Ok i figured it out with this hack of sorts.
When you arrive on the Google page saying “The page you have requested cannot be displayed…”
Look up in the address bar and you will see your website address at the end of the url. Find the bit of the address of your site : “http%3A%2F%2F” and copy paste that bit so you have it twice like so: http%3A%2F%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2F”
Then press enter, you will now get the page where Google asks you to authorize, but don’t click “authorize” yet. You have to again look at the address bar and you will see https//www…. it is missing the “:” which you have to place so that it reads “https://www.” Then click enter and you will be redirected to finish the PWAPHP setup back on your blog.
I can’t believe it worked.