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  • Thread Starter dilbert16588


    FYI – this response is flat, comes across as uncaring. And reads like you’re trying to spin it around to avoid actually addressing a legitimate negative review of your plugin.

    If you ACTUALLY cared about resolving the problems with both your plugin and how your support team mishandled these situations, then you would’ve replied and offered all of this to me in the actual support emails instead of merely replying to a public negative review left for others to know how you treat your customers. There already WAS a direct line of communications – you merely acknowledged that I (not you or your team) had resolved the issue, and tried to sweep it under the rug.

    In fact, with the issue last year a supervisor WAS brought into to try and resolve the issue – they had absolutely zero idea what was going on, even days after the matter had been resolved. And you gave similar apologies and promises to improve elements of what went wrong after that incident. Yet here we are again, a year later, having similar issues. And the same empty apologies.

    But now you want to discuss how it was handled – and in private? No. I told you last year after that debacle that the next time there was a major issue, I’m not wasting my time but finding a different plugin that actually works. Given your plugin had worked regularly without issue after that, I gave you another shot this time. You utterly failed again – so there’s really nothing you can do at this point to placate the situation nor the failures of your plugin and support team.

    @sucuri1 Not sure if @rcain is still having issues… however, I’m having the exact same issue. (Can start a new thread if needed)

    The only change is with .htaccess file being modified, resulting in a new file in the system. I’ve already verified the modification and am simply trying to approve the alert in Sucuri’s scan.

    Having the same issue today suddenly. It appears some have “resolved” the critical error issues by reverting to an older version.

    I only have one product currently but would rather keep my shop enabled than deactivate WooCommerce. The noted temp fix from nustart worked for me – until they issue an actual fix.

    Thread Starter dilbert16588



    I was only able to take a quick glance at everything, but looks much improved!

    I did notice that under ‘post layout’, the tags are an option by itself (after the post content) whereas on CPT, it’s a drop town option within the Categories menu in the Title area. It would make it hard to show both Categories and Tags on CPT posts, and it might need different styling options so that they both look the same – but it’s certainly workable fix. Perhaps adding tags or even just the same dropdown menu option within the Meta/Category option would be the full solution – but you note that the meta area still needs some tweaks.

    I would’ve been fine adding it in code; I simply didn’t know where to start . But adding it to a theme update is certainly better, as now everyone can now benefit. Thanks!

    Thread Starter dilbert16588


    By default the core WP Categories taxonomy is designed for the post-type post. If you view an archive created by the core WP Categories taxonomy it will show posts.

    Even if you add another post types to the core WP Categories taxonomy those archives will still only show the core post type.

    You have to override how the archives query works to include other post types into the core category archive pages. This can be done with custom code.

    Because of this showing categories by default on a custom post type is not enabled since it requires custom code to enable a custom post type in a category archive it also requires custom code to show the archive name and link in the custom post type.

    Yes, thank you for explaining what I already know. ALL of this has been done already. (Since registering a CPT, even via plugin, doesn’t include this).

    The code to include my CPT within the archives for ‘tag’, ‘category’ and my custom taxonomy ‘country’ has already been added to the functions.php file within my child theme for Kadence. Therefore, anything that pulls from the archives should include the CPT as well.
    [Which works perfectly fine on a different site that I later plan to convert to Kadence… if Kadence lets me do what I need it to do].

    On the front end – it works beautifully: my cpt posts show in the tag archives.

    But that’s also not what the issue is… The issue is that Customizer does not show any editing options for the default WP Categories that have been attached to my CPT, nor does it show the custom taxonomy attached to the default WP posts.

    I don’t know Customizer, otherwise I’d be looking at that part of the code and guides to just add what’s needed. You already have a menu to edit CPT, which includes a section for the Title Elements – they just aren’t showing all of the options possible (specifically, the WP categories). Is that section using an array where it just needs added into the array? Is that section coded any differently than the Title Elements section for editing posts (where it does show WP Categories in the Title Elements)? Adding a custom taxonomy might be trickier to add, but it really shouldn’t be that hard to include WP Categories on CPT when the sections already exist.

    Woven into your reply *might* be a possible “temporary” solution: creating a CPT page template as an element with the Pro Post Grid Block (since that block seems to allow the CPT & custom taxonomy – although I didn’t find this info in the block’s information & guides…) and hooking it to show instead of my archive pages.

    But unless I’m missing something, the only way to add the WP categories in the Title Elements on a single CPT page, (or my custom taxonomy on the WP single post) would be create an entire title block element including the Title, Meta, Categories, etc and hook it using kadence_single_before_entry_content. And that’s if it all works correctly.

    Except then I’m using Kadence Pro to fix something that should work already within the Kadence theme…

    CPT might not get used often by many, but it’s not something “new”. Adding CPT in WP has been possible since 2005, and really took off around 2012 – nearly a decade ago! If Kadence theme was a standalone, “plug & play” type theme – then it’d be fine without such options. But Kadence is marketed as a core theme that can be built upon, designed, and even set to replace page builders. (The key reason why I bought the entire Membership). But this lack of support for CPT and custom taxonomies is not only frustrating, it’s disappointing.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by dilbert16588.

    Hi, @hannahritner

    Yes, it is marked as “resolved” – but the initial poster’s problem was never actually resolved. You only marked it resolved because @britner said it wasn’t possible (despite being a core WP function).

    Ergo why my continuing of this issue is appropriate for this thread – given that the issues is still the same. Additionally, with how CPT are registered and added to WP (both manually and via the plugin), the CPT is using the core ‘post’ layout and templates and the custom taxonomy has been added to the CPT, AND pages & posts. It all shows up appropriately in the editor – but not in the customiser.

    Since my unanswered comment & questions last week, I have since added CPT and custom taxonomy via CPT UI Plugin – and am having the same issue as @marashmallow in that they are not showing up in customiser.

    I will add that even adding custom taxonomies to the WP Core to Pages & Posts do not show under the Page Layout Customiser options. Only Categories are shown… but then categories don’t show under CPT…

    In all of the other themes I have worked with on multiple websites, this has never been an issue. Given that Kadence Theme is setting itself up to be a replacement for page builders, the lack of support for such a core WP element is quite disappointing.

    @marashmallow How did you set up your CPT? Just by adding the code, or using a plugin?

    I’ve got custom taxonomies attached to my CPT on my site – but it’s all set up through CPT UI plugin, which works without issue on Elementor’s Hello theme (and I was under the impression that the plugin would resolve any “theme” issues).

    @britner Does the use of the CPT UI plugin make a difference in this case? (Or using a child theme, like I typically use anyways?) Or would this setup allow for the CPT to show within WP, just not within the customiser (as that’s theme-specific)?

    I’m trying to leave Elementor and need a new theme. Everything so far points to Kadence & Kadence blocks as the best option to replace them. But if I cannot utilise the taxonomies with my established CPT, I’ll be looking elsewhere.

    Thread Starter dilbert16588



    I’m fully aware of how SEO and SEO plugins work, especially a “score” is merely a guideline that has only marginal practical reference on the internet. In fact, I utterly ignored Yoast’s scores & suggestions because they were completely wrong half of the time and most folks freely acknowledge that. Referring me back to your FAQ guides as if I were an incompetent newbie is rather insulting after I gave noted a rather specific & detailed issue with your plugin’s algorithm. My writing style alone will rarely score a “perfect 100” – so I don’t even bother trying. But thank you for at least admitting that you’ve opted to focus on speed and count only “exact keywords” rather than similar keywords.

    Google, instead, acknowledges that articles such as “the”, “a”, etc and symbols such as hyphens, ampersands, and colons are rather irrelevant for SEO until you get down to the extreme nit-picky differences when everything else is identical. “Scrooge & Marley” is essentially the same keyword as “Scrooge Marley” in their eyes; yet for you, they’re two utterly different keywords. Isn’t it Google’s and the other search engine algorithms what we are striving to compare to with an SEO plugin?

    Rank Math appealed to me for other reasons compared to Yoast, which is why I switched. But a happy byproduct was that my post & review page scores got a significant boost just from the switch alone. Yet I have no problems utterly ignoring your scoring as well. There is no SEO plugin that will actually relate to actual higher rankings online.

    But what I have an issue with, and why I have noted the algorithm issue with Rank Math is when I take two reviews from my site, both with a similar structure, similar composition, similar word counts, same number of recurrences of the focus keyword, et al – yet one scores in the 80-90 percentile; the other can barely score above a 70. The only difference: the lower scoring review includes the ampersand in the focus keyword. That clearly indicates that it’s an issue with your algorithm – one you don’t seem too keen on fixing.

    Nor are my focus keywords picked willy-nilly – they’re literally film titles. (Which is usually what people search for when looking for film reviews, thus why my focus keyword IS the correct film title). But the ampersand is commonly used with other SEO titles and meta-descriptions to combine phrases when on a limited word or character count. I doubt that the issue is limited solely to my site.

    Because they’re so similar, I know that both reviews will rank well – even though your algorithm scores the one with the ampersand significantly lower. I have no issue following your sage advice either: to ignore your own plugin’s score.

    I was giving you the option to address what is clearly a flaw with your scoring system. Whether you do or don’t, it won’t stop me from utilising good SEO principles. But you have lost any faith I might’ve had in your plugin by your lack-luster public reply.

    Can you use Rank Math with just the WP post editor? I use Elementor mostly for templates rather than building every single page/post/review but even if you built a page in Elementor, you should be able to edit it via WP.

    It doesn’t directly address your concern, however might be a good way to continue using Rank Math & Elementor together. (I have a feeling support might come back and say that it’s an Elementor issue because it occurs in Elementor’s builder.)

    Thread Starter dilbert16588


    That worked!

    Thought I was trying to pull out an interger value with the second option I tried – but looks like even that wasn’t quite right without the foreach() inclusion.

    Thanks for the help. Hopefully it can help anyone else later who use more than one post_content fields.

    Thread Starter dilbert16588


    Well, changing the $ACFcount name didn’t work (unless I somehow picked another one already in use!)

    Here’s the full error code it kicked back. Definitely starting to get lost in things… but again, it seems like the code should work.

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Unsupported operand types in /home/customer/www/ Stack trace: #0 /home/customer/www/ up_the_count(3305.6666666667) #1 /home/customer/www/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(3305.6666666667, Array) #2 /home/customer/www/ apply_filters(‘rtwp_filter_wor…’, 3305.6666666667) #3 /home/customer/www/ Reading_Time_WP->rt_calculate_reading_time(2806, Array) #4 /home/customer/www/ Reading_Time_WP->rt_reading_time(Array, ”, ‘rt_reading_time’) #5 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array) #6 /home/customer/www/ in /home/customer/www/ on line 112

    (line 112 was the ‘return $count += $ACFcount;’ line)

    Thread Starter dilbert16588


    Oops, Thought that as long as it was wrapped in the function itself it wasn’t critical.

    Running into a sorta different issue now when I put the return at the end, I get a critical error and it references back to the return $count += $ACFcount; line in my functions. Not sure why this is creating issue though because it should work.

    Or a thought – is $ACFcount used somewhere else in my theme and how I have incorporated ACF? Thus, because it’s being used twice, its creating the break.

    Thread Starter dilbert16588



    Gave it a try… but it’s still not including the other ACF fields in the total count.

    I’m using the following post in question as reference:
    The reading time underneath the page title is manually calculated without the plugin and what I’m trying to match = 19 min read. At the very bottom of the main content block (just above “My Rating Breakdown” is the result from the plugin with the filters added = 13 min read (which is just the main post_content block).

    I tried two different methods:

    add_filter( 'rtwp_filter_wordcount', 'up_the_count' );
    function up_the_count( $count ) {
    return $count += $ACFcount;
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'imdbsynopsis', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'queerrelevance', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_movie_1', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_movie_2', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_movie_3', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_movie_4', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_movie_5', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'pscontentbox', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_season_1', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_season_2', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_season_3', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_season_4', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_season_5', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_season_6', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_season_7', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_season_8', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_season_9', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_season_10', ) ),
        preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( 'synopsis_season_11', ) ),

    I then tried this route:

    add_filter( 'rtwp_filter_wordcount', 'up_the_count' );
    function up_the_count( $count ) {
    	return $count += count(preg_split( '/\s+/', get_field( $ACFcount, ) ),);
    $ACFcount=array('imdbsynopsis', 'queerrelevance', 'synopsis_movie_1', 'synopsis_movie_2', 'synopsis_movie_3', 'synopsis_movie_4', 'synopsis_movie_5', 'pscontentbox', 'synopsis_season_1', 'synopsis_season_2', 'synopsis_season_3', 'synopsis_season_4', 'synopsis_season_5', 'synopsis_season_6', 'synopsis_season_7', 'synopsis_season_8', 'synopsis_season_9', 'synopsis_season_10', 'synopsis_season_11', );

    Again, I’m certainly no expert and had to reference the get_field() format while tweaking what worked for the other two users. I probably have something wrong – just not sure what that might be. Thoughts?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by dilbert16588.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by dilbert16588.

    Why can’t we get an answer on here, as this affects myself and probably other users?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by dilbert16588.
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