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  • Thread Starter dmguion


    Been there, done that–as I say, multiple browsers on two computers.

    Thread Starter dmguion


    esmi, you actually almost answered my question when you wrote, “It’s not part of your theme. The feed file is generated by WP core – on demand.” If you had added instructions on how to “demand” the php file from the WP core, I could finally fix the problem. Oh well, I think I’ve found a professional who can fiddle with it.

    Since the solution to my problem has nothing to do with the theme, your repeated simple answer is a repeated wrong answer, hence my acute frustration. I have never said this of any volunteer before, but you clowns are worth every penny you’re paid.

    Thread Starter dmguion


    Once again, you have told me what I already know instead of answering the question. I’m sorry I lost my temper after not getting an answer after only asking the same question three times. It looks like I’m not going to get much help whether I’m being a jerk or not. This question should not require mind reading. In fact, I wondered the second time whether the code I need to change is somewhere else besides the theme.

    After I lost my temper, I hunted around the Codex–usually another quagmire where I can’t find any answers–and found the following in the article


    Codex tools: Log in
    Customizing Feeds

    Languages: English ? Português do Brasil ? (Add your language)

    If terms like feed, syndication, and RSS make your head spin, stop right now and read an Introduction to Syndication. That will give you a good overview of feeds and syndication. We have an article on WordPress Feeds to help you understand the basics, if you need them, but from here on, this article assumes that you know the basics of what feeds are and how they are used.

    Customized feeds give your readers more information about you and your blog: you can include the names of additional collaborators on your blog posts, or a link to your Friend-of-a-Friend file. Contrariwise, it can also help you restrict the information available for syndication, by removing extraneous data or providing a machine-readable version of your copyright statement.

    1 How WordPress Produces Feeds
    2 Customizing Your Feeds
    2.1 Customizing Feed Templates
    2.2 Third-Party Software
    3 Checking Your New Feed
    4 More Information and Resources

    How WordPress Produces Feeds

    WordPress uses a set of feed templates to display your site’s feeds, in much the same way as it uses theme templates to display your content. These feed templates are located in the wp-includes WordPress directory. These core files are not directly compatible with the Theme system, however it is possible to use custom page templates to achieve a theme-based solution (see further information and links below) or change which templates are used.

    The following feed templates are included with WordPress:

    Displays your entries in RSS 2.0 format.
    Displays your entries in RSS 0.92 format.
    Displays your entries in RDF/RSS 1.0 format
    Displays your entries in Atom format.
    Displays comments – either the most recent comments on all posts, or the comments on a specific post – in Atom format.
    Displays comments – either the most recent comments on all posts, or the comments on a specific post – in RSS 2.0 format.

    Customizing Your Feeds

    There are a variety of ways to customize your feeds, through the use of third-party software you install and add-on to your WordPress site, or by manually changing the feed templates to meet your needs.
    Customizing Feed Templates

    Editing your feed templates is much the same as editing your theme templates. However, feed templates are not integrated into the WordPress theme system;

    Notice that that doesn’t answer my question, either. It tells me that the place that I have to look to change in in a WordPress feed template, which is not part of the theme system.

    At one point (I don’t remember when), I looked at all of my theme documentation and found nothing that looked like (which is what I think I have to change). It’s not there. I looked at at header.php and functions.php again. It’s not there. Then I hunted for the Codex page again.

    Now, here’s what I know

    1. My feed is not broken. (I knew that before you told me again.)
    2. The link is wrong. (I knew that when I started. The whole question is how to find the wrong link, which you haven’t told me.)
    3. The wrong link is not in the theme code (which I discovered after esmi’s answer).
    4. I have to look at a WordPress template, probably for feed-rss2.php

    Here’s what I don’t know, what I asked a week ago and have still not found out. I’ll ask softly and nicely this time.

    Where is feed-rss2.php? Do I have to go to my cpanel at HostGator, or is it someplace on the WP dashboard?

    If you know the answer, ipstenu, please tell me and don’t call me a jerk for not appreciating having to ask the same question over and over. Why does getting an answer to that question require a mind reader?

    If you don’t know the answer, perhaps you know someone who does.

    Once I get my answer, I will be very grateful–and will probably not visit this forum looking for answers ever again. There are an appalling number of threads here relating to things I would like to know that have been closed to further comment without ever being resolved.

    You might be unpaid volunteers–and believe me, I truly appreciate the work of unpaid volunteers whereever I find them–but you are not giving helpful answers when you merely tell people to do whatever it is they’re asking how to do in the first place. Once upon a time, you knew no more about WordPress than I do now. Now you have volunteered to help out comparative newbies. Based on your two answers to me, the “For Dummies” publishers will not be asking you to write for them. You, too, need to be patient and not be a jerk.

    Please, read my question–a very simple, straightforward question that should not require the services of a mind reader–and tell me where to find the code I need to change. After searching the codex longer than it probably would have taken you, I have found an important hint.

    Where can I find the WordPress template? And if the feed-rss2.php is not nicely identified in some kind of menu, as the theme files are, how can I find it?

    Thread Starter dmguion


    For the THIRD TIME:
    1. The correct feed works.
    2. I know I have to edit the theme

    There are more than two dozen php files in the theme editor. I scanned every single one of them and did not find anything that looks like the code for RSS feed. I was looking for the URL that comes up when I click on the RSS icon and that doesn’t work.

    I wish you people that answer questions would realize that many WordPress users know little HTML and less or no PHP or CSS. Too many of the answers on this forum assume that the questioner knows what to do already. I have now gotten two utterly uninformative answers to what seems like a fairly simple question.

    If someone will tell me WHICH of two dozen files to edit and HOW TO RECOGNIZE the piece of it that’s wrong (if perchance I’m not supposed to look for “”), I’ll have it fixed in a moment. I already looked through the haystack before I asked you guys for help finding the needle.

    Thread Starter dmguion


    I don’t see an RSS icon on Twenty Ten to test, but I doubt if the problem is theme related.

    The first form was the temporary login that I used before I repointed the domain from Blogger to WordPress. It stands to reason that somewhere in all that code there is some place that identifies that URL as the RSS feed for the blog. Where? I have access to all the theme code, but there is no search box and a big long list of different parts of it. Or would it be somewhere else besides theme code?

    I don’t have two installs. I’m talking about an addon domain and its subdomains. I want to redirect a couple of dozen posts from one subdomain to another.

    I thought this thread might address my problem. Like most WordPress forum discussions, it’s too technical for me to tell. Anyway, in preparation to import blogs from Blogger to WordPress, I divided one old blog into two parts by copying some posts to a new subdomain. Once I got them to WordPress, I tried to do a 301 redirect for each post on HostGator. I think I had three chats on HostGator, and the last tech said everything looked good there and I needed to find a plugin! A plugin to do what a couple of hours work in the cpanel didn’t? I did install one called Redirect Posts but can’t figure out for the life of me how to tell it what to redirect or where to send it. Oh if I could have the time to add content to my blogs that I’m wasting just trying to get them to function!

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