Well, putting it simple, Blogger has been having problems, and your blog, from what I’ve heard from other people, is not lost, it’s just not available right now.
You can specify them manually in the file, but that’s a burden if you ever need to add new pages. Other than that I think WordPress always uses the Alphabetic order thing.
Server, most likely, since WordPress sends it immeadiately. I’d recommend asking your server if there is anything wrong with their SMTP server, or if it’s being use too much.
Ermm, well, you must of done something, that or your host has done something weird. Double check your options to make sure you didn’t accidently change anything.
Okay, what you want to do is open up, or use WordPress’s theme editor to edit the themes header.php file. After you’ve done either one, replace it’s content with the content from here. Edit the image url’s and then save, and if needed, upload. Tell me if this works.