Forum Replies Created
Oh, it`s because in the meanwhile we deleted the old event locations. ??
Hi Angelo,
mhm… curious…
“Outdated event locations” means that there is no longer an active event at that location so I′ld like to have it no longer visible in the map.
Here is an example: https://www.tag-der-gfk.org/aktivitaeten
You can see a lot of locations in the map, but just one event.BR
DieSpeedyHi Angelo,
thanks for the hint. It seems to be the featuere I was looking for. But unfortunatelyit doesn`t work. The outdated event loactions are still visible in the map. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Bug in CSV-ExportYes I′ll do. Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Bug in CSV-ExportCurios, okay. I wrote you an email.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Missing database inserts after update to 2.0.47?? Great, that makes it clear! Thank you for clarifying. Now I am totally realeased and learned to read the changelog more carefully. ??
Thank you!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Missing database inserts after update to 2.0.47Hui… okay, I really don`t understand what changed, because it worked with this configuration since June and the results in the DB have all been stored in the eme_answers for the booking_id.
But now I changed it to a general usage field and the next test booking was fine. I`m irritiated, but released.
I will observe this the following days, but hope this will however be the fix. ??
Thank you very, very much!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Missing database inserts after update to 2.0.47Mhm, I try to explain and understand what you are saying. ??
I deleted all cache, just to be sure. And my newest booking has ID 51.
My select statement is as follow:SELECT booking_id, answer, field_id, answer_id, creation_date
= ’51’
ORDER BYbooking_id
LIMIT 50And it returns just three rows:
booking_id answer field_id answer_id creation_date
bearbeiten 51 Herr 1 406 2018-09-03 22:05:16
bearbeiten 51 45,- € inkl. Mittagessen 6 407 2018-09-03 22:05:16
bearbeiten 51 Ich habe die Datenschutzerkl?rung zur Kenntnis genommen und stimme zu, dass meine Daten zur Bearbeit… 11 411 2018-09-03 22:05:16But all other bookings have at least seven rows as results. All fields are mandotory.
What might be intersting, the issue happens just with fields for persons usage. Fields with usage general work properbly.
Could it be that there is a a commit missing? So the email will be generated, but after that the answers not commited?
Does those information help to understand the problem?
Best regards
DieSpeedyI am using adminer for SQL and went to the database due the csv-export issue which apperead again. ??
Regarding the field definitons I`m fully lost. I just definied a field name, field typ, usage of field (for persons) and the values.
The values are: WS1.1 Bedürfnisse kl?ren: Das innere Team||WS1.2 Denkst Du noch oder fühlst Du schon?||WS1.3 Das geh?rt sich so! – GFK mit Kindern
It worked properbly before with this settings, that`s why I am really confused.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] Missing database inserts after update to 2.0.47Hi Franky,
just after my entry I regognized the new version and installed it. But it didn`t fix the issue.
I assume the info is not stored in the db, because I can`t find them in the database by select. If I select by a booking ID I have to recieve seven entries with the field IDs 1,2,6,8,9,10 and 11.
Since the update I revieve only 4 entries for the same statement with different booking IDs: FieldID, 1,2, 6 and 11.
s curios. I use the #_{FIELD{xx] that
s correct. And they are dropdown menues. Worked properbly since this evening. ??If I look at the bookings from the WP backend, I see also a different choice as it`s mentioned in the email.
Any idea?
Best regards
DieSpeedyForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] CSV-export stops by 36 entriesMhm, I really don`t now, what happend yesterday. Everythig is fine again.
Anyway, thank you for your patience and support! ?? Great, as usal!!!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] CSV-export stops by 36 entriesOkay, I checked the log files and found the following issue.
WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler Table ‘gfk-niederrhein.gfktag_updater_list’ doesn’t exist f\xc3\xbcr Abfrage SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM
von include(‘wp-admin/admin-footer.php’), do_action(‘admin_footer’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, pdtr_processing_site, referer: https://www.mysite.de/wp-admin/admin.php?page=eme-registration-approvalThat seems not to be good, but this morning the export was complete again. Courious!
But I guess I should (however) recreate the table, right?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] CSV-export stops by 36 entriesHi Fanky,
I just updated WP and the plugin, but the issue is the same. All bookings after 35 are no longer exported to CSV. If I use printable view (what I mentioned as PDF export) all boookings are complete.
I check the spellings etc. but I am not able to find any differences between other bookings. No special charakters (just ??ü -worked properbly before).
The following information are taken: First Name, Last Name, E-Mail, Adress, ZIP, Location, Telphone and custom fields: Price, Workshop 1-3 and Comments.
Is there anything else I can deliver to you, that might help to fix this issue?
Best regards
DieSpeedyForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Made Easy] CSV-export stops by 36 entriesHi Franky,
thanks for your update. I regret it might be the same bug as described even if I don`t use date format. But I am still using version 2.0.35 worring make an update in the meantime of advertising. ??
Let me check if I can update and fix it then… *afraid*
@jan: Thanks, but it was just a request and for me a very urgent topic and never a demant to the volunteer support!
Best regards
DieSpeedyHi Angelo,
I regret, I didn′t understand the documentation. ?? Thank you so much!!!
Of course, it works!Best regards
DieSpeeddyHi Cais,
I`m using PHP 7.0.28.
The error eccured 38 times since yesterday.Best regards