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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ActivityPub] Qs after latestThx Matthias.
I checked on the 3 sites I enabled with ActivityPub and where I had followers (at least my own mastodon account following) and all 3 have no more followers appearing…
Can’t check anymore as has been impossible to access for at least 3 weeks, so can’t reach my account…What’s strange, BTW, is I followed from inside Mastodon, not from the WP blog.
DJMForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] 2 latest versions of plugin modify how WP admin panel behavesOh thx Jeroen.
Hadn’t found this information.
DJM@roz-jc Frankly nothing. On 1 site, tried to deactivate/activate the plugin, nothing changed. On the 2nd, did nothing (both in different hostings).
DJMOK, issue seems to be resolved on my side.
DJMHi, Exactly same error on 2 blogs I manage (so far 3 others seem to work, even on same hosting server).
Error appears on Site Kit Summary on WP Dashboard or on the dedicated Search Console page, who takes a long time to load till error appears.Here’s the full “404” message:
Data error in Search Console <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=en> <meta charset=utf-8> <meta name=viewport content="initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width"> <title>Error 404 (Not Found)!!1</title> <style> *{margin:0;padding:0}html,code{font:15px/22px arial,sans-serif}html{background:#fff;color:#222;padding:15px}body{margin:7% auto 0;max-width:390px;min-height:180px;padding:30px 0 15px}* > body{background:url(// 100% 5px no-repeat;padding-right:205px}p{margin:11px 0 22px;overflow:hidden}ins{color:#777;text-decoration:none}a img{border:0}@media screen and (max-width:772px){body{background:none;margin-top:0;max-width:none;padding-right:0}}#logo{background:url(// no-repeat;margin-left:-5px}@media only screen and (min-resolution:192dpi){#logo{background:url(// no-repeat 0% 0%/100% 100%;-moz-border-image:url(// 0}}@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2){#logo{background:url(// no-repeat;-webkit-background-size:100% 100%}}#logo{display:inline-block;height:54px;width:150px} </style> <a href="//" /><span id=logo aria-label=Google></span></a> <p><b>404.</b> <ins>That’s an error.</ins> <p>The requested URL <code>/batch/webmasters/v3</code> was not found on this server. <ins>That’s all we know.</ins>
DJM- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by cybeardjm.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress] Embedded form problemClosing thread.
DJMForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress] Embedded form problemOK, I tried a different theme (Twenty Twenty), and problem disappears.
The theme I used is :Autonomie is a highly semantic, responsive, accessible and seo optimized WordPress Theme. It provides HTML5 templates refined with microformats, microformats v2 and microdata ( Autonomie supports a lot of OpenWeb plugins and is fully IndieWeb compatible.
Theme is on Github.
My blogs are part of the Fediverse as standalone content servers.
There seems to be a conflict somewhere with this theme…
Will investigate.
DJMForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress] Embedded form problemHi @hchouhan – I knew you would ask that ??
Dit it: with MC4WP as only activated plugin, the problem still exists…
DJMForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress] Embedded form problemHi @hchouhan screencap is here
DJMForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress] Embedded form problemThx for your reply.
I understand it’s JS code. But just get that when I activate the plugin…
So where am I supposed to remove/add this code ?
In the plugin files ?
DJMOK forced twice to purge all pages from cache and seems to have removed old data.
I purge the cache regularly…
Really strange…
DJMHi Matthias, thx for the quick feedback.
I used to have MinimalGrid indeed, but I switched to Sempress 2 weeks ago.<link rel='stylesheet' id='sempress-style-css' href='' type='text/css' media='all' />
But you’re absolutely right, the breadcrumb part is from the old theme… Mea culpa.
Quite strange…
DJMForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Joinchat] How to move WA button up?Thx, checked on the website, not on the product’s page @ WordPress…
DJMOK, I did it!
* disabled all plugins, incl. Site Kit (1.4.0)
* reenabled Site Kit only in incognito mode => got the default splash screen, not the one with the reset option
* authentication processed
* went back to Site Kit dashboard this time
* finished configuringWorks fine now.
DJMPS : didn’t have to do that with the other blogs, incl. on the AMF subdomain.
Tried to “Reset Site Kit” on the “www” blog.
Reauthenticated, went till the end of the process, was “congratulated” for succeeding the setup and… went back to the homepage.
Site Kit is still inactive (splash screen) ready to be configured…