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  • (Tried to edit my prior posts but unable to…)

    Was digging around trying to either resolve this issue while waiting or find a work around – and I found what *might* be the issue, @sigul77.

    Are you using Jetpack and its “Enable site accelerator” with “speedup image load times”? I noted in Chrome’s Developer Tools that there was a Jetpack tag connected with the image being displayed on the frontend page. When I turned that setting off – the issue was resolved and the cropped imaged is now showing on the front end. Perhaps that could help you “fix” the issue?

    (I toggled with Jetpack’s Lazy Load feature – had no effect and the images load in their resized formate with this feature turned on).

    It also works with AND without a fallback image selected in the Loop template, so that’s not the answer… and it still seems to be a hangup, just perhaps a different location or perhaps an issue with Jetpack instead?

    Nor does adding a fallback image resolve the problem.

    Why would a fallback image “solve” the issue and display the correctly sized primary image?

    If that image is being populated via an ACF Dynamic Tag, wouldn’t a fallback image ruin the point of creating the Loop for a skin?

    I have the same issue – the dynamic image is resized to custom settings, showing correctly in Elementor and Page Preview – but Live page is showing varying sizes for what should be a uniform center cropped image. Cache is cleared, no change. No change in different browsers either.

    Thread Starter dilbert16588


    It was Relevanssi that was holding me back – oops. I had forgetten that I had that plugin activated (and might take a review of the usefulness of it).

    I tested the search code with the plugin deactivated and the search results included the CPT. After digging a bit in the settings and rebuilding the index, looks like it’s still working.
    (And the unstyled search result page is from copying the search.php file into the child. Removed that and my template’s working as well without affecting the results).

    Think we’re good now, thanks!

    Thread Starter dilbert16588


    Here’s the plugin list:


    MU PLUGINS: (1)

    Endurance Page Cache: 1.6


    Advanced Custom Fields: 5.8.7
    Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.1.3
    BackWPup: 3.7.0
    Broken Link Checker: 1.11.9
    Cache Enabler: 1.3.4
    Classic Editor: 1.5
    Coming Soon wp: 1.5.8
    Compress JPEG & PNG images: 3.2.0
    Contact Form 7: 5.1.6
    Contact Form 7 Extension For Mailchimp: 0.5.09
    Custom Post Type UI: 1.7.1
    Easy Updates Manager: 8.2.0
    Elementor: 2.7.5
    Elementor Pro: 2.7.3
    Envato Elements: 1.1.4
    Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights: 7.10.0
    If Menu – Visibility control for menu items: 0.15
    Jetpack by 7.9.1
    Redirection: 4.5.1
    Relevanssi: 4.3.4
    Social Pug: 1.6.2
    The GDPR Framework: 1.0.33
    WP AutoTerms: 2.3.0
    Yoast SEO: 12.6.2


    MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress: 4.7.2
    SumoMe: 1.31
    WP Review: 5.2.8

    Thread Starter dilbert16588


    Here is the CPT info for “moviereviews”:

    name: moviereviews
    label: Movie Reviews
    singular_label: Movie Review
    description: “”
    public: true
    publicly_queryable: true
    show_ui: true
    show_in_nav_menus: true
    delete_with_user: false
    show_in_rest: true
    rest_base: “”
    rest_controller_class: “”
    has_archive: true
    has_archive_string: “”
    exclude_from_search: false
    capability_type: post
    hierarchical: false
    rewrite: true
    rewrite_slug: “”
    rewrite_withfront: true
    query_var: true
    query_var_slug: “”
    menu_position: “”
    show_in_menu: true
    show_in_menu_string: “”
    menu_icon: dashicons-tickets-alt
    custom_supports: “”

    Though I have tried every variant of that in the array, even together, and it still wasn’t searching the CPT.

    Thread Starter dilbert16588


    Just took a quick look, ignore my comment about the middle of the page search bar – I’ve currently got that disabled because the sidebar overlaps it. (and my tired self thought the footer one was a search bar – it’s a contact form. oops!)

    The only thing I can affect in Elementor is the styling of the WP Search Form widget, so it’s not an issue of that not being set up right.

    Thread Starter dilbert16588


    I’ve been testing most of my searches using the right sidebar search, though think I’ve also tried the one in the middle of the homepage (but not the one in the footer). I’ll triple check, but they should all be set up the same – and I can make sure that it’s set up right. [I usually used “Rent” to test the search, the latest movie review post, but I also tried “Michael” as that term should show a couple pages in addition to the movie review for “I Am Michael.”

    Yes, I had disabled my designed search results page template to make sure that it wasn’t interfering with the results query. I did copy the search.php file from the parent theme into the Child theme’s folder – but have not edited or changed it; what you’re seeing is simply the base styling of the Hello Elementor Theme. But I can activate my template page again if that would help.

    (Everything thus far is the Hello Child theme and stylized with Elementor. The only changes I have made to any files or coding was the manual add of the CPT code into the functions file and the code to try and include the CPT.)

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