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  • Thread Starter diddiausde


    Its by the way this line. And since if ( $stats['checked'] ) is not wrong, I wonder if it has something to do with my php warning level, maybe?

    By the way the $key -variable here, needs to be $id I think, since the foreach-loop before uses $id as key.

    if ( $stats['checked'] ) {
    $output[ $key ] = $stats;

    Thread Starter diddiausde


    Hey guys, thanks for the solution. ??

    I would love to find a way to give you hints about small bugs I find. I’m working a lot with wpcm data in my own plugins, so I always stumble over something. I’m not too firm with a professional git used by many others or your code standards, so I dont want to do it in your git directly. But I also dont want to open a ticket for every small bug and be the stressful dude. ??

    An example: this one gives me about 5000 log entries every day and I wonder if only me sees this warning.

    PHP Warning: Undefined array key “checked” in /home/drhv/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-club-manager/includes/wpcm-match-functions.php on line 544

    thanx in advance

    Thread Starter diddiausde


    Thank you very much for that answer. I’ll try that out and will follow that topic then.

    Looks like you should ask a friend or somebody to help you with that page. Show that to any professional in your friendzone and she or he will resolve it, quite sure. Just tell them to help you get rid of the <pre>-tag.

    I see, but the problem is clearly part of your website and not the plugin.

    You wrapped the wp_club_manager shortcode into a <pre>-Tag. Dont know where that came from. Maybe you messed around with the classic editor.

    Try to delete the widget, recreate the shortcode and save that again.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by diddiausde.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by diddiausde.

    I’m too stupid to give proper answers ??

    So it looks broken because of the unusual


    Tag, you are using in the code.



    it looks broken because of the

    -Tag you are using withing the code.
    Thread Starter diddiausde


    well, I still didn’t have the time to test it, we’re moving the office these days.

    Thread Starter diddiausde


    Hey Leon,

    sorry for not coming back to my issues here. It’s christmas time and so on. ??

    There’s always one left in the list. No matter what. I just found out, I can also check a player within the substitutes or not-used list and uncheck the player in the start formation. But there’s always one left in at least one of the lists.

    Well, of course there’s not too much use for it. It’s just: we had some testgames at the beginning of the season and logged the stats for ’em. After the start of the regular saison, we decided to take out the goals of all test games, to not let them count on the goals count for the players. It’s a huge difference through the years when counting test and friendly games or tournament games.

    Thread Starter diddiausde


    Hey Leon,

    thanks again for helping me.

    Forget the 2nd question, it was a mistake by myself. It’s so stupid I even dont want to explain it. ??

    The first question still drives me crazy. I deactivated the caching system, but I guess it has nothing to do with it. I can delete all the players, but a last single one, whoever it is, will stay and doesn’t go away. I can uncheck that last one and check another one, to be the last one, that wont go away. So its not a caching thing, but how its been saved?!

    Hmmm.. debug doesn’t say anything.
    The database is pretty huge, after I filled the archives.
    I found an old database and installation. more than two years ago. same thing.

    Thread Starter diddiausde


    Hey Leon,

    I found out some things by myself.

    First of all there is a path-problem in the includes/sponsors-pro.php in line 160.

    wp_register_script( 'sponsorspro-imagesloaded', plugins_url( '/assets/js/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js', WPCM_SP_PLUGIN_FILE ), array('jquery-masonry'), WPCM_SP_VERSION, true );

    but your lib in assets is called “jquery.imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js”.

    So thanks to that, the Plugin is loading now in the wigets. But for some reason its not loading in the_content() when other plugins are embedded as well or the shortcode is putted into visual composer elements.
    You can see that here. Its the same site like before, but with added elements of the visual composer.

    Even with debug=true there’s nothing to see or read.

    Thread Starter diddiausde


    Hey Leon,

    Thanks again. I just bought the player stats extension.

    1. Sorry for that. I just didn’t see it, as I’m expected it to be in the WPCM-Menu. So if I were you, I’d register them in the same menu like all the others. It’s more semantic to have them in the same place like the rest of your shortcode menu. But I doesn’t need that. ??

    Unfortunaltly there are some things, which seems to be broken, maybe because of things to happen in the plugin or by my side. I need to know that, we’re going online next week.

    Should I do a normal ticket because it’s a Pro Plugin, or can I write it here because others could be interested as well?

    Maybe the shortway:

    1.1 If you look here. I’ve putted the shortcodes below the fitting text. You’ll see what I mean. But shortcodes were executed first after content. Why is that?

    The -Elements could always get a height:auto, doesn’t it? As you give it a max-width:100% by default.

    Haven’t seen all the other very cool banners sizes, so I can’t really tell if “height:auto” is the way on every single on of them. So maybe everybody has to do it with his own customization.

    1.2 Also I have sites where the the js-libary doesn’t load correctly. For example here on the first to sponsor groups – it’s the site version on my dev, but it also doesn’t work with the same error on the production side.

    1.3 I’ve seen the “problem” already maybe for this. On a players profile, on the code side, you’re adding the action within “wpcm-player-stats” but should be some own container above stats, maybe? In my template the headline “Spielerstatistiken seit 2006” is WITHIN “wpcm-profile-stats”. But the sponsor is also in it. I guess thats not the way it should be, right?

    2. Thank you. Don’t do it if you don’t have time. I’m really feeling bad.

    3. I don’t need that either. See it as a future request for 2028 maybe. Or just forget it. I guess WPCM is a hobby, so I dont want you to do too much. I know how it is. ??

    4. Coolio ?? Happy to hear that. I’m doing that for my homecity of millions of old men living there. Those people are looking at stats and they’ll write me everyday how wrong the tables are and how much better they personally would do it. I know my folks, and I can’t do nothing about it, as it makes no sense to tell them the technical details.

    So thanks again for that.

    I’ll try the players stats now. ??

    Have a nice weekend. ??

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by diddiausde.
    Thread Starter diddiausde



    thanks again. Amazing work. I’m way too lazy for this, but really like the templating.
    I’m using VisualComposer in the backend, so what I’m always doing is, using ACF’s and translating your shortcodes and ACF’s into vs_widgets, which makes it easier for my sports team to use it for sites.

    In the meantime, I was doing the translating for you in german and did like 600 translations so far in the last weeks. @theuxbc2061 did a lot too in french, so there’s progression too. ??

    I will open up another topic for new stuff.

    Is it an open GIT by the way? Or would you invite me? ??

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