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  • digitracer


    Hey @heffegg.

    Having signed up here in 2011, it looks like you’re quite an experienced user. So are you getting nervous, working for one of the competitors, is it just ignorance or what made you come out to write your 7th review within 12 years, leaving such an unjustified judgement?

    Having come across the possibility to remove one of the many permissions to configure access rights in Zephyr (Basic or Pro doesn’t make a difference) you “accidentally” chose the one and only permission that totally cuts off the ability to access the backend (to then complain about it). Wow, what a coincident!

    So if you’re really such a bloody beginner, not knowing what you do when playing with permissions, why don’t you first ask for help before you leave a negative rating for the best WordPress Project Management plugin (at least) when comes to what you get for free.

    @dylanjkotze maybe it might be an idea to put this permission to the pro version, (as it is anyways just intended to opt out client users accessing the backend) not to give trolls another chance.




    Hi usethevibe

    Where can You do that? I can’t. If the two permissions on the general settings page are not selected I can’t find a place letting me create a team or a new user.

    Could you provide a screenshot by any chance?


    Hi Dylan,
    Get emails with your change sent to all assigned project members or to users assigned to the task only?
    Would it be possible to have this as an option, too?



    In response to the initial post of rajawpdev009 I’d like to partly agree to his thoughts. As soon as a project gets archived, assigned tasks and milestones should default hidden on all task lists. Imagine the endlessly long list of tasks with sub-tasks (mainly marked as completed) on the All Tasks tab having archived 10+ projects.

    Additionally, as tasks get deleted along with the deletion of a project, having the option to categorize and archive them (as available for projects) in order to getting reused (without having to recreate them) on later projects would be very useful.


    Hi rajawpdev009
    It looks like it is available on the pro version only, as I do have these options available. Sorry, didn’t think that’s possible on my last response to you.

    As Dylan stated right where it should be! But with that many options it might get quite confusing.
    Did you by the way notice, that tasks set to “Completed” are clearly indicating that by its changed tick-boxes and strike-through of task names? So what’s the point in asking to “kindly make it correctly”?

    One thing that strikes me though is that changing the status to “Completed” on the task settings page does activate the tick box on the “My tasks” tab, but not the other way round. It would be nice to have the status of a task automatically changed to “Completed” by activating its tick-box (changing its color to blue with a tick mark inside) so that you don’t have to go to the task setting page.
    Or is there another function applied to the tick box that I don’t see?


    Hi there,

    why don’t you just use the Delete Task function to delete tasks that you don’t need to see anymore instead of setting it to the status of being completed? An automatic deletion would potentionally harm other Zephyr users workflows who for excample might want to safe finished projects for later reususe or need to know when a certain task has finally been completed in the course of the project flow etc. etc.


    Hi Dylan, these points seem to be fixed now, nice work!
    So lets proceed to some further issues I’ve discovered:

    1. Starting on top with projects, if you click on a project you’ll get to the following popup window :
    On the mobile app this window gets clipped at the bottom of the screen so that the goto project button gets invisible. Can’t scroll that window to get it shown.
    Besides that, what’s the use of this popup? IMHO it can and should be eliminated since all info provided can be found on the project details page anyways.

    2. If you click on the tasks tab next to overview, the tasks overview window will popup as shown here:
    The add task button will still open the door for unauthorized creation of tasks.
    On the mobile app this window also gets clipped as mentioned before.

    3. Looking at the Projects progress tab:
    there is a gigantic oversized pie chart present. Dunno if its only on my computer that big?

    4. Going to th Project Details Page:
    First it has to be mentioned that there seems to be no way to edit the project description (admin rights applied)
    Next, projects usually have a Project Manager in charge assigned, but there are only assignees and members to be added. That might work for agile projects, but not for the majority of the classic led projects out there. So, IMHO there should be a field for that available.
    Besides, what is the difference between adding members on the members tab and adding assignees?
    And what about assigning teams to a project?

    5. Proceeding to clicking “Tasks” on the sidebar:
    The ininitialy shown tasks seem to be quite random, as they dissapear on return to “My Tasks” after having visited “All Tasks”, as this admin role has not been assigned to any tasks.

    6. Clicking any of the listed tasks will open the tasks overview popup window as follows:
    The only thing that makes this popup window distinct from its detaile page are the items on the hamburger menu top right. They are again not sensitive to user permissions an another backdoor to unauthorized actions and should be filtered to user rights that might even have to be created or limited to specific user roles at least.
    IMHO this menu should better get moved to the task details page by elemination this otherwise redundant popup window.
    The Goto Task button at bottom right corner gets clipped on mobile app, as already mentioned above.

    All in all Google Search console is complaing about a lack of contrast between text and background on the light gray text fields. Would it be possible to change colors on those, in order to increase Seo ranking points and visibility matters (on mobile app even worse) OK, that should be it for now ??

    Hope you can work on that.

    Kind regards,

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by digitracer.

    Ok, not to make any false statements, I set up a fresh new install of WP on localhost with only zpm-plugin on it. Created a zpm-user with just view task assigned and view project assigned. Next I added a new project with 2 tasks as admin. One task is assigned to the user but not to the project, the other is assigned to the project but not to the user. Then changed wp login to zpm-user.
    Now zpm-user can see this project with 0 tasks – which is OK Changing to the tasks page the user can see only that one task assigned to him. So far so good, but as you can see on the image here:
    There is still this redundant add new button which always opens the create new task popup giving any user with any given set of permissions way to create a new task and assign it and him to a project.
    When a user has the permission to create a new task/project, the create task/project option would properly be included in the pull down popup showing up with the click on the blue circle + button. So why can’t you get rid of that add new button?
    Here you can see the create category option which should be hidden too. To trigger its appropriate appearance you would have to create a new user capability too. Same goes for an option to let a (client-)user see all tasks within a project without being assigned to all of them (zpm_view_assigned_project_tasks).

    Anxiously hoping that you will get this straight.


    A user with only viewing rights can still create tasks (the add new button on the tasks page has not been removed) and categories (you promised to have fixed months ago already) are still on the “+” tab no matter the given permissions. Same goes for the task and project popups.
    I don’t want to dig deeper anymore…

    To be honest, this is pretty daunting and too exhausting!


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by digitracer.
    Thread Starter digitracer


    Being able to answer this question myself by digging deeper I found another inconstancy:
    Setting up a user Role as “Zephir User” with the permissions to view and edit projects and tasks assigned to, this user is able to create new tasks and assign himself with this task to any project being assigned to. For every project assigned to he can also view and edit every task and this way assign himself to tasks he hasn’t. I guess that this is in contradiction to the given capabilities as well. It might be OK that a project or team member can see all project tasks (consistently this would require a capability like “view all tasks to projects assigned”), but his limited capability to edit only tasks he is assigned to should stick in any case.
    So there is something more left to be straightened.

    One more thing: If you select a task on the tasks page next you’ll get to a task overview page that provides no other navigation option than to proceed to the edit screen of that task. IMHO that does no add any value. Either get directly to the edit page or be able to navigate back to the tasks or project page as now finally possible on the task edit page only. To me the only reason for such an task overview page is to provide information for those users not having edit permissions, but this is alrready being served by leaving out the save button on the edit page as well.

    Anxiously awaiting things to come ??


    Hi Dylan,

    the user role has always been “Zephyr user” (on old login) with various permission combinations of view and/or edit projects and/or tasks assigned. Saving an edit operation was NOT possible in any combination. In all combinations it was possible to create projects, tasks and categories…


    Thread Starter digitracer


    Hi Dylan,

    thanks for responding! Yes, all latest versions including Wp.
    As of today I could login via “new login” but have not been lucky to succeed via the old version. With the new version I now get the welcome screen like on the desktop app and with user profile set to “view tasks assigned” only I don’t get access to projects anymore as it is possible via the old login. But as the list of shown tasks under the “All Tasks” tab is now filtered correctly (not with the old version) I still get to see the “Add Task” button in the top half of the screen (vs. bottom half on old vers.). While no longer having access to view or create any projects, it is possible to add categories and tasks and assign users to them. Finally a user can change all of his profile options concerning tasks and activities, though it seems that does not have any impact on his actual capabilities. I personally would not want to get a restricted user to see all/any Zephir activities.
    That’s as far as I’ve come. As with the given capability settings, I don’t see a way, a user/manager would be able to see the projects being assigned to, with all their activities whether assigned to them or not without having to give the right to see all activities (of all projects). Hope I’m wrong…?


    + 1

    Almost the same goes for the mobile App. @dylan. May I suggest to start with setting the profil of Zephyr user to ‘View Projects’ only and start exploring what can be viewed, created edited or deleted on mobile app and on WP-backend at least
    I intend to use Project Manager for joint project management with clients and install plugin on client side for further use. But as the given ACL-System looks to me, I don’t see a serious way of thinking about it as long as every user-role could potentially mess up the entire project system.

    Don’t get me wrong, as for the features provided, I do really like Project Manager and thus would like to ask if you would be so inclined to provide me with a trial version of your frontend plugin?



    BTW: On your top left dashboard info icon you’re advertising the newly availability of Woocommerce integration for download with a link to your pro offering…
    Is there any ETA you are aiming at?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by digitracer.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by digitracer.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Yui.
    Thread Starter digitracer


    Ok, thinking it should be my bad I continued trying and occasionally get lucky ( 1 out of 15 times) to login.
    Once in as Zephyr user I noticed that, although the user is set to view tasks and projects only, I was able to create tasks and projects. While not being able to see the projects created it is though possible to view the tasks.
    Adding – Edit Projects and Edit Tasks – to the user profile ends up in not being able to do so. Changes made to tasks are not being stored at all.
    Since the save-button on task edit form gets visible and accessible (via scrolling) in landscpe mode only, I stopped further investigations.
    Is it just me or my phone causing these issues?


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