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  • Hello,

    I am using WP5.7 and WP Mendeley without a problem.

    The messages I see on your page make me think that there is a problem with the token (despite the message that it was successfully refreshed).

    Try two things:
    – from configurations request the list of folders. If the communication with Mendeley works fine, you will get the list.
    – empty the cache. this will force to retrieve again the references.

    Also make sure that the shortcode you are using is correct. I noticed that at times a mistake in the shortcode does not generate an error message, but it also does not display anything.


    Thread Starter dinel2016


    Thank you very much. I confirm it works now (on WordPress 5.7 :))

    Best wishes,



    I am using WordPress 5.6.2 and WP Mendeley without any problem. A couple of days ago I used customised CSL and experimented with different interesting ways to display the references + abstracts without experiencing problems (If I am allowed, I will post a link here when I finish writing the post ?? … shameless self-advertising ?? ).

    From my experience usually the problem is at the mendeley end. Did you try refreshing the token? Try to clear the cache and refresh the page.

    A good way to check whether the token is still valid is to request the collection IDs in the settings. If that does not work, it’s very likely that there is a problem with the token.

    For my website I have the “Never refresh” option selected because in this way I choose when the list needs to be updated. It also prevents cases where suddenly the page is empty, like in your case, but without a clear reason.

    I hope it helps. If it does not, the next step is to enable debugging in WordPress and see whether the errors you see are meaningful.


    Thread Starter dinel2016


    Thank you. It works. It does not look that nice without any spacing, but it will do for the time being. Thank you for your help,


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [jAlbum Bridge] Abandoned?
    Thread Starter dinel2016


    This is great. Thank you. It will be a very good way to revive some of the old albums

    I am happy to try it and submit bug reports ??



    The plugin works fine for me. Mendeley/Elsevier made some changes so recently I had to create a new app in order to make it work.

    Thread Starter dinel2016


    Hi Martin,

    Thank you for the suggestion. I have just sent a tweet and it magically appeared in the search ?? I will use this approach and see if it works for me (and I think it should).

    Best wishes,


    Thread Starter dinel2016


    Hi Martin,

    Thank you for the answer. This must be the problem. The tweets are a few weeks old. I guess I will need to think of an alternative solution.

    Best regards,


    I have to ask to rule out: did you create a new app on mendeley page? Recently they made some changes and you had to recreated the apps to get them working again.


    I have been using the plugin for a while and I always upgraded to the latest version of wordpress. I confirm that it works well with the latest version (4.9.5) and I never experienced major problems with previous versions.



    Thread Starter dinel2016



    I implemented the change and it seems to work (difficult to test something that should never happen ?? I don’t know how to send you the patch. Is it ok if I send it to your work email address (listed on the page linked by your profile)?



    Thread Starter dinel2016


    I updated one of my sites and decided to change the code of the plugin. The version I proposed works like a charm. If you do not want to wait till the next version of the plugin is out you can change the code at line 1559 (I included plenty of context so it is possible to see where the change is). The two commented lines are not necessary.

    			if (isset($_POST['emptycache_mendeleyPlugin'])) {
    			        global $wpdb;
    			        $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "mendeleycache";
    				$sql = "delete from ".$table_name." where id>0";
    				//require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php');
    <div class="updated"><p><strong><?php _e("Caches emptied.", "MendeleyPlugin"); ?></strong></p></div>
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by dinel2016.


    I had a similar problem yesterday. It may be because mendelay did something and my tokens became invalid. The problem is that even after I revalidated the token, the list of publications was not displayed. This is due to the fact that the cache is not emptied (not even when you explicitly click the Empty cache button).

    Try to:
    – revalidate the token
    – assuming that you have access to your database, empty the contents of the cache table
    – refresh page.

    It should solve your problem. Alternatively you can change the code of the mendelay plugin as I suggested in

    Hopefully it will happen with the next upgrade of the plugin.

    It would be good to check that $pos_body is not FALSE before trying to retrieve the body.

    After quite a bit of digging, I discovered that the problem is caused by your server. Because the way it is configured, it will return an error if you make a request without specifying the agent. In the end the solution is quite easy, but it took a bit of digging to get all the bits right.

    You need to change the `wp-mendeley.php’ from lines 762. This is the beginning of the function formatDocument. There are only a few changes, but I thought it’s easier to send you the beginning. The rest of the function stays the same.

    		function formatDocument($doc, $csl=Null, $textonly=False, $showcover=False, $showlink=False) {
    			$result = '';
                            // format document with a given CSL style and the CiteProc.php
                            if ($csl != Null && class_exists("citeproc")){
                            	// read the given CSL style from XML document, load it to a string, and convert it to an object
    				$cacheid = "csl-".$csl;
    				$csl_file = $this->getOutputFromCache($cacheid);
    				if (empty($csl_file)) {
    				        $curl = curl_init($csl);
    					curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    					$http_headers = array(
    						'User-Agent: Junk', // Any User-Agent will do here
    					curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
    					curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $http_headers);
                            		$csl_file = curl_exec($curl);
    					if (curl_getinfo($curl,CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) < 400) {
    					   if ($csl_file !== false) {
    					      $pos_body = stripos($csl_file, "<?xml version");
    					      $csl_file = substr($csl_file, $pos_body);
    					      $this->updateOutputInCache($cacheid, $csl_file);
    					   } else {
    					      echo "<p>1 Mendeley Plugin Error: Failed accessing Menedley API: " . curl_error($curl) . "</p>";
    					} else {
    					   echo "<p>2 Mendeley Plugin Error: Failed accessing Mendeley API: " . curl_getinfo($curl,CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) . "||||" . $csl_file . "</p>";
    					   $csl_file = "";
                            	$csl_object = simplexml_load_string($csl_file);

    It would be great if this was integrated in the actual plugin distribution. I am happy to submit a patch. It would also be good to change the error messages so they indicate the real error.

    Let me know if it works.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by dinel2016.
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