Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] verified owner/home/xxxxxx.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/single-product/review-meta.php
remove all code from review-meta.php
add following Code to review-meta.php<?php
* The template to display the reviewers meta data (name, verified owner, review date)
* This template can be overridden by copying it to yourtheme/woocommerce/single-product/review-meta.php.
* HOWEVER, on occasion WooCommerce will need to update template files and you
* (the theme developer) will need to copy the new files to your theme to
* maintain compatibility. We try to do this as little as possible, but it does
* happen. When this occurs the version of the template file will be bumped and
* the readme will list any important changes.
* @see https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/template-structure/
* @package WooCommerce/Templates
* @version 3.4.0
*/defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) || exit;
global $comment;
$verified = wc_review_is_from_verified_owner( $comment->comment_ID );if ( ‘0’ === $comment->comment_approved ) { ?>
<p class=”meta”>
<em class=”woocommerce-review__awaiting-approval”>
<?php esc_html_e( ‘Your review is awaiting approval’, ‘woocommerce’ ); ?></p>
<?php } else { ?>
<p class=”meta”>
<strong class=”woocommerce-review__author”><?php comment_author(); ?>
if ( ‘yes’ === get_option( ‘woocommerce_review_rating_verification_label’ ) && $verified ) {
echo ‘<em class=”woocommerce-review__verified verified”>(‘ . esc_attr__( ‘verified buyer’, ‘woocommerce’ ) . ‘) ‘;
<span class=”woocommerce-review__dash”>–</span> <time class=”woocommerce-review__published-date” datetime=”<?php echo esc_attr( get_comment_date( ‘c’ ) ); ?>”><?php echo esc_html( get_comment_date( wc_date_format() ) ); ?></time>
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Affiliates Manager] Affiliates Manager — Multi Currency Not SupportedI am Using alien Currency Switcher to change Currency. This Affiliate Program not supported in multicurrency? Kindly Help
The page I need help with: https://www.saree.buzz
We are Using Aliea currency plugin. to switch the currency. % Commision not converted. For Example : if % Commision is 10 USD if Currency change to inr its shows 10 INR With After Switching Currency.Now this issue is resolved or Not ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Affiliates Manager] Affiliates Manager — Multi Currency Not SupportedWe are Using Aliea currency plugin. to switch the currency. % Commision not working With After Switching Currency.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wallet for WooCommerce] how can i add other currencies in this walletDear I have added function Code that
function woo_wallet_amount_cashback($amount, $currency) {
if (class_exists(‘WC_Aelia_CurrencySwitcher’)) {
$currency = Aelia\WC\CurrencySwitcher\WC_Aelia_CurrencySwitcher::settings()->base_currency();
$site_currency = get_woocommerce_currency();
$WC_Aelia_CurrencySwitcher = Aelia\WC\CurrencySwitcher\WC_Aelia_CurrencySwitcher::instance();
$amount = $WC_Aelia_CurrencySwitcher->convert($amount, $currency, $site_currency );
return $amount;
}But Still some minor Bug.
its Convert currency of Transaction in My acount .
But Total balance is Not Converting.My Base Currency is INR
The Screen Shots are as follows: https://i.postimg.cc/65jFTjhH/Screen_Shot_2018-09-19_at_10.35.12_AM.png
https://i.postimg.cc/DZTMRt2z/Screen_Shot_2018-09-19_at_10.37.35_AM.pngForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wallet for WooCommerce] how can i add other currencies in this walletI had Put this Patch but Wrong Amount Show.
it shows Only 1 CHF or 1 USD after Switching from 100 INR.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wallet for WooCommerce] how can i add other currencies in this walletas per you said your plugin is compatible with currency switcher. but i have checked it. its not converted amount, only currency logo changed.
i have in wallet 100INR after switching it by Aelia currency switcher plugin it shows 100USD
Kindly suggest for solution.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by dialnfashion.