Daniel Payne
Forum Replies Created
Same here
Same here, and those files are legitimate WordPress core files, so it appears to be massive false positives or some other bug in WordFence.
I think that email is delivering OK now, without PHP errors, thanks.
Thanks, for the table tcr_newsletter I was able to make the ‘id’ column a primary key, and auto-increment. Now I can resend the Join email, and then click the link to confirm opt-in.
Trying to create a new newsletter, or copying an existing newsletter still throws the error:
Database error. If you were saving a newsletter try a table upgrade from the status panel.
Yes, I used the Plugin All In One Migration to move this site from one web hosting plan over to another web hosting plan at the same vendor. I’ve used All In One Migration on dozens of sites over many years and never had any issues, until now.
Another clue, the table tcr_newsletter for the last four Subscription requests has the ‘id’ field set to ‘0’, and when I make a Subscription request for a test email address I did receive an opt-in message, however clicking the confirm link at https://tualatincr.org/?na=c&nk=0-770292ca64 causes an error:
Subscriber not found.
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Or it is not present or the secret key does not match.One more detail. If there’s a database table named ‘wp_newsletter’ for one site and then a second site uses ‘tcr_newsletter’, then when sending out email it was using email addresses from BOTH tables, not the ‘tcr_newsletter’ table that was associated with this client site. My work around was to create a totally new db, then import all ‘tcr_*’ tables into the new db, so there are no other tables like ‘wp_newsletter’ to get this plugin confused.
After replacing the PayPal field, I made a Credit Card purchase using the Safari browser on a Mac, the payment went through OK this time. Also made a Credit Card purchase on the iPad using Safari, and this time it went through OK.
I tried to make a payment using my iPad and Safari browser, but received the same fatal message. I’ll go back into WordPress, remove and re-add the PayPal field and try again. Stay tuned.
After renaming the ‘newletter’ table to ‘newsletter_old’ I was able to send out a new email properly, so I’m all set now.
I just uploaded 7.8.2, but prior it was 7.7.0 maybe…
To reproduce the bug just take an install of WordPress that has the Newsletter plugin, create a new table called ‘newsletter’ with a column named ’email’, add some fake addresses. Send out a Newsletter and it will first use the installed ‘wp_newsletter’ table, then continue on with the ‘newsletter’ table second.
It’s very weird, because I can search the Subscribers in WordPress, and it has the proper list of 139 email names. When I launch my next newsletter in a week then I’m hoping that the Newsletter plugin returns to normal, using only the ‘tcr_newsletter’ table. My old plugin from 10 years ago is no longer being used at all.
Here’s the Paused newsletter, notice the 1824 of 139 in the Progress column.
I figured out how to Pause the errant Newsletter sending to the wrong table called ‘newsletter’, but next Wednesday I plan to try sending out another Newsletter. I did find out that the ‘newsletter’ table was from a 10 year old custom plugin, so I just renamed it ‘newsletter_old’, so perhaps that will avoid any conflict with the Newsletter plugin.
I discovered that the recently migrated site is using a database table of ‘tcr_newsletter’ for the Subscriber list, which is correct, however there’s another previous WordPress installation using the table ‘newsletter’, so my recent Newsletter is being sent to the wrong table ‘newsletter’ instead of ‘tcr_newsletter’. How do I fix this?
Thanks for the feedback, I added the Twenty Twenty theme, then started de-activating Plugins to see if the “n” key bug persisted. After de-activating the JetPack plugin, then the “n” key bug disappeared. Oddly though, when I swapped back my theme, and re-activated all Plugins, including JetPack, the “n” key bug was gone. I’m stumped by what caused this bug, but am glad that it has somehow fixed itself, which makes no sense to my developer brain logic.