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  • Thread Starter dlmeyer


    @dion: If “the plugin” is the “preferred route”, then why is it a plugin? It should be incorporated and managed with the core code.

    I’ve been supporting WP-based sites with web-updates through SSH channels since WP 3.4 or so.

    In WP 4.1.x, that support was broken spectacularly. I was forced to install the “SSH SFTP Update support” plugin (a kludge, in my eyes…) for my clients to re-enable web/auto-updates.

    Whatever the problem was, was fixed during the 4.2 beta series. Auto-updates magically started working again… (And I noticed this on the very site I’m working with here.) This held through the 4.2.x series.

    Now, while normal function was OK during 4.2, they had to update the SSH SFTP plugin for compatibility with 4.2. There were bad releases of this, and that broke the sites that were still using it from 4.1.x, upsetting clients. I had to disable that plugin to work through it.

    Now, the basic support using libssh2 is broken again in a different (less spectacular) fashion here in 4.3 beta/RC series.

    In my experience, I cannot see the “SSH SFTP update support” plugin as a reliable alternative, either. (Especially when managed and tested separately from core…)

    Thread Starter dlmeyer


    Actually, no — I’m not disabling all the plugins. This is supposed to be auto-updating. And it’s not. That’s what I’m testing, and reporting results.

    And it’s kind of hard to run the nightlies and auto-updates if I deactivate the Beta Tester and Update Control plugins…

    Thread Starter dlmeyer


    RC2-33615 eventually installed OK when retried.

    However, attempts to install plugins now seem to stop responding during the installation — all browser output just stops, and just sits there. Meanwhile, I can watch the sftp-logs roll as files are being written, then a slew of “opendir” with a “//” in the path, then nothing for 60 seconds, then the SFTP session is closed.

    Now looks like the upgrade process is dying…

    I’ve verified that I can successfully add/install a new plugin (Hello Dolly) manually, and can also successfully delete it.

    I was able to deactivate and delete the plugin that needed updating. However, an attempt to install it never completed in the browser, yet the SFTP logs showed the installation progressing through cleanup of the subdir under ‘wp-content/upgrade/’… The installation page sat for 10 minutes before I gave up on it — Returning to the plugins page showed the plugin installed and ready to activate. Activating it was successful.

    So, I now have a fully updated beta site, but problems are still happening during plugin updates & some installs.

    Thread Starter dlmeyer


    The message I receive when attempting to update a plugin (Ithemes) follows:

    Updating plugin: iThemes Security
      Downloading update from
      Unpacking the update...
      Installing the latest version...
      Removing the old version of the plugin...
      The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions. core, lang, lib, index.php, history.txt, readme.txt, better-wp-security.php, core/content, core/css, core/img, core/js, core/lib, core/modules, core/class-itsec-lockout.php, core/class-itsec-lib.php, core/class-ithemes-sync-verb-itsec-get-

    Interestingly, today’s core version failed with a [copy_failed_ziparchive] error… but this may be spurious. We’ll see if it repeats.

    Thread Starter dlmeyer


    And besides… these are running on fully patched systems. Perhaps not bleeding edge, but WP should not be requiring “Bleeding Edge” support services.

    Thread Starter dlmeyer


    Ummm… We’re talking the SSH-filesystem support here, not HTTPS/SSL…

    The same code and configuration works just fine when the “SSH SFTP update support” plugin is installed and activated, but reports filesystem permission errors when using the default WordPress SSH routines that rely on libssh2. And this works just fine in WP 4.2.x. (And was broken rather spectacularly throughout 4.1.x series…) This sounds like a regression to me.

    I would think any use of/reliance on curl would be separate from the SSH/SFTP filesystem functionality…

    Thread Starter dlmeyer


    Our systems have libssh2-1.4.3-8.el5.remi.1 packages installed. This should be the 1.4.3 version of libssh2.

    I’ve also been monitoring the status of the betas — the current 4.2-betas have fixed this issue: the SSH2-filesystem code now works with libssh2, etc. without the need for the “SSH SFTP Updater Support” plugin.

    However, the current 4.1.1 release is rather horribly broken in this regard. (requires the “SSH SFTP Updater Support” plugin…)

    It would be rather nice if they backported the fix(es) from 4.2 to a new 4.1.x revision, so that folks can update cleanly.

    And it might be even nicer if this were somehow added to the testing/validation regimen…

    The original problem presented on multiple systems, running 5.4.36 and 5.5.20. Thus, version of PHP is not likely the issue here.

    Subsequent to my previous posting on this thread, it was found that updating the verison of libssh2 & php-pecl-ssh2 packages did not fix the problem with abending during the php processing of ssh-filesystem calls on these pages.

    The new version of WP adds a function-check on the General Settings “tab”/page that makes a filesystem call — when the filesystem is using the SSH/SFTP mode, this check is made via the php-pecl-ssh2 / libssh2 library support, when present. This is apparently where the problem lies — the calls made to these functions fail.

    OK, I requested that Remi Collett update the libssh2 & php-pecl-ssh2 packages as part of his PHP installations for RHEL/CentOS 5, and he worked on this over the weekend — updating his packages to use libssh2 1.4.3. I installed on a test system (and deactivated the ‘SSH SFTP Updater Support’ plugin…), and verified that they resolve the issue where we are seeing all the version warnings for SSH2-less-than-1.2.9 — YET I am still getting failures to delete plugins as well as the partial page error in the General -> Settings page.

    I can confirm that the new libssh2 & php-pecl-ssh2 packages are working well in all other uses, so it’s not that. The libssh2 version warning was apparently unrelated. In both error cases, I am seeing at least one SFTP connect to the SSH service. (Two back-to-back connects in the case of the plugin delete action, occurring before any further HTTP requests are sent to the site.) These SFTP connects do not appear to execute any actions, according to my sftp-logging…

    This behavior was definitely introduced between 4.0.1 and 4.1, and persists in the 4.2alpha.

    As for “knowing the error message”, there isn’t one displayed. Nor is anything relevant logged by apache. The Settings -> General page stops silently during the page generation process, and the plugin delete operation abends after confirming the deletion (“Yes, delete these files”), but before any further request is received by the site/server. The only thing displayed in my Firefox is the browser’s generic “The connection was reset” alert.

    You’re right – WP is not adopting at this point. Further detective work on my end shows that these PHP warnings are/have been occurring for all SSH2-filesystem operations. They have apparently been completing successfully until the 4.1 release, however.

    This leads me to think that there was an issue with exception handling for this, especially in any newer code introduced with 4.1. The older code was handling the situation and continuing properly/successfully. Something in the newer code is apparently abending.

    Older libssh2 libraries or not, abending is bad.

    Update on this thread: Apparently this is related to a problem with not-quite-recent-enough versions of libssh2 library. Apparently a function called during page setup has a SSH2/SFTP dependency when this support is configured, such that it fails/abends when the required new support is not present.

    See wp-41-502-bad-gateway-when-deleting-themes-or-plugins for full details and what appears to fix this…

    May I suggest some exception-handling code here? I sounds like WP is adopting use of something that requires some pretty-darn-recent support, that won’t likely be easily/quickly added to Enterprise Linux distributions. It would be wise to check to see if the feature is available before using it.

    And fairly obviously, this particular parameter/feature is not being used/specified on the other SFTP calls, since installations and other commands are working fine. And delete_specified was working pre-4.1… So is specifying/using this new “session_timeout” parameter/feature really necessary???

    @otto : libSSH Version => libssh2/1.2.7

    Strike my earlier note about needing re-install… On another site, checking General -> Settings immediately following adding/activating the ‘SSH SFTP Updater Support’ plugin results in a successful full settings page — although with the 45+ second delay before the UTC time display. (Reproducible on three separate WP4.1 sites…)

    Notable: Under my 4.2alpha test site, the same fix applies — but there is zero delay at the same point in the page load.

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