13 years, 3 months ago
LOL, I′d been using chrome, and upon viewing the preview in firefox it′s all good.
Dunno if your problem is the same though…
I have a similar problem:
Previews won′t display the video thats inserted in an iframe, but so far they appear when the posts are published.
site: https://dise?
Any ideas? Pics display correctly and the iframe is actually there, but without content!
I solved it: was a conflicting plugin (calendar posts). Apparently quite a lot of plug-ins can produce this error, I′d recommend checkeing these first.
Seems this plugin has caused the same conflict for me. I tried the fix you mentioned but doesn′t work for me.
Its a pity, I really loved what the plu-in does!
Any progress? I have the same problem, plus I cannot insert liks either.
When I try to insert a link it asks if I want to exit the page, cannot return to the post where the link should be inserted.
Every once in a while it works…