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Will this update also fix the existing entries and number them correctly?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ninja Forms Blocks] compatible with Ninja Forms THREE?Hey, Alex! Do you have it up on GitHub or anything? Maybe we can help with the update?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ninja Forms Blocks] compatible with Ninja Forms THREE?No rush but I’m jumping in on this too! Great plugin. Excited to have NF3 support.
How have they not addressed the issue and how in the heck is getting 30+ days notice not enough? The blog post linked explains both their reasoning for it and their timeline. Their response absolutely answers the questions and the rationale for their decision. If that’s not enough, then that’s on you. Just because you can’t understand it doesn’t mean that they have to help you understand it.
Also, they have no obligation to open-source it. Falcon was such a small part of WordFence and there are better caching solutions out there. Don’t blame them for making a smart decision because it makes extra work for you.
@yurking – I’m not sure if English is not your primary language or not, but that last post is impossible to read.
If that’s the case, then they should have made a public post about it before pushing the WordFence update that shows the warning box. As it stands, I’m now researching and will be installing a third-party caching solution and do not plan on changing over after I’ve installed a replacement. If they’re separating this product out, they should let us know so that we can plan ahead and implement their new plugin instead of making everyone freak and scatter to find another solution. Once I find something that seems to work, I’m sticking with that and they’re shooting themselves in the foot by not giving us a heads up.
I don’t mind them making it a paid feature. I already pay for WordFence for almost all of my sites. If that’s what needs to happen, then that’s fine. This seems to be suggesting that the feature is getting removed completely, though, even for paid users.
I’m also curious why Falcon is getting removed. I use it on almost all of my sites and find that it’s the lightest caching solution with best results overall. While I’m sure there’s a reason for it, I’m definitely going to be sad to see it go.
Yeah, it’s not able to be changed. That’s why I’m asking for the feature to be added. I can work around it in the meantime, but it’s not ideal as I sometimes need the emails to go to someone different from where the iThemes emails go.
@luke –
I’ve tried an SMTP plugin but iThemes still uses the admin email as the “from:” address even when I manually set a “from:” address in the SMTP plugin settings.
I’m not willing to use SendGrid, SparkPost, or anything else as this is the only plugin that causes these issues and doesn’t allow a custom “from:” address.
Thanks for the response, though. I appreciate the help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flamingo] "Edit" Doesn't work in Inbound MessagesStill nothing?
Still not a troll on this end. So you admit that you have no idea what you’re doing, then? Oh wait… I can just look at your post and review history where you review *several* plugins and give them 0 stars for the same issue that you can’t seem to figure out. If only WordPress gave users like you reputation points so that others could see that your reviews are meaningless.
No, not a troll. Just a dev who is sick of good plugins getting terrible reviews from people who have no idea what they’re doing, can’t read, and blame the plugin authors for their own mistakes rather than any actual fault of the plugin. If anything, you’re the troll since you can’t even explain what the issue with the plugin is outside of “I don’t know what I’m doing” or “I didn’t read the instructions”.
First off… it’s not my slogan. I’m not one of the developers. Secondly, Ninja Forms *was* built with developers in mind. That’s why you have the event hooks included in the code in several different places. If you know how to use event hooks, you could easily extend the functionality of Ninja Forms to do whatever you wanted it to do. That would require that you’re a developer that knows how to develop, though, which is clearly not what you are. I think it’s a shame and an embarrassment that you can’t even admit that you’re at fault here. There is no issue at all with the claim on the Ninja Forms home page. Hundreds of developers are using it and extending it. The issue lies with you.
So then… are you admitting that you have no idea what you’re doing since you’re clearly *not* a developer or are you simply pointing out that Ninja Forms was built with developers in mind and you ignored that?