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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Proxy & VPN Blocker] Does not work properlyHi,
I use simple-cache plugin and other scipt to block vpn, and solve this problem including
the script before all settings into /wp-content/advanced-cache.phpI think the mechanism is no different because it blocks before the cache goes into action.
Best regards ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Modal Contact Form 7 with Fancybox 2solved? well
now, if you want to add a captcha code, install and activate the wordpress plugin really simple captcha.
Go to CF7 admin and generate a Captcha tag.
add this is my sample form field:
<li><label>Captcha code:</label>[captchar captcha-138 6/4 class:wpcf7-captcha-input] [captchac captcha-138 size:m class:wpcf7-captcha-image]</li>
change only “captcha-138” with your.
#form_list .wpcf7-captcha-input{float:left;border:1px solid #d6d6d6;font:11px tahoma,sans-serif;width:40px;height:18px;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;text-align:center} #form_list .wpcf7-captcha-image{width:72px;height:24px;border:none}
bye ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Modal Contact Form 7 with Fancybox 2this is correct for your Fancybox 1.3.4:
The script in ‘header.php’:
<script> jQuery(function(){ $(".email-contact").fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'none', 'transitionOut' : 'none', 'autoScale' : false, 'type' : 'iframe', 'width' : 645, 'height' : 425, 'scrolling' : 'no' }); }); </script>
The link:
<a class="email-contact iframe" href="">Register to find out more</a>
I hope goes well.
bye ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Modal Contact Form 7 with Fancybox 2try to change address ‘./overlayForms/email-contact.php’:
<script> <!-- change '' with your real domain :) --> $(function(){$(".email-contact").fancybox({tpl:{iframe:'<iframe class="fancybox-iframe" name="fancybox-frame" frameborder="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" src="./overlayForms/email-contact.php"></iframe>'},maxWidth:"645",maxHeight:"425",fitToView:!1,width:"645",height:"425",autoSize:!1,closeClick:!1,openEffect:"none",closeEffect:"none"})}) </script>
I’m not sure because you’re using the old version of fancybox. I try to see where the differences between 1.3.4 and 2.0.3.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Search Everything] Fatal Bug: Search Everything include your html codes?for strange HTML in the results, for now disable the filter:
edit search-everything.php:
// Highlight content if("Yes" == $this->options['se_use_highlight']) { add_filter('the_content', array(&$this,'se_postfilter'), 11); //add_filter('the_title', array(&$this,'se_postfilter'), 11); add_filter('the_excerpt', array(&$this,'se_postfilter'), 11); } }
@hedronist -> this is official wordpress support.
bye ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Modal Contact Form 7 with Fancybox 2correction:
add css style of fancybox in header.php:<style>@import "/example/jquery.fancybox-2.0.3/jquery.fancybox.css";</style>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Better WP Security Broke My SiteFrankly, this is a serious bug. I’ve also had the same problem, solved it by exporting the database from phpmyadmin directly to my hosting and renamed the tables by hand. I used Notepad++.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] thank you wp-super-cache , my server is down now.htaccess it’s ok.
try to put in the file wp-config.php this constant:
define (‘WP_CACHE’, true);
but the server is online or local?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] thank you wp-super-cache , my server is down nowif you do not have private settings (passwords), try to post here your .htaccess
was in conflict with ‘login lockdown’ plugin.
si-captcha now work ??
Thanks ??