I’m having this problem with setting the width and height.
Strangely, the width is fine but it won’t change the height.
I’m using [media id=1 width=512 height=288]
You can see?the results at: https://www.mikeho.co.uk/gallery/clay-mo?preview=true&preview_id=52&preview_nonce=bb0d1dd9d2
What I did notice when I looked at the source code generated is that the source code contains both 288 and 240
I have posted the offending line of code below:
swfobject.embedSWF(“https://www.mikeho.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/wordtube/player.swf”, “WT1_1”, “512 height=288”, “240”, “9.0.0”, false, this.flashvars, this.params , this.attr );
Any ideas?