I encounter virtually the same problem and I believe it’s a conflict in my case between WP-Insert and WordFence. See error below:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare geoip_load_shared_mem() (previously declared in /home/my_domain/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wfGeoIP.php:241) in /home/my_domain/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-insert/includes/common/geoip/geoip.inc on line 256
I received a reply back from WordFence saying they added code in the previous release that prevented the exact same error being triggered from the WordFence plugin, and the plugin could generate an error if someone else already declared that function. Can WP-Insert to do the same, so that your geo-ip functions don’t get declared if someone else has declared them. I am a novice here, so learning as I go along…just trying resolve the issue I’m having between these two popular plugins.
Thanks so much