Forum Replies Created
Support, still waiting to hear back from you for a simple fix. The widget plugin is resizing itself after it loads correctly. website is listed above.
thank you for your quick response. The link to our website is listed above. I added a space before the .com to prevent spam. weddingpassports .com
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rich Reviews by Starfish] Date orderthe above line wasn’t bolded completely.
$output .= ‘<div class=”rr_review_name”> – ‘ . $rName . ‘ ‘. $rDisplayDate .'</div>
<div class=”clear”></div>’;Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rich Reviews by Starfish] Date orderTrisha you’re a Genius!! It’s exactly what I needed!! Thank you thank you thank you! For anyone else who wants a date stamp that looks like this:
Here are the lines you need to add in Bold:
function fp_display_review($review) {
$rID = $review[‘idid’];
$rDateTime = $review[‘datetime’];
$rDisplayDate = date(‘M d, Y’,strtotime($review[‘datetime’]));
$rName = $this->fp_nice_output($review[‘reviewername’], FALSE);
$output .= ‘<div class=”rr_review_text”><span class=”drop_cap”>“</span>’ . $rText . ‘”</div>’;
$output .= ‘<div class=”rr_review_name”> – ‘ . $rName . ‘ ‘. $rDisplayDate .'</div>
<div class=”clear”></div>’;
$output .= ‘</div>’;
return $output;Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rich Reviews by Starfish] Date orderAnd does any of this stuff help??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rich Reviews by Starfish] Date orderHi Trisha thanks for your speedy response!
I too am using 1.4.2 (Though I see there is a brand new (huge!) update just a few days ago to version 1.5.0) …thinking about it…
Anyways, the “(‘. $rDisplayDate .’)” addition to the code did not work, as that function is not described anywhere in the code. Did you add this too? The good news is, I added “(‘. $rDateTime .’)” in place of your “(‘. $rDisplayDate .’)” instructions and I now have a date/time stamp on each review! …. But it’s ugly, and I don’t want the timestamp :/
How do I write a simple function like “$rDisplayDate” and make it so it just shows the date, preferably in Month/Day/Year format… and even better, the month display as a three-letter word (ie. 2 = Feb, 5 = May)?
Trisha you rock!! Thank you so much for your time! Check out our page:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rich Reviews by Starfish] Date orderTrishaM! I would very much like to know the code you used to
“Display the date the review was submitted after the reviewer’s name”
Just let me know which files and what to add! Thank you so much!!!