Forum Replies Created
This is quite concerning to read, I haven’t updated to the last available version yet so will hold off for now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Share Buttons Adder] Undefined index issueI’m seeing this problem too, fully up to date with wordpress and the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Downloadable Product from Amazon S3 for WooCommerce] Cannot browse bucketsnope, would be great if the author or someone who has it working could help out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Downloadable Product from Amazon S3 for WooCommerce] Cannot browse bucketsThis is the error im getting in my error log:
PHP Warning: S3::getBucket(): [PermanentRedirect] The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint. in /home/spacecab/public_html/spacecabinaudio/wp-content/plugins/woo-product-download-from-amazon-s3/includes/S3.php on line 373
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Downloadable Product from Amazon S3 for WooCommerce] Cannot browse bucketsok I realised i was using the wrong endpoint it should have been I thought it was supposed to be canada but obviously not!
Now I see my buckets but the plugin browser doesnt see the contents of the buckets, Ive verified there is something inside by using the S3 management console.
How do I make my files visible to the plugin?Thanks!
Thank you
Yes I removed the title but that bar stayed, editing this in my child theme fixed it thanks!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Complex Custom Attributes and variablesI cant seem to find that info here either: Plugins
In reply to: Looking for a specific type of eCommerce plugin or soloutionHi,
Thanks, Yes i have got the hang of doing that but it wants a price per combination of variables.
I would rather have a price per variable and have it calculate the price based on those component parts rather than having to manually price the package.
Hopefully I’m explaining what im trying to do ok?
Every tutorial and document i can find only explains how to add variables with one collective price for example a tshirt with 3 sizes and 3 colours but are all priced the same,but my products are made up of variations of variables so they are two tiered.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Looking for a specific type of eCommerce plugin or soloutionok thats interesting because, I’m selling computers which are made up of various components but i dont sell components and dont want to.
So i created the component parent eg, Processor, Memory, Hard drive etc and then i created child items of different processors, different memory or hard drive sizes.But it seems that i dont have the option to put individual child item prices only a collection of items as one price.
And i seem to have to price up each and every combination of the variants.Eg,
Processor A + Memory size A + Hard Drive A = Price 1
Processor A + Memory size A + Hard Drive B = Price 2
Processor A + Memory size B + Hard Drive A = Price 3
Processor B + Memory size A + Hard Drive A = Price 4
Processor B + Memory size B + Hard Drive A = Price 5
Processor B + Memory size A + Hard Drive B = Price 6
Processor B + Memory size B + Hard Drive B = Price 7Etc Etc, but this gets massively complicated when i have multiple chile items and as many as 20 variants etc.
Should i be so complicated or am i missing something?
This will also make things really comlicated when the price of just 1 item changes, I’d really like to be able to change the price of one item and have everything automaticall update from that like it does in a spreadsheet.
I’m sure it must be possible but i cant see where to do it.Thanks very much for all your help !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Looking for a specific type of eCommerce plugin or soloutionAnother question if you dont mind, If i were to continue to complete my product line inside woo commerce and then change my mind and decide to add the ninjaforms add on at a later date would it screw everything up?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Looking for a specific type of eCommerce plugin or soloutionit does seem a little strange that you seem to have to create an overall price for you product even though it contains variables that can differ in price rather than price the parts individually and have the cart add up the total sum of the parts to get the overall price but i guess i can get used to it.
Thanks !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Looking for a specific type of eCommerce plugin or soloutionAh Ha !
Thanks very much for that tutorial link, it looks like grouped products is what i was looking for.
Cheers !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Looking for a specific type of eCommerce plugin or soloutionThank you for your help !
I also just found this: looks like it might be a quick way to do what I need.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Looking for a specific type of eCommerce plugin or soloutionThanks, Ive installed Woo Commerce but cant see how to set user choice of attributes in the products.
Is there a plugin that can do this or are you aware of some kind of guide that you could point me towards please?Thanks very much !