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  • Thread Starter digory


    Ah, thank you!

    You should save the code in a file, then patch your original using the ‘patch’ command (

    If you don’t have access to ‘patch’ (e.g. you’re on Windows), then you should edit the original file, ossdl-cdn.php, taking out the lines that start with ‘-‘ in the patch, and adding the lines that start with ‘+’. Make sure you add them in the right location.



    I took your idea and did a different implementation.

    This patch allows you to use a CDN URL like “”, which gives you 4 hostnames to use (cdn1, cdn2, cdn3, cdn4). (You can use up to 16.)

    The main difference here is that we will use the same hostname every time for a specific resource. This prevents a user from having to re-download a cached resource upon their next visit.

    --- ossdl-cdn.php.orig  2011-02-22 12:18:40.000000000 -0500
    +++ ossdl-cdn.php       2011-02-22 12:48:07.000000000 -0500
    @@ -44,6 +44,16 @@
            if (ossdl_off_exclude_match($match[0], $arr_of_excludes)) {
                    return $match[0];
            } else {
    +               if (preg_match("/%([1-9][0-6]?)%/", $ossdl_off_cdn_url, $num_ary)) {
    +                       $num_hosts = $num_ary[1];
    +                       $md5 = md5($match[0]);
    +                       $md5 = substr($md5, 0, 1);
    +                       $md5 = hexdec($md5);
    +                       $md5 = $md5 % $num_hosts;
    +                       $md5++;
    +                       $multi_cdn_url = preg_replace("/%$num_hosts%/", $md5, $ossdl_off_cdn_url);
    +                       return str_replace($ossdl_off_blog_url, $multi_cdn_url, $match[0]);
    +               }
                    return str_replace($ossdl_off_blog_url, $ossdl_off_cdn_url, $match[0]);
    @@ -103,6 +113,7 @@
                    update_option('ossdl_off_exclude', $_POST['ossdl_off_exclude']);
            $example_cdn_uri = str_replace('https://', 'https://cdn.', str_replace('www.', '', get_option('siteurl')));
    +       $example_cdns_uri = str_replace('https://', 'https://cdn%4%.', str_replace('www.', '', get_option('siteurl')));
            ?><div class="wrap">
                    <h2>OSSDL CDN off-linker</h2>
    @@ -116,7 +127,7 @@
                                    <th scope="row"><label for="ossdl_off_cdn_url">off-site URL</label></th>
                                            <input type="text" name="ossdl_off_cdn_url" value="<?php echo(get_option('ossdl_off_cdn_url')); ?>" size="64" class="regular-text code" />
    -                                       <span class="description">The new URL to be used in place of <?php echo(get_option('siteurl')); ?> for rewriting. No trailing <code>/</code> please. E.g. <code><?php echo($example_cdn_uri); ?></code>.</span>
    +                                       <span class="description">The new URL to be used in place of <?php echo(get_option('siteurl')); ?> for rewriting. No trailing <code>/</code> please. E.g. <code><?php echo($example_cdn_uri); ?></code>. You can use <code><?php echo($example_cdns_uri); ?></code> (number between 1 and 16, surrounded by percent signs) to enable up to that many hostname variations.</span>
                            <tr valign="top">

    I had the same problem with the missing content after moving my site to a new server. Installing the lastest Markdown plugin fixed it.

    I use it.

    You can get the image file location with:
    $img = get_post_meta($id, '_wp_attached_file', 1);

    The $id there is for the image, which is not the post ID. Each image has an entry in posts, which has the post’s ID you uploaded it to under post_parent.

    You can get this with:
    $id = $wpdb->get_results("select ID from $wpdb->posts where post_parent = $post->ID"); (untested; this could be an array)



    Regarding my post above, I figured out the problem. It is because Textile uses exclamation points around their shorthand way of inserting images.

    You don’t have to comment that line after all. All you need to do is add an exclamation point right after the (=.

    $text = preg_replace('/!([^\s\(=!] . . .

    (This is in wp-content/plugins/textile1.php. Textile version 2 is not affected.)



    I had this same problem. I think it is due to some replacement code in Textile. If you disable Textile, the problem is fixed.

    To keep Textile, we must comment a line of their code. Edit the wp-content/plugins/textil1.php file, and on line 81, put a # sign at the beginning. Like this:

    #$text = preg_replace('/!([^\s\(=]+)\s?(?:\(([^\)]+)\))?!(\s)?/mU','<img src="$1" alt="$2" border="0" />$3',$text);

    It may not be exactly line 81, but it is the line with the img tag that looks like that one.

    This post has been here a while, but if you still need help….

    =20 is caused by sending a message that is not in plain text. Do not use Outlook, as even it’s supposed “plain text” mode is not really plain, plain text (in my experience). Get something like Thunderbird, from Mozilla.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: is_child() functionality?

    Works for me, too. Thanks!

    Thread Starter digory


    Yes, I think they are from the previous forum. Not fixing this is really sorry. It should be a simple apache rewrite.

    To fix, edit wp-includes/class-pop3.php, and change this line:
    if($this->RFC1939) {
    to this:
    if(!$this->RFC1939) {
    (add exclamation point).

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