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  • Plugin Author dholloran


    You can find the class names of the button using a tool like the Chrome web inspector, I may get around to adding it to the docs eventually. For adding the remove link not really sure where to tell you to start I have wanted to get back into add some more features to this plugin but I haven’t had use for it since I built it so I do not know when I would have time to add anything new. Sorry I couldn’t give you a better answer.

    Plugin Author dholloran


    At the moment there is not that is just how the default way WordPress handles attachments. I have been working on this the only issue if I do add it to the plugin is if you ever disable/uninstall the plugin then you loose the duplicate attachments ability.

    Plugin Author dholloran


    For each file uploaded the plugin will add a hidden input field name=”wp_multi_file_uploader_[NUMBER]” with [NUMBER] representing the amount of files starting at 1 and the value will be the uploads attachment id

    That is basically how it works I would check the $_POST or $_GET depending on your forms method and find all the keys contain wp_multi_file_uploader push them to an array or do something with they value.

    Plugin Author dholloran


    It doesn’t attach the upload to the post it does add a hidden input to the file up loaders parent form if it is enclosed in form tags. The input has the attachment Id as it’s value so I would suggest using that on form submit.

    Plugin Author dholloran


    That is the default way it works, without altering the plugin unfortunately there is no way to change it. Not sure what the end result you are trying to achieve I may be able to point you in the right direction

    Plugin Author dholloran


    For the shortcode [wp-multi-file-uploader max_file_size="15"] So this would allow a max upload size of 15mb. If you want to use the function it is similar to the shortcode wp_multi_file_uploader( array( 'max_file_size' => '15' ) );.

    Plugin Author dholloran


    The automatic output will never happen due to the fact I can’t anticipate what sort of context it would be used in. To be honest if I did that it wouldn’t be a list it would be an image slider since that’s what I use it for 99.9% of the time. Also by default WordPress doesn’t support uploads of SQL by default so it won’t be able to be attached if it’s a mime type WordPress doesn’t support then I believe you can add it custom but I wouldn’t for sure be able to support it. For the other file types PDF should work I uploaded an .xlsx and .docx file and they worked I don’t have access to the .xls or .doc file types so if you want to send me empty ones I’ll try it. Also I have it fixed and it will be out soon but for now the file extensions have to be lowercase for the time being or it could cause issues.

    Plugin Author dholloran


    Yeah definitely the settings and alternate upload directory are tops on the issue list I just have not had the extra time to build them.

    Plugin Author dholloran


    It is something that could be possible since it adds hidden form fields with the attachment ID to the form when in a form tag so you could attach them to the post once the form is submitted which basically entails setting the attachments meta post_parent equal to the current ID. That’s a really high level of how you could do it. Personally I don’t know if I’d get to adding this any time soon, if at all. If you want add it as an issue here and I’ll try to get to it.

    Plugin Author dholloran


    Only issue you would have is if your using the functions or shortcodes they won’t work. The plugin uses the native attachments functionality so if your using a custom query then you will be ok

    Plugin Author dholloran



    Sorry about that you can either comment that line out for now or fall back to 1.3.7. Sometimes I forget that SVN that WordPress uses for version control isn’t Git. So when I was cleaning up some files I changed the version number to the next release. I have made the change back to 1.3.7 so you shouldn’t get any more update notifications if you go back to 1.3.7.

    Plugin Author dholloran


    Are you talking about in the post editor? Is there a meta box with the title WP Better Attachments? Also check your developer tools Javascript console for any errors when adding an attachment. Then please send me any errors along with browser version, WP version, file type uploaded, and anything else you may have done differently than default.

    Plugin Author dholloran


    I validate the extensions in lowercase I fixed it in my dev branch so it’ll be fixed in the next release.

    Plugin Author dholloran


    Yeah it would be possible. I haven’t gotten around to creating a settings page or hooks or anything so you’d have to do it manually. I’m writing this without testing it but you should be able to set line 41, I think, in classes/class-wp-file-upload-handler.php. The line should be $attachment = $this->add_attachment( $movefile[‘url’], $movefile[‘file’] ); and you can change it to attachment = 0; and it should only upload the file. I’ll add this to my issues to add a settings page with this on it. Let me know if this doesn’t work.

    Plugin Author dholloran


    Weird I actually built this because Attachments setup was overly complicated once you got past the basics and I rather use built in WordPress attachments. Granted the docs are really good. I think my examples some how got removed from the docs I may read add them eventually thanks.

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