Forum Replies Created
Ok thanks!
Yes that actually works, but it’s still a little weird that that happens because we never altered any setting in the plugin and such a basic function like sorting should not be disturbed by a plugin, right? Thanks anyways for your help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce Analytics files are not sentHi Igor,
I’ve run some tests in trouble-shooting mode with all plugins on that have something to do with email and the reports always came through. But then I tested live and also worked with bigger reports. Let’s hope it stays this way. Otherwise I will run some further tests and get back to you afterwards.
DirkForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce PayPal Payments] Missing translation in My AccountAlright, thanks for letting me know!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Woocommerce Analytics – download does not send emailHello,
I have the same problem with a sales report. The file should be quite big. Email logging says nothing. There is no entry.
All other emails work fine.
What can that be?
DirkThanks for the hint!
Hi Niklas,
I just realized, I answered to the email not here ?? Sorry for the delay:
Yes that actually works in my test account, but how can I log into customer accounts without changing their passwords?
If this error is not related, we can skip that because this happened only one time. But nonetheless I sent you the reports.
Many thanks!
DirkForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce PayPal Payments] Strange Error on order completeThanks and sorry, looked like the same error in the first place. I am testing now!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce PayPal Payments] Strange Error on order completeHi Joost,
we have the same problem. Today we got two failed orders with different error message in the order notes. One is the same as ntbyk posted. I did a test and the frontend says:
Failed to process the payment. Please try again or contact the shop admin. [UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation.
The Paypal button looks like this:
The orders notes say:
Failed to process the payment. Please try again or contact the shop admin. [UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation. PayPalGateway.php:502 [UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation. OrderEndpoint.php:313 Status der Bestellung von Zahlung ausstehend auf Fehlgeschlagen ge?ndert.
The other error message from the two clients orders is:
Failed to process the payment. Please try again or contact the shop admin. [RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND] The specified resource does not exist. /kunden/414834_50823/webseiten/shop/live/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/modules/ppcp-wc-gateway/src/Gateway/PayPalGateway.php:502 [RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND] The specified resource does not exist. /kunden/414834_50823/webseiten/shop/live/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/modules/ppcp-api-client/src/Endpoint/OrderEndpoint.php:551 Status der Bestellung von Zahlung ausstehend auf Fehlgeschlagen ge?ndert.
Rollback to 1.8 does not work for me, this error comes back then:
CANNOT_BE_ZERO_OR_NEGATIVE Must be greater than zero. If the currency supports decimals, only two decimal place precision is supported.
We don’t use Siteground, but WP Rocket, but deactivating this does not solve the problem.
And I did several tests, the error does only appear when logged in.
At the moment I do not have a solution for this.
Thanks again for your help!
DirkForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Custom Post Order] Post order changes with Custom Post TypeHi!
I cannot send a new video, because
I cannot replicate the issue by myself: if I switch to one language for testing, change the order and then reload several times, the error is not shown anymore.
But I did a video linked above:
Hope this helps, otherwise we can close the ticket and I get in touch when the error comes again, with more detailed info then!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Custom Post Order] Post order changes with Custom Post TypeHi Beatrice,
thanks for answering so fast! I meanwhile found out, that this only happens if one language is chosen. If I switch to all languages and then sort, the order stays. When I then choose one language and reload several times, the error is gone. I tested with WP 2022. No I cannot replicate the issue by myself: if I switch to one language for testing, change the order and then reload several times, the error is not shown anymore. Seems like sorting with “all languages on” solved the issue. I know it sound strange ??
Maybe you can reproduce the error by sorting only one language …
DirkThanks for the update!
Hi Ryan,
adding define( ‘MAILCHIMP_USE_OUTBOUND_IP’, false ); solved the problem but caused nearly 20,000 pending scheduled action in a shop I care for. That blocked all subscription renewals. Deleting the code again solved this problem. I am fine with rolling back the plugin version, but I wanted to let you know. Maybe this information helps!
Hi Femi,
we had the same problem, I could solve it by rolling back. I did some tests and can rule out any plugin (at least them we are using) and theme. And, which is weird, it only happens when someone orders more than one coffee, only this product group other products with the same settings work totally fine. I can’t find any difference.
Maybe this helps!
Hi Niklas,
das ist wirklich sehr frustrierend. Seit Monaten versuche ich, das Problem zu l?sen, aber Paypal schickt mich zu euch, ihr mich wieder zu denen und so weiter. Ich habe schon Dutzende Mails dazu geschrieben, ohne Erfolg. Das einzige, was ich wei?, ist, dass von Anfang an alles richtig eingestellt war und es exakt seit dem Zeitpunkt nicht mehr funktioniert, an dem das neue Plugin eingesetzt wurde.
Ich schicke euch nochmal den Bericht, aber ihr habt den schon geprüft. Wir waren schon im Februar/M?rz mit euch (Joost) im Gespr?ch. Ihr habt uns dann zu Paypal geschickt und die mich jetzt wieder zurück zu euch, nachdem die alles genau gecheckt hatten.
Liebe Grü?e