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  • Thread Starter dinobib


    Hello again.
    Main problem is the post parent problem.
    When syncing, the page synced lost its position as a child page and it become a mess. The synced page is recognized as the old version is rewritten but with this rewritte, it would be better that the page_parent isn’t rewritted.
    Hope something could be done.

    Have the same problem.
    A video in Elementor works but a video in a Elementor popup doesn’t work. The placeholder is does not even display.

    Thanks for your explanation.
    It would need to redo all the front to have a commodity in backend.
    So I guess this is not suitable and custom post status is not the way to go for this.
    That was not obvious as the name suggest it would be able to manage this need.
    I think I will do a custom taxonomy for this purpose. It will not be easily readable as custom status but will do the trick.
    Thanks for your help

    That’s not my goal.
    I don’t want to list on front end a specific status.
    I need a status which will be viewable as a status on admin Pages, Article or CPT listing board but are treated in front-end as published.
    I fact I want a copy of the published status but with different names.
    But it seems Edit Flow created custom status are all treated as if they were draft and not as public published pages.
    These custom status will only be a visual indication in backend of how we consider the published page to better track rework to be done or update needed.
    As soon as I assign an editflow created status, the page disappear from front-end and my understanding is that all editflow status are not treated with the public attributes.
    Wordpress seems to have the public attribute when we register custom post status exactly to tell this but it seems editflow set it to false by default.
    A way to switch it to true would be needed on a custom status basis.

    I need exactly the same thing.
    I need page to be published but with a custom status to tell missing content or waiting design.
    Sadly editflow status seems all trated as draft and are so invisible in front-end.

    Thread Starter dinobib


    Le problème était a priori passager car sans rien faire, le plugin finalement fonctionne sans renvoyer d’erreur.
    Il est très utile mais il serait nécessaire que les utilisateurs soient reliés. Si je l’installe sur un site pour en assuré le support, le dashboard indique tous les tickets et pas seulement ceux d’un utilisateur. Mon Gestsup me permet de gérer plusieurs projets de plusieurs utilisateurs mais sur leur site wordpress, il serait important que seuls les tickets de l’utilisateur n’apparaisse.
    De même, avec le formulaire, si la notion d’userid était en place, on pourrait préselectionner l’userid qui soumet un ticket.
    J’espère que vous pourrez faire évoluer le plugin en ce sens.
    Merci pour le travail déjà accompli.

    Thread Starter dinobib


    I haven’t used it yet but I think I found something for my need with jQuery Inline Footnotes . I think it could be useful to look at it to provide a Markdown mode with Easy Footnotes.
    It works on the html generated from markdown footnotes without the need to use a shortcode. The best would be to use the same logic to find the footnotes but to pass them to jqtip as it provided much more control on the tooltip.

    Hi @david

    Sadly, It doesn’t change anything for me.
    Markdown is well executed but when in tab edit in frontend, I always have html markup. Edit in backend is in Markdown but it seems it is not only a different markup, the two edit mode (front and back) aren’t in sync together. If I made change in front edit, it is was is displayed but the back edit show the old version and not the actual one.


    The code you provide seems to work. Writing Markdown in back-end does display it but when you edit the wiki in front-end, it edit html and not the raw markdown you provide first. So you loose the markdown in the process.

    I presume it’s a problem related to the fact that the plugin looks like a wiki but in fact isn’t and so the changes doesn’t populate to the raw post.

    I think that it isnot safe to use markdown with wiki as you will loose it for html when someone edit in front-end ?

    Thread Starter dinobib


    It seems, there is really a problem with fetching parameter in the shortcode.
    Whatever argument for size i put in the shortcode doesn’t change anything. Other parameter as maxrowheight indeed works. For me type and size at least doesn’t work.

    Thread Starter dinobib



    It could be useful for other but i have found a solution to have the lightbox gallery feature only for the actual gallery (and not the whole images from the page.

    on the plugin php
    start by setting the default option to none
    'rel' => '',

    and later in the file, change the rgg_id and the echo rel

    <div class="rgg_imagegrid <?php echo $class ?>" rgg_id="<?php echo $id = count($all_settings) ?>">
    		foreach($media_ids as $mid) {
    			$info = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $mid, 'large' );
    			$link = $info[0];
    			$title = $captions == 'off' ? '' : get_post_field('post_excerpt', $mid);
    			$title_esc = htmlentities($title);
    			$img = wp_get_attachment_image($mid, $image_size);
    			echo "<a rel=\"lightbox[auto_group{$id}]\" href=\"$link\" title=\"$title_esc\">$img</a>";

    I think it not a clean solution as it use a count instead of getting an id but it works.

    I haven’t find why the 'type' =>'native' or type arg in short code don’t work.
    Is it only on my install that the native option don’t work, or is there others who also have this problem.

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