx+php-fpmwe can see the limits now, double both values, sting is still full and slow down your system.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [atec Cache Info] caching details on nginx+php-fpmSo it says that the memory_consumption is 256M and the free memory is 4GB right?
That is strange.
BUT: memory_consumption is read from the directives in php and the usage is from op_status.
If these two values differ –?as in your case, something is wrong.
Do you understand?
The install effectively has 4 GB, but the php.ini reading show only 256 M.
Also to improve your system, increase the interned_strings_buffer step by step.
Start withopcache.interned_strings_buffer=32M
Because the interned_strings_buffer is full.
Reduce max_accelerated_files toopcache.max_accelerated_files=32000
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [atec Cache Info] caching details on nginx+php-fpmplease update to v1.7.5 and send screen shot i want to see why -percent is shown.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [atec Cache APCu] Problem after updatesit’s running fine here, please send more details.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [atec Cache APCu] Problem after updatescan you send a screen shot?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [atec Cache Info] caching details on nginx+php-fpmNumber of keys, hitrat and mem usage to not fit together.
Try increasing the opcache.memory_consumption to 4GB to see what happens.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [atec Cache Info] caching details on nginx+php-fpmOPC scripts tab also has a .php scan feature, so you can see how many .php files each installation has –?so you can adjust max files.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [atec Cache Info] caching details on nginx+php-fpmyou also might want to set opcache.log_verbosity_level and check your VPS syslog for errors.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [atec Cache Info] caching details on nginx+php-fpmif you use fast panel look for the default php settings valid for all sites
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [atec Cache Info] caching details on nginx+php-fpmuploaded new version with more insights.
override and max-waste. Please update and send screenshot.we need to find out why flush does not work.
it should work with the flush button in atec-cache-info or the system should refresh the OPC automatically when full.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [atec Cache Info] caching details on nginx+php-fpmIf you hit flush, cache should be cleared. Page reloaded and you get “Flushing OPcache …?successful.”
If that does not happen, please check browser console for java script error or enable WP_DEBUG to show any errors.
you can use ate-debug to do that.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [atec Cache Info] caching details on nginx+php-fpmThe real size if what you set in opcache.memory_consumption, at least that is what is being reserved from your RAM. You set in php.ini with opcache.memory_consumption=…
But I recommend using only one php.ini or at least do not manipulate that value in another php.ini