6 years, 9 months ago
Any thoughts on this guys?
9 years ago
Unforutantely changing the theme isn’t an option.
What else can be done?
Hey guys.
Sorry to say after a few weeks with no problem. Today the hompage again switched to the Contacts page.
After clearing the FalconEngine cache it worked correctly!
Any thought?
Well, how about Falcon and a CDN like cloudflare?
Would there be an issue?
Yep, i had another plugin that deals with caching. I just uninstalled it, and turned falcon engine off and back on.
Will see if it has this error in the future.
Do you think that tis was the problem?
9 years, 1 month ago
I might have foud a rason.
I juste loked into the files of the site, and in the cahce folder i found a folder named All that seemed to contajn the cached pages that were showing. I renamed it so that it couldn’t be accessed and everything showed correctly on the site.
Any ideas on that?
10 years, 1 month ago
How to change font size on blog page and post pages?
10 years, 5 months ago
I would want to know the same too!
I think romagh is talking about the picture slider under the header.
I also want to make each slide to be a link. There really is a third input field when you create a new slide, but it doesn’t seem to do anything.