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  • Lee


    If there are not too many text strings accompanying the URLs you will be able to copy each link’s details by viewing its source, copying it then pasting it into Search RegEx (select the link text, right-click it, select “view selection source”. Copy from < a href=……to < / a>. If there are < p>< /p> tags then you’ll need to include them too).

    There are many different ways to hack into WordPress sites.

    wp-config.php contains your database username and password so remember to change the file access permissions of wp-config.php to 400 (and remember to change them back to their current settings before upgrading or re-installing WordPress Core Files, or if you want to make any edits to it.). Also, use the BulletProof Security plugin to protect your site. A few other security suggestions can be found at JournalXtra. When wp-config is set to 400, no one can edit or view it.

    When using BulletProof Security, ensure you edit the secure .htaccess file to reflect any changes you’ve personally made to your current .htaccess file before you use the secure file to replace your current file.



    Hello Dustin, I’ll reply here as well as at JournalXtra for the benefit of others.

    The /blog/ slug will still show in the backend. That’s normal. It does this with my test blogs and with those I install for others.

    Having provided a few suggestions at JournalXtra, I’m now stumped as to what to suggest. It’s good we’ve established it’s a permalink issue. But knowing how to fix it is something else. I’ve had a few problems with WP MS that have required me to re-install to get it functioning as it should (unrelated to forcing sub-directories). Those problems were created by plugins. Maybe that’s what you’ll have to do. We’ve tried disabling and re-enabling plugins, we’ve checked the redirects created by the Redirection plugin (removed root / redirects) and you’ve used an .htaccess file with only the essential rules.

    Maybe the .htaccess WordPress re-write rules are wrong. Here’s a copy of the .htaccess rules used on one of my subdirectory using WP MS sites:

    DirectoryIndex index.php
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    # uploaded files
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?files/(.+) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2 [L]
    # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?wp-admin$ $1wp-admin/ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^ - [L]
    RewriteRule  ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $2 [L]
    RewriteRule  ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*\.php)$ $2 [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]

    Try the above .htaccess rules and see what happens. It’s possible there’s a mistake in the rules you are using.



    Hello you two. Abhim12, thanks for using my site as the example ??

    Just to let you and other readers know, I do use W3 Total Cache. I can confirm that Google accepts the sitemap (I’ve just resubmitted it to double-check).




    Edit your .htaccess file (it’s in your domain’s root directory, same place as index.php and /wp-content etc…). Add these lines to it:

    DirectoryIndex index.php
    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    Make sure you leave a carriage return after the final line (press Enter/Return). Then change the .htaccess file’s permissions to 777 (Read, Write and Execute for all users). In fact, it should be fine (and safer) at 644.

    Once done, re-activate the plugin and you should be good to go.



    Best place t get advice with a purchased theme is its vendor. Are you using WP 3 Multi Site? If you are the theme might not be multi site compatible.



    Hello Micropat, it seems it was just co-incidence that disabling AdBlockPlus caused the dropdown box to display. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. I think the problem is most likely related to my configuration of 64-bit Linux and Firefox. For now, the plugin works fine.



    I’ve just been playing with a similar problem – the pop-up/drop-down menu failed to display in Firefox. Worked fine in other browsers. Had to disable AddBlockPlus to get it to work in FireFox (3.6.6, Linux AMD 64).



    Azuko, take a look at wp-config.php and ensure that there are no blank lines (carriage returns) after the final


    Sounds daft, I know, but I had the same problem earlier (blank admin pages) and the solution was to delete any blank lines after ?> in wp-confg.php

    Thread Starter Lee


    Andrea, you know what, it’s working again!!! I must have fixed it when I recreated the subdomain in cPanel to help WordPress MS along. The last post in it is the 24th June so it’s definitely been down since then, at least.

    For future reference, how should I fix WordPress so that I can remove the real subdomain DNS record?

    Thread Starter Lee


    Hey Andrea, thanks for your reply. I have several other multi sites setup on the same server. They all work fine, it’s just this one subdomain that’s playing up. I’ve tried to fix it by creating the subdomain in cPanel to point to the root install of the top domain – hasn’t fixed it.

    I’m the only registered site user (I’ve prevented others from registering new sites). The subdomain name isn’t banned (I’ve double-checked). It did work perfectly. The plugins still function; I know this because the error log shows:

    PHP Fatal error: Class ‘WP_User_Search’ not found in ~/wp-content/plugins/multipress-content/core/functions.php on line 712

    once on every date from the 26th June to 1st July. I’ll deactivate the plug via the database but I doubt it’s causing the issue. I think WordPress is failing to recognize calls to the subdomain.

    I’m going to create a new subdomain, export the database tables for the faulty one, edit the tables for use with the newly created subdomain, delete the new domain’s tables then import the (edited) old domain’s tables. After that I’ll log in to my site’s dashboard, delete the old subdomain then edit the new subdomain to replace the old subdomain. Fingers crossed. I’ll try other suggestions first though, lol.

    Thread Starter Lee


    Greg, thank you for all your help with this. I’m very happy that we found a solution.

    Just so others are aware, the bug isn’t within the plugin, it’s a flaw within WordPress 3 Multi Site’s plugin network activation handling. Greg’s amended his plugin to workaround the WP bug but some people might still need to access their sites’ database to get Greg’s plugin to work on subdomain sites.

    I’ve documented Greg’s solution here.

    Thank you, Greg, you have been very helpful ??

    Thread Starter Lee


    Worked it out: some of the export files required more than 64 Mb to create so the export script terminated prematurely hence not all content was being added to the file. Must split the files into even smaller chunks.

    Thread Starter Lee


    All of the plugin’s settings pages have none of their settings set by default and when I do set any of them I get errors such as this one:

    Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in ~/wp-content/plugins/gregs-high-performance-seo/ghpseo-setup-functions.php  on line 242
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ~/wp-content/plugins/gregs-high-performance-seo/ghpseo-setup-functions.php:242) in ~/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 890

    None of the SEO fields are added to post and page creation pages; nor do they show in any sub site’s dashboard.

    I have tried re-installing the plugin post the deletion of all of its files; and I have checked that the issue occurs whether the plugin is Network Activated or individually activated, it does.

    It works fine for the top site (domain.tld) but not for any of the subsidiary sites (sub.domain.tld).

    I will post this on your support page too.

    Thread Starter Lee


    I usually do provide greater detail but I was tired when I posted, sorry Greg. I’ll gather some more details for you and contact you via the main support site.

    I visited the plugin home page (as listed in but comments are disabled (automatically after 270 days). I must have missed something.

    Thank you Greg,

    Thread Starter Lee



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